Douyu Top Streamer

Chapter 120 The Final Showdown

Chapter 120 The Final Showdown
The battle that should come will come after all, this wave of death by C**dd in the middle lane just delayed CJ's defeat, this wave of Bdd Victor's gank made this wave of team battles organized by CJ, what they did All preparations were in vain.

At this time, CJ was at a disadvantage economically, and was far inferior to SKT in terms of equipment and morale. He was able to organize this wave of team battles entirely because of his unyielding faith and the quality of professional players.

Moreover, in the situation just now, if you want to return to the city to prepare for a team battle, you must make corresponding sacrifices.

But everything can't be controlled so much. Neither his own coach nor the situation on the field can be allowed to develop like this. Therefore, even if a certain degree of sacrifice is made, CJ must start this wave of teamwork. war.

In this case, CJ can at least take the lead, and will not be as passive as the SKT team develops and then forces the group. If at that time, facing SKT, which has excellent details and team battle operations, CJ will be completely useless. Here's the chance.

"I'm sorry everyone, this wave was my mistake."

Looking at his gray screen, C**dd said with a bit of bitterness, there is no way, all his teammates pushed the line back to the city, but because of his personal anger, he went up to fight with Faker, but was caught by the barrel Seize the opportunity and successfully gank a wave of yourself.

Therefore, the key tactical decisions made by the whole team were completely overturned because of their own negligence. The sacrifices made by teammates for team battles, the advantages in the lane and the resources in the wild area were all cheaper for SKT.

At this time, SKT is completely waiting for work. CJ's few opportunities are now even slimmer.

"Learn the lesson and prepare well for the next team battle."

Hearing Bdd's apology, the other four teammates expressed their understanding. Although they were a little dissatisfied, they all suppressed their emotions and dealt with the situation again.

And Bdd's resurrection time is getting closer and closer. Although I really want to know whether the operator of the barrel is Rysj as soon as possible, but Cain is CJ's coach after all. No matter how eager to end the battle in his heart, he still wants CJ to play. A wave of perfect team battles, even if they lose, let SKT know that CJ is not that weak!
After comforting Bdd, Cain focused his attention on the current situation.

"Go to the baron to clear up the vision, put pressure on CJ, and force them to fight in a team."

Kim Jong Kyun, who had been watching the battle behind the SKT team, felt that the duel had reached its final moment, sat up from his chair, loosened his tight shirt, and said to the team.


After hearing the coach's words, everyone in SKT responded, and began to return to the city to replenish the state and prepare for the team battle, while C**dd on the opposite side had also been resurrected at this time.

As two world-class professional teams, if they couldn't even guess that they were preparing for a team battle in such an obvious move as the opponent's entire return to the city, it would be impossible to get to where they are today.

If something unexpected happened in this team fight, CJ's chances of winning against SKT would be very slim. However, the war drums had already sounded, and everyone who was mounted on the chariot couldn't think about it anymore. The arrow was on the string and had to be fired!

After Faker replenished his equipment, he intentionally showed his figure in the middle of the road, and then disappeared into the river on the side of the dragon. At this time, Bang, Liu Yi and others had already rushed from the wild area to the Dalong Canyon. The horn has sounded!

"Dalong Canyon? No, they did it on purpose!"

When CJMadlife saw Faker going to the Dalong Canyon, he instinctively wondered if the opponent had opened the dragon, but Madlife immediately overturned this idea in his own mind. In this tense situation, how could SKT be so stupid that the opponent did not have a chance? In the case of casualties, open the baron first.

This is a trap, but our side has to go, the field of vision at the Dalong Canyon has been completely eliminated, and the remaining field of vision can't see the situation in the Dalong Canyon at all. This is a conspiracy!
If you come, I’ll beat you; if you don’t come, I’ll beat the dragon!

Let me see if you can come!

Madlife turned to look at Kramer. At this time, Kramer was also looking at Madlife. Obviously, he also realized SKT's intentions. The two looked at each other and couldn't help showing a wry smile.

There is no other way, I can only bite the bullet and go on, the brave wins when we meet on a narrow road!

Madlife's Tidecaller is at the forefront of the team. The terrain at the dragon is very suitable for Nami to use her ultimate move. If Nami's ultimate move can be used as a perfect first move, it will be accompanied by Victor and Ai It's not that there is no chance for Ke's skills to connect.

