Douyu Top Streamer

Chapter 197 I travel the world to hunt and kill everything that denies the existence of shadows 1

Chapter 197 I travel the world to hunt and kill everything that denies the existence of shadows
"Forbidden Mysteries! Instant Prison Shadow Killing Formation"

The battle scene that all the audience in the e-sports club was most looking forward to finally broke out. All the skills broke out between the three of them at this moment, bringing the audience an extremely shocking visual impact!
The moment Bobby wielding the hammer and the red-eyed Ike rushed towards Zed, the body of Zed who was in place suddenly scattered, and at the same time, Bobby's body with the black mark on his head A shadow representing death also appeared beside him.


As one of the top players in the national server League of Legends, Chen Hongwei suppressed his anger under the sanctions of Liu Yi and did not erupt until his own jungler Ike came to support him. W skill, with such a favorable time, place, and people, he no longer has to think about any messy things, just go straight up and fight!

Who knew that Liu Yi actually used a master move that was as good as the peak, and avoided the skill connection of the two of them to the limit. The strength and responsiveness of the skill control are really amazing, and you must know that in this In a level battle, the slightest mistake will pay a very heavy price!

The moment when Zed appears after dodging the skill, Shadow Profound Truth!Blades!

There are three targets on the screen including Jie's real body and two shadows. At this time, the Thousand-mile Sword in his hand is all aimed at Bobby in the center. Poppy flew over!

Although Chen Hongwei frantically clicked the mouse around to avoid the damage of the inevitable explosion, but his position at this time was too embarrassing. The fantasy just now had blinded his eyes. But it was too late, the three thousand-mile swords stabbed Bobby in an instant!
"There is still a chance!" Chen Hongwei's friend suddenly shouted. It turns out that at this time, Ike's W skill Time Interleave is on the verge of explosion. As long as it explodes, he can immediately control the crazy Shadow Stream Master and Not without chance!

However, at the moment when Ike's W skill time stagger was about to explode, the player controlling Ike was shocked to find that where Zed's real body was just now, there was only a shadow left, and he saw the opponent on the screen. After Bobby used the Q skill, Liu Yi quickly pressed the R button and exchanged positions with the shadow clone behind Bobby in an instant!

So much so that Ike didn't react at all, and the W skill was no longer of any use!
At the same time, Liu Yi's Jie had also appeared beside Bobby. Liu Yi quickly pressed his finger on the E key, and Jie, who was wearing an iron mask exuding a ruthless aura, suddenly burst into a cloud on the screen. shadow!
Shadow Profound Truth!Ghost cut!

Bobby, who was next to Zed, and Aike, who was next to the shadow clone, didn't dodge. They were hit by Jie and the clone's E skill slash. At this time, Poppy had been marked by the big move and couldn't be full. A full set of damage for Jie!

No matter how fleshy Chen Hongwei's Bobby is, it won't help at this time. The dark light group that symbolizes death appears on Bobby's body, and the second stage of the ult of the Lord of Shadow Stream is finally at the moment of explosion!
click! ! !
The sound of explosion suddenly appeared on the field, and it clearly fell into the ears of everyone and every audience. Bobby's blood volume was instantly emptied!
Instant explosion!

Dfbb (Lord of the Shadow Stream) killed Neptune (Hammer's Fortitude)
However, all this is not over yet. After killing Bobby, Liu Yi didn't stop at all. He controlled Jie and immediately turned to face another enemy. On the battlefield at this time, there was still a person who had been teased. Angry time assassin, Ike!

"Ah drink!"

A howl full of anger resounded in an instant, and Ike's eyes were bloodshot as he watched him play tricks on him. He killed his teammate Bobby's Jie as if he was nothing, and he clenched the weapon in his hand and roared to the sky!

"Time and space break!"

With a bang, Ike's ultimate ultimate move, Time-Space Break, was suddenly used. At this time, Ike's blood volume had been improved due to the healing effect of the ultimate move, but it was obvious that his blood volume was not improved enough, because Liu Yi was When I first started using the shadow clone, Ike's big move was already taken into account!
Time and space break, its healing effect can allow Ike to heal himself, the healing amount is equivalent to a certain percentage of the damage received within four seconds, and it will cause damage to enemies within the range of the ultimate move. It can be said that Ike's ultimate move is Fighting back or escaping is extremely powerful.

It's a pity that Liu Yi had already included the effect of Ike's ultimate move. From the beginning to the end of killing Bobby, Zed's only attack on Ike was the inevitable shadow clone's E skill attack. Besides, there is no other attack!

Ike's big move is basically useless, and Liu Yi's Zed lost Poppy in seconds due to the high burst damage, so the blood volume of Zed didn't drop much at this time, compared to Ike who used the big move It's on par!

The skills between the two are on the CD at this time, and both of them are melee heroes, and their blood volume is about the same. up!
The life-and-death struggle between Ike and Jie is brutal and shocking!

Finally, Ike's skills recovered one step ahead of Zed. Seeing that the skills still hadn't recovered and his blood volume was not enough to support a set of skills, the player controlling Ike showed a smile, but at the next moment, he His eyes widened suddenly, and then he looked at the screen in front of him with an extremely unwilling expression!
"It's like catching a turtle in a urn!"

At this critical juncture, the male gun who had rushed to the vicinity of the battlefield after thousands of miles, looked at the critical situation, raised the huge steel gun in his hand without hesitation, and blasted at Ike who was entangled with Jie!

The Ultimate Bomb!

Step in!Ike, who had the upper hand, instantly lost his blood volume compared to Liu Yi's Jie. Seeing this scene, Chen Hongwei sighed unwillingly and then closed his eyes. However, the situation on the court will not change because of him alone. , The next moment, Zed, who recovered his skills, looked at Ike who was close at hand and showed a bloodthirsty smile.

With a light wave of the sharp blade in his hand, Ike fell to the ground in response!

Dfbb (Lord of Shadow Stream) killed this life, one person (Time Assassin)

Doublekill! ! !

In Summoner's Canyon, the system female voice sounded again after the kill message, but this time the synthesized voice was a little shocking and passionate!
Walking in the shadows, chasing in the dark, I walk in the world, hunting all who deny the existence of shadows.

When I am away from you, don't think you escaped, because, ignorant, doomed!
PS: I am very impressed by the last two sentences of a certain big book, and I will use it for reference to show my respect.

(End of this chapter)

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