My superpower is to summon drinks

Chapter 367 The Crack in the Red Mist

Chapter 367 The Crack in the Red Mist
Now that Tianhai City has been recovered, the Tianhai City base has begun to expand. During the period of Fu Xing's retreat, every high-level executive of the Tianhai City base who has reached the sixth level of strength was sent out, bringing their own The team members went to the surrounding big cities, established footholds, established bases, wiped out zombies, and searched and rescued lucky survivors.

Fu Xiaoxia conquered the space teleportation rune in the energy rune. Although it consumes a lot of energy, it also connects the Tianhai City Base and Tianlong Base. The personnel exchanges should not be frequent, but as the person in charge, Fu Xiaoxia can go to direct the overall situation , in case something bad happens to the other side, and bad thoughts arise.

At the same time, Fu Xiaoxia began to contact the remaining large survivor bases in the Xia Kingdom in the end-time world. On the surface, it was a friendly exchange, but in fact, he wanted to wait for Fu Xing to get those bases into his pocket after the end of the retreat, and the major bases Together, revitalize Xia Kingdom, a country that is already on the verge of death, clean up the zombies in the country, and let human beings climb to the top again.

Perhaps because of the huge number of mutant beasts, this kind of thing is already difficult to do, but in any case, cleaning up the zombies that eat people for a living is the top priority today. Who let the zombies occupy the former human territory?
Everything was proceeding in an orderly manner, but Fu Xing encountered a problem.


"No! Still no!"


Fu Xing took off the battle armor on his body, raised his hand and looked at the palm of his hand, with a frustrated expression on his face, he found a problem, that is, although he can experience the realm of the seventh level through various equipment, but that They are all external aids, and he feels that there is always a little bit of his own spirituality missing. If he doesn't find that spirituality, he will never be able to break through to the seventh level in his life.

"so annoying!"

Fu Xing has no other choice now, but can only continue to use equipment to temporarily reach the seventh level, in order to cause quantitative changes to lead to qualitative changes.

The system is silent, because the system said a long time ago that the promotion to the seventh level cannot rely on other things, it all depends on its own understanding. What the system can do is to make the energy in Fu Xing's body more pure, and there is no need to eliminate it. Waste time on energy impurities.


The real world is also undercurrents. Here we are talking about the Western countries in the real world. The supernatural organization organized by various countries, the Glory Knights and the God of Gods, will fight fiercely. Both sides have exchanges, and each has losses. The Knights of Glory did not dare to attack with all their strength, so they could only consume slowly, trying to use up their national strength to consume the Advent Society.

However, the amazing thing is that no matter how many people in the Advent of the Gods die, the number of supernatural beings does not decrease, but there are more and more signs. The way people become supernatural beings.

At this moment, the Knights of Glory invited people from all over the world to send people to encircle and suppress the Advent Society, and the reward was the way for ordinary people who were guessing to become supernatural beings.

The countries thought about it for a while, and then readily accepted the invitation. They are about to send people to join the war, and the interests are touching. Even the two hostile parties may temporarily unite because of their interests.


"My God..."

In the dim unknown space, Kunna, the Spear of the Sky, knelt devoutly in front of the statue of the Winged Man, telling about the recent form of the world and the crisis they will face when the gods come.


After the voice fell, the space fell into silence. Kunna was not impatient, she waited here very patiently and motionless.


Suddenly, a gust of wind appeared out of thin air, blowing Kunna's hair and blowing a black feather in front of her.

Kunna reached out to take it, and a voice that was neither male nor female, and without emotion rang in her ears:

"The second stage of divine enlightenment is coming, go! Go! Only you can save the world."

"Thank you God for your guidance!"

Kunna trembled with excitement. She had already learned what the second stage of the divine enlightenment was. She would lead the Advent of the Gods to rise from adversity and turn the world into the kingdom of the gods.


"What! What did you say? A monster appeared in the red mist?"

On this day, before all countries sent people to support the Glory Knights to destroy the Advent of Gods, red mist appeared in all countries, and they were all in the cities. Although the scale of each country was not large, every country had it.

The same is true for Xia Guo. Red mist appeared in a small city in the western region. At first, such a small red mist did not attract much attention. According to previous experience, the residents of this city stopped work for a day to see the situation before deciding what to do. However, the situation It got worse from the beginning, and countless monsters with fangs and sharp claws appeared in the city, and they killed all creatures when they saw them, causing countless casualties in a short time.

The local Yinlong branch reacted quickly, sent people to encircle and contact the headquarters at the same time, and finally the army entered the city. For a whole day and night, there were loud gunshots and wailing in the city.

After the red mist dissipated, the small peaceful town was in dilapidated ruins. Because the incident happened so suddenly and there were so many monsters, the residents in the city suffered heavy casualties, and the military and supernatural beings also suffered losses. Those monsters were all wiped out.

No!It should be said that when the red mist disappeared, those monsters, whether they were alive or dead, turned into a wisp of black smoke and disappeared with the wind. After fighting for a long time, there was nothing but video data. What a nightmare!

But this is really not a nightmare. Countries all over the world have encountered this kind of thing.

Afterwards, the heads of state held a video conference to discuss what the monster that appeared in the red mist was. This discussion really yielded valuable information.


"I know where monsters come from!"

The head of a very small country said this:
"I have solid evidence here, which will definitely surprise you!"

"Tell me! What do you want!"

What the countries talk about is interests. The leader of the small country got a lot of supplies from other countries in the name of support by relying on the things that will be exposed sooner or later, and then told the truth about the appearance of the monster:
"It's a kind of crack, a crack that appeared out of thin air, because the place where the red mist appeared was the military center of our country, so we quickly eliminated the monster, and found a crack that appeared out of thin air, black, floating in the air, a monster It just came out of there."

In order to prove that what he said was true, the leader of the small country deliberately produced a lot of pictures taken from various angles to prove his words.

Now the truth came out, but another doubt followed, how did that crack appear?


"Not good! The red mist is about to appear again, this time it's two cities, hurry up, let the army enter the city, find that crack, and block it!"

Two days passed, and the red mist came again. This time, all countries in the world who had prepared their minds found cracks in the red mist, and there was another fierce battle. After the red mist dissipated, the monsters also dissipated, but this was enough It's enough for people to determine what kind of environment is on the other side.

"We doubt……"

In the headquarters of Xia Guoyin Dragon, all the senior officials were listening to the report of a white-haired old man.

The content of the report is what the environment on the other side of the crack is like.

"Red mist, there is red mist on the opposite side of the crack, the information sent back by the detection instrument thrown over there shows that the gravity there is 20.00% to [-]% greater than that of our planet, and the oxygen content in the air is one-third of ours here, The proportion of other gases..."

"All in all, we suspect that the opposite side of the crack is not somewhere on our planet, but other planets. This is a big discovery, and it finally proves that our planet is not the only one in the universe..."


(End of this chapter)

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