After everyone came to Dalong Canyon, they didn't find the expected enemy, and they all rushed into SKT's wild area. Who knows, just after arriving at the wall of the red buff in SKT's wild area, the figure of the enemy suddenly appeared In the eyes of everyone in CJ!
SKTWolf's Braum, carrying a solid shield, walked at the front of SKT. Behind him was the troll controlled by Duke, with a ferocious smile on his face and a huge bone club in his hand, walking behind Wolf. , As for Faker's wandering mage, Rysj's wine barrel, and SKTBang's wheel mother, they are moving forward under the protection of their teammates in front.


An angry shout suddenly came from CJMadlife. At this moment, there is no more suitable environment than this battlefield environment. The teammates behind him are all behind him except Kramer, who is a little far away. The fighter plane is very good !


The moment everyone from CJ and everyone from SKT met, their murderous aura erupted suddenly. Madlife's Tide Caller Ji raised her hand in an angry shout, and her big move, Raging Waves, suddenly turned into a monstrous wave, and slapped everyone on SKT fiercely. over!
"You will die to be free!"

The moment SKTBang saw Chaochao Jiji, relying on the terrain at this time, Bang, who has experienced many battles, immediately knew what Madlife was thinking, and immediately decisively used the big move of the wheel mother.

The ultimate move of the war goddess, hunting!

All of a sudden, the mother of the wheel seemed to be slow but was actually extremely fast, and a circle of blue light appeared covering it. At the same time, the effect of the Goddess of War's ultimate move also added 60.00 points to all nearby friendly forces. % of movement speed.

With the instant burst of movement speed, except for Bron, who was walking in front of Wolf, who couldn't retreat and hid in F4, the other four people all dodged!

"It's time to perform the real technique!"

In fact, as one of the top kings in Hanbok, Bdd immediately activated his ult the moment he summoned Shameji. Be sure to seize the opportunity!

A real master must have a prediction, instead of waiting for a moment of overjoyed after the skill is hit, and delaying the best opportunity to realize that if you want to attack, you must be ready to attack when it is possible to hit!


Ezreal's powerful and precise barrage caused damage to all the enemies along the way. Only Braum, whose position was divided, was not hit, and all the others were hit by this big move.

CJ made a perfect first move, Summoning Shame and Ezreal's ultimate moves were all successful, and the rest is to take the opportunity to rush in and knock out Bang's wheel mother and the developed wandering mage in seconds.

No matter how strong and well-equipped the remaining wine barrels are, they can't make a difference!
But be careful, Wolf Braum is still holding a big move in his hands at this moment. At such a critical juncture, his C position must not be hit by Braum's big move!
"To my friends I am a gentle snowflake, to my enemies I am an avalanche!"

But at this moment, a deep and heavy voice suddenly reached the ears of everyone in CJ who were rushing madly on the battlefield. It was Bronn next to them!
He was really afraid of what would happen, he carried a giant shield exuding a heavy feeling on his strong shoulders, and with a roar, Braum activated his big move, the glacier crack!

Braum's shield slammed heavily on the ground of the Summoner's Canyon in an instant. The originally calm ground erupted with a strong shock wave in an instant, and a huge glacier crack that looked frightening suddenly appeared on the ground. In front of everyone in CJ, they rushed towards everyone in CJ like crazy!

"Get out of the way!"

Madlife let out a roar, and manipulated Summoner Ji to avoid the terrible glacier crack for the first time, and everyone behind them also wanted to retreat to avoid the deadly big move!
However, it was too late to say it, because Braum was separated, and the troll king of SKTDuke, who stood in front of everyone, saw this scene and quickly pressed the E skill ice pillar instantly.

In an instant, a huge icicle exuding cold air suddenly blocked Bdd and Shy who were retreating!


The two people who were barely able to escape were completely ruined by this huge icicle that exuded cold air.
In an instant, it flew into the air!

"It's time to grind the casks!"

A voice that made CJ's entire team hate it, suddenly came at this time.

PS: The update is a bit late, sorry sorry, please ask for a recommendation ticket, book friends, for the sake of Xiaoguan's daily stable update, let's give a little effort and explode the chrysanthemum in front~
(End of this chapter)

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