My superpower is to summon drinks

Chapter 86 Chain Missions

Chapter 86 Chain Missions
Drop, the host has completed task one of the series of random tasks, rewarded with a defense drink 2.0 synthetic formula, and task two is started.

"I'd like to see what's the name of this chain of missions."

Fu Xing turned on the task function.

Chain tasks of random tasks:
Task [-] (Completed)

Task two:
Use Defense Drink 2.0 to strengthen the sewer pipes of all toilets in the office building of Zhenhai University in the post-apocalyptic world.

Reward: Air Bomb drink available in store

Punishment: drink a can of heated energy recovery drink (zombie version)
Note: Mission [-] is unlocked after completing Mission [-].

"What kind of mission is this?"

Fu Xing felt that the missions released by the system were becoming more and more unreliable, but after carefully reading the mission objectives and rewards several times, he felt as if he had discovered the purpose of the system.

"It won't be what I think? If so..."

The main prop for this mission was Defense Drink 2.0, so Fu Xing turned on the super drink synthesis function and looked at the newly released Defense Drink 2.0 synthesis scroll.

Defense Drink 2.0
Function [-]: After using it, it can resist [-] full-strength attacks of first-level superpowers, ten second-level superpowers, three third-level superpowers, and one fourth-level superpower.

Function [-]: The user can transfer the protective cover formed after use to the item.

Required for synthesis:

One can of defense drink, one can of power drink, one can of speed drink, 200 super points.

Whether to put in a can of defensive drink...


ton ton ton...

After a short operation, Fu Xing synthesized a can of Defense Drink 2.0 and drank it.

"There is no smell at all!"

Pursing his lips, Fu Xing felt that the protective shield on his body had become stronger, but that was not the most important thing. The most important thing was...

Fu woke up and went to the bathroom, and pressed his hand on the toilet. In less than two seconds, the protective cover on his body was transferred to the surface of the toilet.

Bang bang bang!
After punching hard a few times, looking at the unscathed toilet, a sinister smile appeared on Fu Xing's face.

"Hey hey hey..."

In the end, after several experiments, Fu Xing determined the range of items attached to Defense Drink 2.0, no more, no less. Based on the size of the toilet in the office building of Zhenhai University, a can of Defense Drink 2.0 can just strengthen the sewer pipes on the first floor. Under normal circumstances, it can guarantee that the defense drink 2.0 ability can be fully utilized.

If the ability of the defense drink 2.0 is reduced, Fu Xing found that the scope of strengthening can be expanded and extended to a maximum of three floors. At this point, the strength of the protective cover will be very low, and it will break if it is extended.


The time came to noon the next day. During this time, Fu Xing drank cans of Defense Drink 2.0. After attaching his clothes, snake scale armor, sneakers and so on with a protective cover, he issued a shouted confidently:
"I'm not afraid of anything!"

System: Stack the thickest armor and suffer the most vicious beating.


Silently turning off the system interface that he used to make his daily living, Fu Xing synthesized a can of time travel drink (accurately) and went to the bathroom on the first floor of the Zhenhai University office building in the apocalyptic world.

snoring... snoring...

He pricked up his ears to listen, and Fu Xing actually heard the sound of snoring. His eyes sharpened, and he slowly poked his head out of the toilet cubicle, and saw a black beard sleeping with his head up on the sink table. The big man was snoring loudly.

"No way! There are still people squatting on me!"

Withdrawing his head, Fu Xing thought this was going too far!Didn't it just blow up one of your doors?As for squatting on me?

"If you want to come to the restrooms on other floors, there are also people squatting. This is not easy. There are five floors in this building. I have to go to the top floor once to complete the task. I have to find a way to lure them away."

While thinking about it, Fu Xing transferred his protective shield to the toilet pipe and extended it to the limit. After ensuring that the pipes on the three floors were covered, he bought a can of freezing drink and came out.


After activation, he pulled the ring and threw it at the sleeping black-bearded man.

click, click, click...

