Chapter 74 No.70 Four red and blue armored sword-arm zombies

Drip, you have new random quests!

Random task:

Kill the evolving Blue Armor Zombie (0/1)

Reward: Speed ​​attribute plus one
Punishment: Drink ten cans of energy recovery drinks at once (zombie version)

"So cruel!"

Just after picking up the energy crystals of the blue-armored zombie, Fu Xing hadn't walked a few steps after returning to Xiao Hei's back, when the system came to join in the fun again.

"System, the location of the mission target."

System: Next to the mutated plants in Yongqing Park.


After closing the system interface, Fu Xing summoned the power drink 2.0 and speed drink 2.0 in stock and drank them.

Ton ton x2
Since it is a blue-armored sword-armed zombie that is evolving, his attribute may exceed 2.0 points, Fu Xing thought so, and then continued to let Xiao Hei move forward, so what if it exceeds [-] points?After he drank the [-] version of the two drinks, his attributes exceeded thirty points.

Host: Fu Xing (Third-level super power user)
Sex: Male
Age: 22
Strength: 29 (+3+2)

Speed: 28 (+3)

Constitution: 30
Status: good
Super Power: Summon Drinks...

After being blessed, the strength has reached 34 points, and the wonderful feeling from before came to my heart again, but there is still something missing, Fu Xing can't figure it out.

"never mind."

If he can't figure it out, he can't figure it out. Fu Xing didn't think too much about it. He scanned his surroundings, trying to find the trace of the mutated plant. At this moment, Ting tugged at his clothes.

"Fu Xing, what did you drink just now? Give me some!"

Ting was super curious about the super drink summoned by Fu Xing, and always wanted to try the taste, and then Fu Xing fulfilled her wish and summoned a can of Gray Cow Drink.


"Thank you!"

Ting was still the same as before, pulled the pull ring and drank it in one breath.

ton ton ton...

After drinking it, he pursed his lips. At this time, the smell of the Gray Cow drink came up.


How would you describe Ting's expression now?I can't even describe it!Anyway, Fu Xing saw that her sword hand wanted to raise it to stab him, but finally put it down.


After a while, Ting finally recovered. She walked away from Fu Xing silently, vowing in her heart that she would never be curious again.


Fu Xing smiled, turned his head and continued to look for the mutated plants, thinking in his heart that this could be regarded as revenge.


"found it."

The little black cart continued to move along the road. During this period, more than a dozen blue-armored sword-armed zombies attacked from all angles. They were all blocked one by one by everyone, and they were all killed. When Xiao Hei walked to the section of road near Evergreen Square, Fu Xing discovered the target this time.

On the edge of Evergreen Square, there is a big mutant tree, the whole body is blood red, and dozens of slender red mutant fruits bear on the leafless branches. The plants around the big mutant tree are all withered. The tree absorbed.

At this time, there was a zombie sitting under the big tree, a zombie with red and blue armor and sword arms. The left half of his body was blue, and the right half of his body was red, especially the sword arm, which was blood red all over. It is covered with dark red and almost black patterns, which looks very scary.

"Fu Xing, there is a strange zombie over there! Have you seen it before?" In such a short time, Ting returned to her original state, and at this time she came up again and pointed at the red and blue armored zombie.

"I haven't seen it, but it looks like it should be better than the blue-armored zombies. You see, those blue-armored zombies dare not approach there."

Fu Xing noticed that there were five or six blue-armored sword-armed zombies in the grass around that zombie, all facing the mutant tree, looking like they wanted to get close but dared not.

"Then let's go quietly."

"No, I'm going to kill them and destroy that tree."

Fu Xing rejected Ting's proposal. If there was no task issued by the system before, he would go directly and ignore the zombie. But the system issued a task, and the reward for the task was the speed attribute point, so he couldn't give up.

"You go back and stay with Xiaoxia and the others while I go kill the zombie."

Fu Xing turned around and said to Yuanyuan and Ting.

"Then brother Fu, be careful."

"I'll go as well."

Yuanyuan and Ting made different choices. Yuanyuan jumped out of Xiaohei and walked towards the minivan, but Ting didn't even move. She stared at the red and blue armored zombies in the distance eager to try.

"Ting, are you looking for death? That zombie is much more powerful than the blue-armored sword-arm zombie. The defensive drink you drink can't stop his attack at all."

After checking the data of the red and blue armored zombies, Fu Xing continued to persuade him.

"As long as you don't get hit by him, it's all right?"

Ting acted as if it should be taken for granted, as if it was easy not to be hit by the red and blue armored zombies.

"Are you confident?"

"Have confidence!"

"Okay then! Pay attention later."


In the pickup truck behind, Fu Xiaoxia looked at the approaching Yuanyuan with a puzzled expression.

"Yuanyuan, why are you here?"

"Hey hey hey..."

Yuanyuan chuckled for a while, then leaned into Fu Xiaoxia's ear and said:

"Xiao Xia, just promise me one thing, and I'll tell you what I saw and heard in front of you just now, about Brother Fu!"

"What? Tell me quickly."

"Promise me first and ask Brother Fu to make me a weapon in the future, and I will tell you."


As for Fu Xing's matter, it was impossible for Fu Xiaoxia to refuse.

"Cough cough!"

Clearing her throat, Yuanyuan described what happened just now with a mysterious face. For example, Ting said that she didn't mind Fu Xing peeking at her breasts.She just left for such a short time, and a bad woman seduced her brother, can this be tolerated?

