My superpower is to summon drinks

Chapter 77 I Passed the Driver's License Test

Chapter 77 I Passed the Driver's License Test

Call ~
At noon today, Xuemei and Xiaoqi were resting. Suddenly, a white flame ignited in the Sanwu notebook she placed next to her, and Hong Yangtian's order appeared with the flame:

Find out who did it, and if possible, recruit them. If recruitment fails, find a way to get rid of them!

"Sister Mei, did you hear from Brother Tian?"

Seeing this scene, Xiaoqi got up and walked over.

"Here comes the news."

Xuemei nodded, closed the Sanwu Notebook naturally, and said:

"Yangtian asked us to find out who repeatedly snatched the target ahead of us, and if we found out, we would recruit them."

"Well, then let's go!"

Xiaoqi didn't suspect him, and walked north with the big man. Xuemei put the notebook in her bag and followed. For some reason, she didn't say the last order to kill him if he couldn't be recruited.

After walking for a few minutes, an idea came to Xuemei's mind when she looked at the flat road squeezed out by Xiao Hei. She looked around, and then her eyes lit up, and she stopped Xiao Qi who was walking in front.

"Xiao Qi, wait a moment."

"what happened?"

"Let's drive away!"

Xuemei walked to a seemingly intact car on the side of the road, opened the door, and looked inside. There was some blood and a rancid smell, but it was still clean. Fortunately, the car keys were still there.

"Hopefully it's still open."

Sitting in the cab, Xuemei skillfully put down the handbrake and turned the car key...

Zizzi...boom, boom, boom...

Luckily, the car can still be driven, she nodded in satisfaction, and Xuemei shouted vigorously:

"Xiaoqi, get in the car."


Xiaoqi happily ran over.

"Sister Mei, can you drive?"

"Of course, I have passed the driver's license test."

"That's great!"


In the evening, a shabby car drove up from the south. Sitting in the car were Xiao Qi and Xuemei. Xuemei held the steering wheel nervously, and Xiao Qi sat in the passenger seat with a pale face. The big man was huddled in the back seat.

The road that Xiao Hei squeezed out was cheaper for their two daughters, so in half a day, the two of them followed Fu Xing's walking route and arrived at the place where Fu Xing met the big yellow dog Wangcai before.

As for why it is still driving so slowly?Not because of the zombies attracted by the sound of the car engine, but because of...

"Sister Mei, don't try to be brave with your driving skills!"

The slow-moving car collided with the abandoned vehicle on the side of the road again, and Xiaoqi screamed again in fright. She didn't know how many times this happened. Xiaoqi thought to herself that she could survive dozens of car accidents. Come down, what a fate!
"Oh~ It's scrapped again."

Xuemei stepped on the gas pedal, but the car didn't move at all. This time, something was damaged again. How many cars is this?Fifth or sixth?Can not remember.

Shaking her head, Xuemei kicked the door open and walked out of the scrapped car.

Call ~
Xiaoqi breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly opened the door and got out of the car.

"Sister Mei, let's find a place to rest!"

Patting her flat chest, Xiaoqi still looked frightened. She didn't want to ride in Xuemei's car today, no, in the future, even if it delayed the completion of the task!
"All right!"

Looking at the sky, Xuemei agreed to Xiao Qi's suggestion. Just as the two were looking for a place to rest tonight, they suddenly noticed two traces squeezed out by Xiao Hei on the forked intersection in front of them. They were the marks that Xiao Hei had squeezed out yesterday. Wake them up when they go to the community where the old man named Zhang lives.

"Sister Mei, where is the fork? Which way did the person who stole our target go?"

"It should be heading north. After all, the traces they left along the way prove that they were heading north."

"What about the other path?"

"do not know."

Xuemei shook her head and made a suggestion.

"But we can take a look over there while it's still dark."


The two walked in the direction of the luxurious neighborhood.


Luxurious community, in the villa of the old man surnamed Zhang.

"Ahem, ahem, prosperous, it's time to eat."

In the somewhat dim living room, the old man surnamed Zhang threw a few ham sausages to the big yellow dog Wangcai.

Woof ~ woof ~
Seeing the old man who hadn't eaten, Wangcai yelled twice.

"I'm not hungry, you eat first!"

Touching Wangcai's dog's head, the old man surnamed Zhang smiled.

Wang ~
Wangcai nodded his head and began to eat.

"Cough cough."

The old man surnamed Zhang coughed twice, then leaned on the sofa, looking at the ceiling, his cloudy eyes seemed to see his children and grandchildren waving at him.

Come on, come on, wait a little longer, and I will accompany Wangcai again.

People often say that people seem to be able to predict their own death when they get old. Today, the old man surnamed Zhang has a feeling that he will not live long, and it is estimated that he should leave in about half a month.

Thinking of this, the old man surnamed Zhang reluctantly touched Wangcai's dog's head.


Wangcai, who was shouting for food, made a comfortable voice.

But suddenly, Wangcai's nose moved, and it smelled a familiar smell, zombies!There are zombies approaching here.

