Douyu Top Streamer

Chapter 172 A trip by one person can destroy the world

Chapter 172 A trip alone can destroy the world
After the Douyu anchors headed by Liu Yi and the Huya anchors headed by the factory manager entered the game, neither of them had any plans for a first-level team. s position.

Although this duel is an entertainment game, it also has considerable technical content, leaving aside Lu Xueqi, Sao Nan, Zhu Xiaoyue, and Wuhu God, who are very famous anchor players in the national server.

Just the fact that the former royal family had a [-]-[-] single, the old IG players smiled, the factory director who dominated the professional arena, and the old comrades who created glory in WE Curly, this lineup is luxurious enough, even though they have all retired. For a long time, my personal status has declined by more than a little bit, but the vision and the overall situation are still there.

This is the foundation, which cannot be erased.

So, everyone's attitude towards this game is not just that it is an entertainment game, but actually there is a hint of defeating their former opponents, just smiling is a bit embarrassing, because of Huya's official reasons, so Xiaoxiao this game The opponent is Chen He, which is not a level opponent at all.

No matter how much Xiaoxiao's status declines, Chen He in the silver segment cannot be defeated. Therefore, what Xiaoxiao worries about is how he should act.

After entering the game, everyone, whether they are anchors or professional players, are very famous characters in the game League of Legends. Naturally, they all understand each other's routines relatively clearly. After testing each other at several key positions in the river, They chose to return to their respective positions.

"Chen Helai, help me, the leader is very fond of going against other people's wild areas in the early stage."

In the training room of EDG, the factory manager controlled the widow and walked to the side of the toad. Ming Kai, who often doubles with Liu Yi, is naturally very familiar with Liu Yi's routines, so the factory manager didn't play this game as an entertainment game at the beginning, but It raised the difficulty of the game to a professional level.

However, what the factory manager thinks is superfluous. The factory manager's duo friend leader did not choose to fight against the factory manager's wild area, but honestly spawned wild monsters with the help of his teammates.

The pawn lines intersect, and the Sao Nan's Kassadin and the [-]-[-] Lulu are both developing wretchedly in the middle. After all, the junglers on both sides put too much pressure on them, and if they are not careful, they will die.

Liu Yi, the No. 10 player in China and South Korea, whose high-end game video materials are not generally popular on the Internet, from the TOP[-] of various video columns, let the majority of players know how terrifying it is for the leader to play jungle, even if it is SKT. Facing the leader of the jungle, he didn't dare to say victory lightly.

The factory director on the other side naturally has a deep understanding of the hero of the blind man. With careful precautions, the factory director was promoted to the third level without incident. Eyes are on the line.

Although the scene is still very calm up to now, everyone with outstanding consciousness has begun to feel the murderous aura slowly filling the field.

On the Douyu platform, in a live broadcast room called Zhonglu God of War [-]-[-] Live, the anchor Lu Benwei is looking at the screen in front of him with a slightly serious expression, and his usual funny live broadcast style is also slightly different.

After all, this game is different from the usual self-play. It is a game composed of nine top anchors in China and the popular star Chen He in reality. As one of them, the [-]-[-] split is naturally a little restrained.

"I thought Sao Nan only played well with Yasuo and Nandao, but I didn't expect his Kassadin to be okay. Compared with Lu Benwei, the god of war in the middle lane, he was only slightly behind. It's okay."

After growing to the fourth level without incident, the [-]-[-] split looked at the calm field and boasted a wave of strength.

And at this moment, Wu Wukai, who was talking, suddenly put his gaze on the grass on the right side of the river, and the figure of the enemy appeared!
Widow of Clearlove!
Curly Hair, who was roaming around the wild area looking for opportunities using the bull head, walked to the grass on the river side of [-] Kai. In order to prevent the factory director's widow from ganking [-] Kai, Curly Hair chose to place a real eye here. .

In an instant, the figure of the widow of the factory director who just wandered here, has nowhere to hide under the light of the real eyes. In the narrow terrain, the factory director and Curly, two former teammates, suddenly met!
"You can hit!"