Puffing up her cheeks, Fu Xiaoxia made an angry voice, and before Yuanyuan could finish speaking, she jumped onto Xiao Hei's back. At this time, Fu Xing and Ting were about to set off.


"What's wrong, Xiao Xia?"

Fu Xing turned around and saw Fu Xiaoxia who was a little angry, he was at a loss, why is his sister angry?Who did it?Stand up, I promise I won't hit you!

"Brother, what are you going to do?"

Fu Xiaoxia's eyes rolled back and forth on Fu Xing and Ting, the more she looked at them, the more she felt that they were having an affair.

"A powerful zombie appeared in front of us, let's kill him."

"Then I'll go too."

Fu Xiaoxia squeezed between Fu Xing and Fu Xing, and hugged Fu Xing's arm.

"Xiao Xia, that zombie is very powerful, you just..."

"No! I'm going!"

"All right!"

Looking at his younger sister who was so determined for some reason, Fu Xing didn't try to persuade her anymore. After all, it was her confidence in her own strength.


When the three of them jumped off the rat's back, Fu Xiaoxia snorted at Ting, making Ting look dazed and confused.


Level [-] Zombie (Alien)
Status: Evolving (50.00% three)

Power: 35
Speed: 32
Constitution: 33
Variation site: right arm

"It's the first time I've encountered someone whose three attributes are higher than mine."

Fu Xing thought to himself, later on he had to strive for a one-hit kill, otherwise it would be troublesome.


Facing Fu Xing who was approaching, the red and blue armored zombie didn't even look at it. He was at a critical moment of evolution and couldn't act rashly, but the blue armored zombies around him didn't have this concern. Seeing the three of Fu Xing Then they all rushed over.

"Xiaoxia, don't take action now. Use all your strength to control the red and blue armored zombie later."


Fu Xing and Ting made a move. Facing the rushing blue-armored zombies, Fu Xing stepped forward and swung the iron-cutting knife in his hand. Without hesitation, it was the special effect of broken armor, and the first blue-armored zombie's knife-arm It was chopped into pieces, leaving a deep knife mark on its body, which surprised him. He didn't expect that the blue armored zombie's knife arm was harder than the blue armor on his body, and he was not killed by a single blow. Of course, it's because Fu Xing didn't hit the head of the blue-armored zombie. If he had hit the head, the blue-armored zombie would have died long ago.

But it doesn't matter, Fu Xing is not fighting alone. Ting behind him took a step forward, saw the timing, and sent the long sword into the head of the blue-armored zombie, killing him with one blow!

"that's it."

The two looked at each other and nodded, that's good, Fu Xing blocked it, Ting harvested it, saving effort.

It was another blue-armored sword-armed zombie. The position of these zombies determined that they would not rush in front of the three of them together. There was a short gap between them, which caused their fate of death.

Fu Xing did not turn on the Broken Armor again. He held a knife in both hands and no longer took the initiative to attack. Instead, when the zombies attacked, he slashed open the arm of the blue-armored zombie, and Ting stabbed straight with the long sword in his hand, killing To drop the zombies, the two cooperated very tacitly, as if they had practiced for a long time.


Fu Xiaoxia made an angry voice from behind, her brother really had an affair with this woman.

Under Fu Xiaoxia's angry eyes, Fu Xing and the two killed all the blue armored zombies that attacked. At this moment, the red and blue armored zombies over there were still indifferent.

"Hurry up and interrupt his evolution!"

Fu Xing glanced at the data again and found that the strength attribute of the red and blue armored zombie had increased by 0.1. This was not going to work, so he bought six cans of Frozen Drink from the store, and there were two cans for each of the three present.

"Ting, Xiaoxia, squeeze this drink hard, pull the tab and throw it out quickly."


After finishing speaking, Fu Xing threw out a can of freezing drink, and the two girls did not talk nonsense, throwing out the freezing drink in a similar manner.

Click! x5

Now the red and blue armored zombies couldn't be ignored anymore. He opened his eyes and let out a roar that shook the sky. Can he not be angry?The process of evolution has been interrupted, and now he is angry and wants to kill people.

Facing the flying freezing drink, the red and blue armored zombie moved its right arm, and Fu Xing and the others saw a red shadow flash by, and the six cans of drinks in the air instantly turned into two halves, but this did not affect the freezing Activation of the art drink.

click, click, click...

Six strands of ice mist exploded in the air, covering a large area, and the red and blue armored zombies were naturally covered in it.

Call ~
A gust of wind hit, and the three of them who were still waiting for the result saw a figure rushing out of the white mist. The red and blue armored sword-armed zombie was not frozen, and he rushed over on the thin ice on the ground.

clack clack...


It's not that it hasn't been completely frozen. The half of the body of the red and blue armored zombie's blue armor is covered with a thick layer of ice, while the half of the red armored arm is covered with a layer of flame-like breath surrounding it. Fighting against the cold, the incoordination of the bodies on both sides greatly affected his speed, so that Fu Xing and the three could react.


Fu Xing yelled without looking back, and then rushed forward to face the strongest enemy he encountered after coming to the end of the world. Ting followed him silently, like a shadow, ready to stab at any time long sword.


Fu Xiaoxia responded, stretched out his hands, aimed at the attacking red and blue armored zombies, then clenched his fist fiercely, activated his mental power at full strength, and his mental power fell down.


(End of this chapter)

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