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Chapter 124 SKT's Behind-the-Scenes Boss

Chapter 124 SKT's Behind-the-Scenes Boss
PS: Xiaoguan is writing a book for the first time, and I don’t understand many things, and the VIP update is a bit wrong. . .I'm very sorry, I'm very sorry, two updates will be sent together, and one update will be posted two hours later, and so on, no matter what the results are, today will be a blast!
As a two-time world champion, four-time Korean LCK champion, Korea's dominant overlord, the world's veteran e-sports giant, and the undefeated myth in the hearts of countless League of Legends game fans, SKT, in this training match with CJ, In the end, at the cost of two for five, they defeated CJ's crowd.

More importantly, Troll and Bron died completely by themselves. If Duke and Wolf didn't make waves, CJ might have to play zero for five, and be directly beaten out of Xiang.

"Huh, CJ has given up. Why do I always feel that this CJ's performance is different from before? It's so weak."

Seeing that CJ on the opposite side chose to surrender to end the training match, Bang, who was dismantling CJ's highland defense tower, took his hands off the keyboard and mouse, flexed his muscles and said to everyone with a smile.

"Hey, you kid, don't you know whose credit this is for? Okay, let's say goodbye to CJ on the opposite side."

Kim Jong-kyun, who was standing behind a few people, smiled and said to the proud Bang after seeing the victory in the training match.

But at this moment, Kim Jong-kyun's assistant suddenly walked in from the door. After the assistant walked in, he first looked at several SKT players, and then set his sights on Rysj, who had only one back.

Immediately afterwards, the assistant shook his head slightly, his eyes regained brilliance, walked to Jin Zhengjun's side and said softly,

"Coach, CJ's coach Cain called the base and said he wanted to talk to you."

After hearing the assistant's words behind him, Kim Jong-kyun frowned slightly, followed by waving his hand to signal the assistant to go out first, and then said to the SKT team and Liu Yi.

"Everyone, this training game is over, you can relax properly, and those who want to continue training can stay here and continue training."

After talking to Faker and the others, Kim Jong-kyun put his gaze on Liu Yi who had been silent all this time, a gleam flashed in his eyes, and he opened his mouth and said,

"Rysj is a guest of the base. You can choose to go outside the base to see the scenery of Seoul, or you can communicate with Faker and the others inside the base. It all depends on your preference. I have something to do, so I won't accompany you for now."

After finishing speaking, Kim Jong-kyun nodded slightly, followed closely, and walked out of the SKT training match. The assistant waiting at the door followed behind Kim Jong-kyun and left together.


After Kim Jong Kyun left, Liu Yi finally let go of his defenses. The experienced old fox was watching behind him. When Liu Yi did everything, he had to estimate it in his heart, which might cause harm to himself. what kind of consequences.

After all, to be honest, Kim Jong-gyun must have a thorough understanding of his own style. However, Kim Jong-kyun has never seen himself perform live, and everything is uncertain. If he deliberately provides some guidance in operation, Kim Jong-kyun will definitely understand his own style. Deviations will occur.

Taking a step back, if I play professionally in the future, it is undoubtedly extremely unwise to show my style and full strength when I am a guest of SKT. SKT itself is a world-class team. He really became his own enemy one day.

Liu Yi, who has now revealed all his trump cards, has little hope of taking advantage of the situation.

Therefore, Liu Yi, who deeply understands this in his heart, not only did not choose a hero like the blind monk who is strong against the jungle in this contest with CJ, but also deliberately controlled the frequency of his online gank.

He even used Wine Barrel, a slightly conservative hero. Many routines and styles of play were hidden intentionally or unintentionally by Liu Yi. For an opponent of SKT's level, the more cards he holds in his hand, the better!

"How about it, do you want to go out for a stroll? If you go out, I can be your guide."

While Liu Yi was deep in thought, a voice suddenly came into Liu Yi's ears.

"Uh, no need, I'm pretty tired today, so I won't go out for a walk, we'll just stay here tonight, just in time for me to see how the global hegemony SKT is doing during training."

Following the direction of the voice, Liu Yi saw that it was Faker talking to him. After thinking about it, Liu Yi chose to rest in SKT's base instead of going shopping.

At this time, in a room at the SKT base.

"Since you have already guessed who he is in your heart, why do you keep asking?"

Kim Jong-kyun, leaning back on the sofa, was shaking a glass of red wine poured by his assistant, with a slight smile on his mouth, talking to CJ's coach, Cain.

"What do you mean, just now Bengi's account is really played by Rysj? Did you invite him to SKT? Or, he has become your team member."

At this time, in an office of CJ, Cain pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and quickly deduced from what Kim Jong Kyun said just now that Bengi's account is indeed Rysj!

But there is still a trace of doubt in Cain's mind. Is Rysj coming to SKT as a guest or joining SKT?

Whether Rysj is a guest of SKT or a player of SKT, these are completely two earth-shaking concepts, and Cain has to treat them with caution.


Taking a sip of the red wine, Kim Jong-kyun's eyes flickered brightly, and with a smile on his face, he continued to talk to Cain.

"Rysj is in SKT now. If you really want to know more, you can come over tomorrow and ask Rysj himself, wouldn't it be better? Well, I still have some things here, let's talk next time."

After saying that, Kim Jong-kyun suddenly hung up the phone regardless of what Cain had to say.

"Get me through to Boss."

After hanging up the phone, Jin Zhengjun pondered for a while, frowned, slowly raised his head, looked at the assistant and said.


After the assistant agreed, he quickly turned around and went to pick up the phone dedicated to talking to Boss.

"Top operation, peak awareness, Rysj is a player, only SKT can match him, he must, must become a member of SKT! No matter what the price, he must not be allowed to become an opponent of SKT!"

Kim Jong-kyun, who had always thought that Rysj was a player who only relied on top-notch awareness and operations to reach the top of Asia, today after seeing CJ's disastrous defeat in person, he immediately became convinced that Rysj must be absorbed into SKT.

The player Rysj absolutely cannot fall into the hands of other professional teams. If it falls into the hands of other professional teams, Kim Jong Kyun knows that SKT's undefeated myth will not last long!

(End of this chapter)

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