The factory manager with the red buff looked at Wuhu God who happened to be wandering here behind him, and without a second thought, he directly chose to activate the widow's W skill Dark Fury and rushed up!
The Q skill Thorn of Hate and the E skill Destroy Strike hit the bull's head hard in an instant, and the curly-haired bull head hastily used the Q skill Earth Smash to knock the factory director away, looking very panicked Withdrew to the rear!

"Don't be cowardly, brother, I'm coming!"

Although Wuwukai in the middle road was worried after seeing this scene, he still quickly controlled Lulu to walk towards this side, while Sao Nan, the opponent of [-]kai, saw this scene, almost at the same time as Wuwukai Go to where the battle happened!


Wuhu God, who had been resisting not to make a move, actually controlled Thresh to swing a chain with green demon flames at Wu Wu Kai, and with a bang, he actually locked Wu Wu Kai who had just come to support him!

Instant explosion!

After locking Lu Benwei, the God of Wuhu immediately greeted and came to the side of [-]-[-], and the E skill pendulum of doom immediately came out, controlling the [-]-[-] Lulu again!
"I've just arrived, the leader is here to save me!"

In just an instant, the situation on the field changed. The curly-haired bull head escaped from the pursuit of the factory director and Wuhu God. Instead, the [-]-[-] Lulu fell into the siege of the factory director Wuhu God and Sao Nan. middle!

Lulu, who was only level [-], was perfectly controlled by Wuhu God Thresh, and her blood volume dropped crazily after being frantically output by Sao Nan and the factory manager.

Lu Benwei, who saw that he was not well, immediately chose to call for help, and the person who called for help was the leader who had come to the grass where the curly hair was, Dfbb!

"I'm coming, hold on tight."

Liu Yi, who is always watching the other party's movements from the perspective of God, has already arrived when the factory manager and curly hair first met. Now, the timing is just right!
Seeing that the [-]/[-] state was indeed dangerous, Liu Yi controlled the blind monk to use his W skill instantly. The blind monk immediately jumped a distance and came to Lulu's side, adding a shield to his body that could absorb a certain amount of damage. !


The battle is urgent, and the blood volume of Wuwukai and Curly Hair is not very healthy. After Liu Yi W arrived on Wuwukai, he didn't talk nonsense. He greeted him and directly used his E skill to slap the floor to form a three-person combo attack. middle!
Widow's Q skill CD is extremely fast, and it is easy to deal explosive damage in such a dense place. At this time, there is absolutely no harm in killing K according to the factory director's widow!
In front of the third-level blind monk with the red buff on his body, the blood volume of the widow of the factory manager is dropping rapidly!

At the critical moment, the factory manager finally couldn't resist the output of the blind monk, unwilling to use his own flash!
However, after using the flash, the factory director's worry reached its peak, because he knew how terrifying the leader's prediction was!
Since the leader's debut, how many world-renowned players have died tragically under the leader's prediction!

The factory manager is not sure whether the guru's edge will be shown this time!
"Ah! What kind of consciousness is this!"

A few tenths of a second later, the factory manager yelled out full of unwillingness. Even though he has been dominant in the professional arena for many years, the factory manager's already calm mentality couldn't help but undergo huge fluctuations!

At the moment when the factory manager's flash ended, a ball of energy wave was suddenly kicked out from the blind monk's feet, flying towards the factory manager's widow like precise satellite positioning, leaving the factory manager with nowhere to hide!
"Ah drink!"

With a roar, under the factory director's unreconciled and shocked gaze, the blind monk who activated the second-stage Q suddenly kicked the factory director's widow!

In an instant, the widow of the factory manager was emptied of the last trace of blood by a flat A followed by the blind monk!

Dfbb (Lead Sin) kills Clearlvoe (Widowmaker)
Summoner's Canyon, which had been dull for a few minutes, finally burst into blood, but after killing the factory manager, Liu Yi did not relax, because at this time Sao Nan's Kassadin and Thresh, the God of Wuhu, were fighting with Wu Wu The Lulu of Lulu wrestled with the curly-haired bull!

PS: As the plot requires, the front lineup has been adjusted, and book lovers just need to know about it.

(End of this chapter)

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