Douyu Top Streamer

Chapter 156 The Dawn of Mission Completion Appears!

Chapter 156 The Dawn of Mission Completion Appears!

"Now my popularity has reached the pinnacle of the domestic live broadcasting industry, but the benefits I get are far lower than my current status. This is an inevitable point of contradiction between me and Douyu. Presumably Douyu The senior management of the fish must also be thinking about this issue."

Liu Yi lay on the reclining chair quietly in his mind, thinking about the problems he encountered so far. His development was so fast that he couldn't even believe that his status had reached this point.

And just because the achievements obtained are too high and the development is too rapid, there has already been a slight conflict between myself and Douyu because of interests. Fermentation, when the problem erupts, it is unimaginable.

Although it was getting late outside, there were still many people running around for their lives on the streets of Seoul. Liu Yi frowned slightly as he calmly looked at the busy people outside.

"I just don't know whether Douyu will choose to suppress me, or will choose to put all his eggs in one basket and throw out huge temptations to win me over."

While thinking about it, Liu Yi's brows became tighter and tighter, and the confusion that hadn't been seen for a long time appeared in his eyes!

At this moment, in Liu Yi's mind, he was playing a game related to his future fate. Whether he should decide on the plan he had made in his heart before and pull up his own faction in Douyu!
Thinking of this, Liu Yi couldn't help feeling thirsty, picked up the tea on the side and drank it up, his eyes closed involuntarily.

The formation of factions is unavoidable everywhere, from the small students in the dormitory, the white-collar workers in the office, to the high-level executives of the super group, and the powerful bosses in the officialdom, all of them are in order to obtain more benefits and win over others. All the people and resources that can be drawn around form a faction.

The formation of factions can be said to be a confrontation with the old overlord forces, because in this world, it is impossible for everyone to have the same views and ideas, so the goals they want to achieve are different. To a large extent, factions are formed from many people with different goals!
Anyone who is a friend is not only a party member, but also a party member if they have the same sexual behavior.

Thinking of this, Liu Yi showed a little gloomy face.

I can have today's status not only because of the support of the system, but because the system has given me the capital to rise, but!There are more than one or two domestic anchors who only have technology.

But why they just can't become popular is because they are too brainless in how they deal with people and do not know how to use their various resources to seek advancement. They stop in front of the blockade barriers gradually formed by the big anchors on various platforms, and lose the most. A good timing leads to live streaming for a lifetime, that is, a second-rate anchor!
He even said that he was facing a huge barrier in front of him, and this barrier was the live broadcast platform!

You know, anchors rely on live broadcast platforms to survive. If there is no live broadcast platform, who will you play games for?So, this is the capital of the live broadcast platform.

Although I said that I have achieved the ultimate among anchors, with millions of fans, and the technology is the number one in Asia, I do have the capital to challenge the live broadcast platform, but what you need to know is that the live broadcast platform has a magical With ability, he can make an anchor with only 100 popularity become a ten-thousand anchor, and make a real ten-thousand anchor with only 100 popularity!

Well, it is conceivable that if the contract is about to expire, just like this, you say, the contract that was originally worth millions of popularity was suddenly turned into a contract with 10 popularity by them, what would you do?

Change platform?What should I do if I continue to work on another platform?
So, the only way to crack it is to pull up your own faction, let your own strength be enough to impact a live broadcast platform, so that every live broadcast platform has to pay attention to this strength that can determine their fate!

Of course, all of this is not to fight the platform to the death, but to let the platform dispel crooked thoughts and take as much as it should!
"It is imperative to build up your own faction in Douyu!"

Thinking of this, Liu Yi suddenly opened his closed eyes. At this moment, Liu Yi was completely sleepy, stood up and turned on his computer, and recorded the thoughts in his mind on the computer.

The specific implementation needs to be carefully planned separately, after all, this is not an easy thing to do.

Time passed, and seven full days had passed since the night when Liu Yi made his decision, and the end of the task released by the system was also approaching.

It is still this hotel, beside the swimming pool that only senior members are eligible to use in this four-star hotel, I saw Liu Yi and Li Enze, each wearing a white bathrobe, lying on the side of the swimming pool chair.

After these seven days of Liu Yi's deliberate contact, Liu Yi and Li Enze also established a preliminary friendship.

"Well, just tell me the truth. What's the matter with you in Korea? Let me tell you first. Don't lie to me. I'll see if I can help you."

Li Enze took a sip of the juice on the table, waved his hand to signal the bodyguard behind him to leave a certain distance, and then asked Liu Yi sideways.

On the other hand, Liu Yi, who had just picked up the juice and was drinking it, suddenly heard Li Enze's words, a flash of light flashed in the depths of his eyes, but he still calmly drank the juice and lay down back to his original position .

"Hey, I'm not afraid of your jokes when I say it, but I've actually wanted to meet Taeyeon from Girls' Generation for so long."

As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Yi saw Li Enze's surprised gaze, and his old face couldn't help but blushed, and he immediately explained,
"I don't mean anything else. I just like her songs very much. I came to Korea this time just to see if I can see her. Unfortunately, it seems that there is no hope."

Sighing lightly, Liu Yi raised his arms and pillowed them, and looked at Li Enze calmly.

"Hey, what did I think it was? It turned out to be something like this. Don't worry, I'll pack it up tomorrow, and I'll take you to see her."

"I'll go, Lao Li, you can, why didn't you tell me about such a useful relationship earlier, wouldn't I save so long in vain!"

After hearing that Li Enze finally said what he wanted, Liu Yi's expression changed involuntarily, but he quickly took it back calmly.

As for Li Enze's true identity, Liu Yi also gave up the idea of ​​probing. After all, his real goal has been achieved, and Li Enze's strength is unknown. It's a waste of time to fetch water!

(End of this chapter)

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