In an instant, the black-bearded man turned into an ice sculpture in a burst of white mist, but he didn't die, because he was a third-level supernatural being, and the ice could only trap him for a while.

clack clack...

The black-bearded man woke up from the cold. When he opened his eyes and looked through the ice, he saw a golden figure giving him the middle finger.

"Come hit me!"


Can this be tolerated?Of course not!

The muscles all over the black-bearded man began to swell, and the ice on his body fell down, and it seemed that he would be able to escape within three seconds.

However, Fu Xing bought another can of Frozen Art drink, squeezed it, pulled it, and threw it away.

clack clack...

The black-bearded man was frozen again, not only that, Fu Xing also raised two middle fingers, mocking the extreme, the angry black-bearded man turned blue, let out a roar, and grew in size again.


This roar attracted the attention of others. The patrol officers on the first floor ran in and raised an alarm the moment they saw the golden figure. Other people with powers who received the alarm rushed out of the toilets they were guarding and headed towards Run to the men's room on the first floor.

With another can of freezing drink, he froze the black-bearded man who was about to get out of trouble again. He woke up and kicked away the patrolman who came in. He then retreated into the toilet stall while listening to the footsteps getting closer and closer. In the meantime, I used the time travel drink (accurately) to reach the toilet on the top floor. As expected, there was no one here. The superpower who was originally guarding here rushed down after hearing the movement on the first floor. Hong Yangtian and the others didn't know that Fu Xing was awake. The purpose, not to mention that it was Fu Xing's plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain.

ton ton ton...

Summoned a can of Defense Drink 2.0 that had been prepared earlier, and after Fu Xing drank it, he began to strengthen the sewer pipes on the fifth and fourth floors. It took less than half a minute, and when the reminder of the completion of the task came, Fu Xing left here , returned to his room in his hometown, just in time for the lunch his mother made.


"Is there anything to lose this time?"

Hong Yang looked at the several supernatural beings in front of him with a dark face.

The black-bearded man hurriedly shook his head:
"Brother Hong, there is no loss this time."


Hong Yangtian nodded and continued to ask:
"Did you really see that golden figure enter the bathroom stall and then disappear?"

"Yes, Brother Hong, at that time I..."

The black-bearded man once again described the scene when he met Fu Xing. Of course, he didn't say that he fell asleep, but that Fu Xing suddenly broke out of the toilet cubicle and froze him with a strange object. He didn't react.

After listening to the description, Hong Yangtian silently compared the supernatural beings he knew in his heart, but none of them fit the description of the black-bearded man. After thinking for a long time, he asked unwillingly:
"Did you really not see how he appeared and disappeared?"

"Yes, Brother Hong, he disappeared after entering the toilet cubicle." The black-bearded man nodded repeatedly.

"This is strange. What is his purpose?"

Hong Yangtian fell into deep thought again.


Well, the host has completed task two of the series of random tasks, the reward air bomb drink has been put on the shelves, and task three has started.

After lunch, Fu Xing went back to the room, lay on the bed and turned on the task function of the system.

Chain tasks of random tasks:
Task [-] (Completed)

Task [-] (Completed)
Task three:
Put a can of heated energy recovery drink (zombie version) into the food of Zhenhai University's supernatural beings.

Reward: Strength attribute plus one
Punishment: drink a can of heated energy recovery drink (zombie version)
Note: Mission [-] is unlocked after completing Mission [-].

"This is to poison me!"

Fu Xing swallowed. The heated energy recovery drink (zombie version) definitely has special effects, otherwise the system would not issue such a task.

"System, tell me, what will happen to the energy recovery drink (zombie version) after it is heated?"

System: The taste will become super super super good, adding it to other foods, even the most unpalatable food will become extremely delicious.

"Isn't that all?"

System: Yes, there is a little side effect, that is... the host, you should have guessed it, so I won't talk about it, hehehe...

"Hey hey hey..."

Fu Xing also laughed sinisterly, it was the first time he found the system so pleasing to the eye.


