Chapter 152

Knowing that the jungler on the opposite side is the leader, the teammates on Liu Yi's side and those on Susu's side all intentionally slowed down the pace of the game without exception. Just chat for a while.

The leader who had the opportunity to reach the top of both the national server and the Korean server, played a game together, and he is proud enough to say it.

As for Liu Yi, he replenished his equipment after returning to the city and looked at Zach's position opposite. A playful smile appeared on Liu Yi's lips. Now that he recognized himself, I will give you an unforgettable experience. .

Knowing that the opponent's Leopard Girl is the leader of the national server, Susu's teammates undoubtedly played very cautiously. Regardless of whether they have money or not, they are all in the position of jungler or gank. vision.

Susu, who is in the jungle position, is naturally the first to bear the brunt. She is undoubtedly in an extremely dangerous situation when fighting against the leader.

Knowing how severe his situation is, Susu chatted with Liu Yi, and took the opportunity to quickly fight against the wild, in order to have a little more ability to protect himself in front of the leader.

time flies.

Liu Yi's leopard girl is still tirelessly attacking wild monsters in the wild area, and from time to time, she also types and replies to everyone in the game, but the only difference is that Liu Yi has never stepped into Susu's wild area once.

In fact, all of this is not Liu Yi's pity for her. First of all, she recognized herself. As a host, if she blindly kills others with her strong strength, the audience and herself will be happy, but this is a sign of low emotional intelligence. Thankless!
Secondly, because of a thought in my mind before, after accumulating a certain number of contacts in the country in a low-key way, at this time I met Susu, a popular beauty anchor of Douyu. Under various conditions, Liu Yi The idea in my mind was finally stimulated.

At this time, in the live broadcast room of Susu on the other side.

"Haha~ How about it? Now that you have seen my charm, the leader will not come to my jungle area anymore."

At this time, Susu was happily brushing her own wild monsters. At the beginning, Susu was really worried that the leader would turn against her wild monsters. Therefore, she sacrificed some of her own economy to buy scout guards. In order to give yourself an extra protection for your safety.

Of course, the cute Susu doesn't know that the so-called eyes she bought have long been hidden in Liu Yi's eyes. The reason why Liu Yi didn't kill her is because she is valued by Liu Yi.

After a few minutes of calm, the red buff on Susu's side is about to be refreshed for the second time, and Susu has already cleared F4 at this time, and came to the red buff when the red buff was refreshed.

I have to say that Susu is cautious enough. With the world vision provided by the scouting guards, she also pulled the red buff into the grass to fight. The details of Susu are indeed in place, but unfortunately, what she encountered was Liu Yi with God's perspective!
"Huh" Liu Yi breathed out after brushing the toad, and shifted his gaze to Zach, who was about to clear F4 at this time and was about to hit the red.

"The easy time is over, now hurry up and end this game."

Liu Yi calmly looked at the opposing Zach and thought, this has exposed his identity. They who had no chance of winning knew their identity and became even more timid. They have already been dragged down by their teammates in terms of development. open.

Looking at the opponent's vision in the jungle, Liu Yi had a meaningless smile on his lips. The vision had no effect on him, it was just for his opponent's peace of mind.

There was a sound of "bang", and with a flash of golden light, Liu Yi's leopard girl resolutely flashed directly from the small dragon circle to the enemy's wild area.

"Hey friends, do you think I should go to the wild area against the leader again?"

With a mischievous smirk, Susu looked at the red buff that was about to be collected by herself, and said to the audience in the live broadcast room, poor Susu doesn't know yet, the wild animals hiding in the dark have already attacked Drooling by myself.

Just when she was about to use punishment to take away the red buff, she suddenly found a black spear appeared on her waist in an instant!



The moment the sharp spear stabbed Zac, Susu, who knew that something was wrong, immediately punished and took away the red buff, and Susu, who knew that the leader was behind him, wanted to run away.

"Whether you use the claw or the spear, your end will be the same."

But at this moment, after the Q skill hit the crispy Zach, the leopard girl instantly turned into a ferocious cheetah, baring her ferocious fangs and rushing towards Zach!

Jungle Ambush!

Regardless of the hasty Zac's Q skill slapped on his face, the cheetah's W skill with killing intent in his eyes immediately rushed towards Zac!

Javelin Throwing!

The Q skill of Leopard Girl in the cheetah form immediately increased her damage a lot again!
Run wild!

A roar suddenly came from the beast's mouth, and the cheetah's claws suddenly turned into death's scythes, flashing with fatal light and suddenly hitting the desperate Zack!
Although Zach, controlled by Susu, flashed, he was shocked to find that after he flashed, his blood line had dropped to freezing point, and after a wailing cry, he was torn apart into four pieces of cell tissue!

"On the road, hurry up and save me!!!"

In an instant, Zach, who was split into four cell tissues, was struggling to survive under the claws of the leopard girl. Seeing that his passive was triggered, Susu immediately asked for help on the road .

As long as Bobbicon on the top road uses his own teleportation, he will be able to escape from Leopard Girl's hands to the limit. Cooperating with the bot lane team that is rushing to fight back against the Leopard Girl who killed the leader, it is not impossible !

Anally has been lain! (Our hero was killed!)
Long Bean Sprouts (Wild Huntress) killed one of the cutest opponents (Bio Demon)
Seeing the information that he was killed, Susu couldn't believe the reality for a long time, so he switched to the perspective of going up the road and saw that Bobby was leisurely standing motionless under the defense tower. Obviously, he was abandoned by Bobby .


With deep doubts and grievances, Susu put a question mark on the public screen to express her inner feelings.

Susu didn't have to wait too long. The words of the previous orderer Bobby were posted in everyone's chat column,

Looking back in the dream mirror: Master, I abandoned my beloved Susu, please be a friend!

Seeing Bobby's words on the public screen, Susu instantly seemed to hear her own heartbroken voice. . .

(End of this chapter)

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