Douyu Top Streamer

Chapter 184 The Factory Manager Who Left Suddenly

Chapter 184 The Factory Manager Who Left Suddenly

Facing this wave of life-and-death team battles, the factory manager and the others tried their best, but they still failed. With the economy at a disadvantage, the factory manager exchanged his own team for three opponents, including Liu Yi side's double C position.

With the economy at a disadvantage, it is very rare for the factory manager and the others to be able to achieve such a record. Whether it is Lu Xueqi Hanbing's ultimate move, Chen Heyi or the factory manager's widow's ultimate move, they have all played what they can. All hurt, everyone, did their best.

It's a pity that every little omission in the duel between masters can determine the outcome of the game. Although the factory manager and the others have played a five-for-three record, they have no way to stop the line of soldiers on the line.

This is actually the advantage gained by Liu Yi's side. Immediately after the economy opened up, it was decided that the big dragon would force the regiment, so that the factory manager and the others did not have the energy to clean up the line of troops, because they only need to delay for a while, and at this time Liu Yi The equipment of Yi and the others is enough to take down this big dragon.

"Curly hair, let's push it up." In Douyu Liu Yi's anchor room, after cooperating with curly hair to take down the crazy Lu Xueqi and the factory director, Liu Yi was actually secretly relieved, because he really didn't expect that before The Lu Xueqi who was abused by herself and dared not come out of the spring water encountered in the passerby game, her handling of this wave of team battles was actually so good.

If you kill without pushing the tower, you will be overturned sooner or later.

This sentence sounds very reasonable at first glance. It is summed up through the lessons of countless predecessors. The development space, and small-scale or large-scale grouping, to force the group, demolish the tower, this is the overall policy of the League of Legends.

If you only know how to kill blindly, hehe, then I’m sorry, what you are greeted with is likely to be a head-on blow from the enemy. After one wave of group destruction, there will be another wave of group destruction, and then you will be pleasantly surprised. An enemy you could easily treat as a dog before, can now treat you as a dog.

It sounds unreal, but I'm sorry, this kind of living case is happening countless times every day in Summoner's Canyon.

Apparently, Liu Yi is not the kind of person who has nowhere to go. After killing the widow and getting four kills, Liu Yi saw that the pawn line on the road had pushed past Chen He's top tower position, and immediately decided to cooperate. Curly quickly pulled down Chen He's second tower on the road, thus allowing his own economy to distance itself from the factory director's side again.

Before he knew it, Liu Yi's blind monk had cooperated with Curly Hair to take down the second tower on Chen He's side. Liu Yi and Curly Hair, who were planning to retreat, were looking at a pile of soldiers and looking at When Kassadin, who had the shortest resurrection time, was still more than ten seconds away from being revived, Liu Yi and Curly decided to go one step further and took down Chen He's front teeth.

After removing the front teeth, Sao Nan has been revived, and when he sees it, he accepts it. The factory manager and curly hair disappear into the fog of war one after another.

Shanghai, EDG's training room, since the widow was killed and all members were wiped out, Ming Kai yelled out of composure, his hands left his keyboard, covered his face, and his head drooped heavily.

The atmosphere in the training room suddenly became dull.

Pawn and Deft, who were watching the battle behind the factory manager, looked at Clearlove who had suddenly lost his composure, and looked at each other in dismay. As the two Korean players who joined EDG later, they didn't understand why Clearlove, who was calm and calm on weekdays, had such a big emotional fluctuation.

Since the establishment of EDG, it has won countless honors and stood in the LPL competition area, and the ID Clearlove has always played an extremely important role, whether it was in WE at the peak of glory, or in the steady and fierce EDG.

In the hearts of Pawn and Deft, the factory manager is not only a jungler with excellent operation, but also a jungler with an extremely stable mentality. Even if he lost to FNC in the S5 World Finals this year, the factory manager has never lost his composure, but why? , In such an ordinary entertainment game, how could Clearlove have such a big mood swing? !
Pawn and Deft don't understand, but, as a comrade who walked side by side during the darkest period of his career, Abu understands it very well.

"Go and rest when you're tired, and I'll tell them about the next thing." Putting his hand on Ming Kai's shoulder, Abu patted Ming Kai twice and said.

He understands, he understands why Ming Kai lost control of his emotions. As the coach of the former king WE, he still remembers the game that pushed WE into the abyss. To be precise, Ming Kai lost control of his emotions not only because of the game, but It was because he recalled the mutual accusations between his teammates after the loss of this game.

WE, the former king of the world arena, was not defeated by others, but by himself.

Judging from the sad Weibo post by WE's top laner Strawberry on Weibo, WE at that time had fallen into the most intense internal conflicts, and the accusations among teammates were the king of WE back then. The real source of falling apart.


Ming Kai, who covered his face without speaking, trembled slightly, then suddenly stood up from the chair, turned his head and left without saying a word, but when he left, Pawn seemed to see the look in Ming Kai's eyes. Silky.

Mingkai's computer game is still going on. Liu Yi and others, who have fully opened up the economy, have already won the upper and lower highlands through split pushing by virtue of their equipment advantages. Unknowingly, Mingkai's base is full of Liu Yi's super soldier.

While Lu Xueqi and the others gritted their teeth and held on, the super soldiers coming like a tide cooperated with the menacing Liu Yi and the other five, making Sao Nan, Lu Xueqi and the others feel helpless.

"I lost." Chen He, who was controlling Rambo's frenzied spewing flames, said helplessly in the channel.

Suddenly, a small box suddenly appeared in the lower right corner of the crowd, your teammate Clearlove initiated a surrender, do you agree?

"Factory manager?"

Seeing the factory manager surrender, Lu Xueqi raised a question in the channel with deep doubts. In her heart, how could Clearlove surrender!
"This?" Similarly, Sao Nan also expressed doubts about the surrender initiated by the factory manager. Sao Nan's ID is called "Please don't give up this game". , and people who will not surrender easily, let alone when there is still a chance!
However, at this moment, the YY number that originally belonged to the factory director, representing the voice button, lit up, and the voice that came out was not the factory director's voice, but Lu Xueqi and the others recognized whose voice it was at once.


Why is it Abu!
Just when Lu Xueqi and the others were full of puzzlement, Abu's voice sounded again:
"I'm sorry, Mingkai suddenly has something to do. He can't participate in the next game. Korol will take care of the next game for the director."

Abu has clearly stated that Ming Kai has something to do, and the showman Lu Xueqi, the God of Wuhu, Chen He, has been able to get to where he is today. Naturally, he is an old man in the world. After Abu stood up to speak, he naturally would not raise unnecessary questions. Why? Redundant, because they know that even if Abu says what they know, it is not necessarily the truth.

"What's wrong with the factory manager? Why did something happen all of a sudden?"

"Damn it, didn't you, the leader beat the factory manager away?"

"What the hell, just leave like that?"

"I hope that the factory manager will not have any bad things. Please understand."

The factory manager's sudden departure caused the over 60 viewers in the factory manager's live broadcast room to be overwhelmed. Although there are many rational fans, most of them are trolls who don't care about 21.

(End of this chapter)

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