"If you want to poison, ah no, if you want to let the superpowers of Zhenhai University eat super super super delicious food, I have to find a way to put heated drinks into their food."

Fu Xing didn't do this task right away, but waited for three days. After Hong Yangtian and the others relaxed their vigilance, on the fourth day, he wandered around the survivor camp on the playground of Zhenhai University and inquired about the news.

At night, Fu Xing quietly kidnapped a chef on the road leading to the cafeteria from the Zhenhai University survivor camp.

"Don't don't kill me."

Feeling the coldness on his neck, the fat chef's legs trembled and he raised his hands as if he was about to pee in fear.

"I ask, you answer, don't turn around, or..." Fu Xing bought a voice changer from the Internet, the kind of robot voice, and there was a trace of echo when he spoke.

"You ask, you ask, I will tell you what I know, don't kill me, I still have a daughter to raise." The fat chef nodded repeatedly.

"Very well, let me ask you, where do all the supernatural beings here eat?"

"It's in the Shishi canteen." The chef replied tremblingly.

"Eat the same as ordinary people?"

"No, there are people in the cafeteria who cook for them, and I am one."

The chef answers all questions, he doesn't want to die.

After that, Fu Xing asked some more questions about the chef, such as what his name was, what other chefs called him, etc. The obese chef with an iron knife held on his neck answered them one by one. In the end, Fu Xing clicked with satisfaction. nod.

"very good!"

Fu Xing slapped the chef unconscious, tied him tightly and threw him into a hidden corner, and then the snake scale armor on his body began to swell, changing color while expanding, and finally turned into the appearance of a fat chef. This is the snake scale armor. The camouflage skill can not only hide the snake scale armor, but can also take the appearance of other people. This is what he discovered in the past few days. The disadvantage is that you can't turn into someone shorter than yourself. Of course, as long as you are about the same height, Few will notice.

By the way, there is another disadvantage, that is...

blah... blah...

"It's a bit of useless clothes!"

With a helpless sigh, Fu Xing kicked aside the fragments of clothes that had been exploded by the snake scales, then took out the prepared chef uniform and put on the chef hat, and finally walked towards the canteen with great swagger.

As for whether the fat chef will be cheated to death by him?Fu Xing didn't care at all, but he did an investigation today, the chef didn't have any daughters at all, he was alone, relying on the food he smuggled out of the cafeteria, he dominated the group of survivors in Zhenhai University's lower class, he did all kinds of evil, bullied Male domineering, anyway, is not flattering, but there is no way, who will let him have food?
Speaking of this, I have to briefly talk about the composition of the survivors of Zhenhai University.

The topmost layer is of course Hong Yangtian.

The second layer is those combat-type supernatural beings.

The third layer is non-combat superhumans.

The second and third floors are actually similar, except that the combat-type superpowers look down on the non-combat-type ones.

The fourth layer is the guards with guns. They are composed of survivors who have reached the physical fitness standard, regardless of gender. They are equivalent to soldiers from Zhenhai University. The highest level of each soldier is a supernatural person. became the backbone of Zhenhai University.

The fifth floor is for the relatives and family members of the escort members, who are responsible for some management work.

The sixth floor is for the remaining survivors. What they have to do is to move supplies, build walls, etc. They do all kinds of chores, but their treatment is the worst. Barely filling your stomach, if you don't do it well, even filling your stomach is an extravagant hope. The only advantage is that you don't have to face zombies.

In Hong Yangtian's words, these survivors on the sixth level are useless trash in the apocalypse. They are not in good health and cannot be soldiers. They are not lucky enough to become superpowers, and they have not become relatives of superpowers. In this In the apocalypse, the survival of these survivors is a gift from strong men like them.

Of course, even the survivors on the sixth floor are divided into several grades. The fat chef whom Fu Xing tied up is in the first grade because he can go to the cafeteria to cook for adults with powers, so he is in the sixth floor. No one among the survivors dared to mess with him.


 The author has lost a few hundred words.

(End of this chapter)

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