Wang Wang ~

The dog's ears pricked up, and the dog's eyes became sharper. Wangcai barked twice, and then ran out.

"What happened to Wangcai?"

The old man stood up and groped out with a cane. Because of his old age, he walked very slowly. When he came to the door, he heard a fierce barking sound and walked out of the villa into a blur of vision. I saw Wangcai shouting at something, with nervousness in his voice.

Standing in front of Wangcai were Xiaoqi, Xuemei and the big boy.

"Big guy, kill that..."

"Xiaoqi, wait."

Seeing the old man come out, Xuemei stopped Xiaoqi from ordering the big man to kill Wangcai. Obviously, the barking big yellow dog in front of him was raised by the old man, so he couldn't be killed.

"Old man, can you stop your dog?"


"Yes, we are human."

Xuemei nodded, but the old man surnamed Zhang with poor eyesight couldn't see at all, but the old man surnamed Zhang who was confirmed still stopped Wangcai.

"Wangcai, stop calling."

Woof woof...woo...

Wangcai stopped shouting, but retreated to the old man and stared at the big man, making a threatening voice.

Knowing the reason, Xuemei turned her head and said to Xiaoqi:

"Xiaoqi, let the big one stay away."

"Sister Mei..."

"We followed the traces and came here. The old man is the only one here. He may know the whereabouts of our target. Don't let the big guy stay away. That dog won't let us go!"

"Can't we just kill that dog?"

Xiaoqi muttered for a while, but she still kept the big guy away. She knew Xuemei's character and would not agree with her suggestion.

Xuemei's character can be called kindness at a good level, and a saint at a bad level, which makes Xiaoqi very disdainful, when is it?It is also necessary to take into account the feelings of ordinary people, and there is no consciousness of being a strong person at all.

After the big guy left, Wangcai really calmed down, but his eyes still didn't relax, he stared at Xuemei and the two closely, as long as the two men threatened the old man, it would be considered a desperate move. If you kill this dog, you will kill them too.

Xuemei walked up to the old man surnamed Zhang slowly, and asked softly:

"Old man, we are survivors from the south, can we stay with you for one night?"

"Of course, girl, come in, come in."

The old man surnamed Zhang walked back on crutches. After walking a few steps, he remembered that he hadn't asked Xuemei how many of them there were.

"By the way, girl, how many of you are there?"


"My eyes are not very good, I can hardly see."

"Oh, that's it, old man, there are only two of us, just give us a room, please."

"What's the trouble? A group of people came here last night, and I didn't bother."

Hearing this, Xuemei thought it was true, the target passed by here, and even rested here for the night.

Then Xuemei and Xiaoqi looked at each other, and asked calmly:
"Old man, can you tell me about those people?"

"Of course you can. You should also go to the Bilingshan base, right? Maybe we will meet someday!"

Sitting on the sofa, the old man surnamed Zhang began to talk to Xuemei. He is old and dying, so there are not many opportunities to communicate with others. Although he can't see, his ears are still good, and he can roughly hear Fu Xing, etc. Generally speaking, there is not much information about the person's age, personality, etc., but the old man surnamed Zhang talked about it for a long time, Xuemei also listened patiently for a long time, and Xiao Qi had already found a room to sleep.


The next morning, Xuemei and Xiaoqi bid farewell to the old man surnamed Zhang, and gradually walked away under Wangcai's nervous gaze.

On the way, Xiaoqi looked unhappy.

"Sister Mei, why didn't you let me pick those two mutated fruits?"

"Xiaoqi, those two fruits belong to the old man. We have to pick them up without asking. Besides, that big yellow dog won't let you pick them."


Xiaoqi turned her head angrily. With Xuemei's character, she really didn't know what to say. She just hoped to finish the task quickly, leave here quickly, and never partner with Xuemei again.

Xuemei smiled indifferently, then pointed to a car on the side of the road and said:
"Xiaoqi, there is a car over there, I think it's okay, let's continue driving!"

Xiaoqi's expression fell instantly and she let out a scream.


In the end, the two of them drove on the road. After walking for less than two hours, they arrived in front of Evergreen Park.

Xuemei, who used the accelerator as a brake, drove the car into a tree in Yongqing Park. The scarred car was finally scrapped.

Car: Who knows what I've been through!
Kicking the door of the car, Xuemei jumped out of the car, and looked around warily.

"Xiao Qi, are there any zombies around?"


Xiaoqi and the big one got out of the car.

"Okay then, let's go!"

The two walked through the grass and came to Evergreen Square, and saw the big hole after the mutant tree was dug away at a glance.

"No way! Such a big tree has been dug up? Is it so insane?"

Xiaoqi yelled hysterically. They came to Tianhai City this time, and they only completed half of a few goals. How will they explain it when they go back!

Xuemei was also speechless for a while. It was obvious that the two of them were a step too late.

Sighing helplessly, Xuemei took out the Sanwu notebook and pen, and began to write on it.

brush brush...

Call ~
White flames rose up.


 Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooth yesterday, the author is asking for a recommendation ticket online!Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a reward!Ask for collection!
(End of this chapter)

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