Chapter 34 Poor baby
"Asshole, let Xiao Xia go."

The young man at the head of the group who came down from the third floor roared, flames burst out of his eyes, it was real flames, his eyes instantly turned red, and there were two scorching rays facing Fu Xing.


An iron pan flew up out of nowhere and blocked the scorching ray. The bottom of the pot was burnt red, but it was not pierced. After the scorching ray disappeared, it fell to the ground with a clang.

"Xu Pingcai, what are you doing?"

Fu Xiaoxia pulled Fu Xing behind her like a hen protecting her cubs, staring angrily at Xu Pingcai who suddenly attacked.

"Xiao Xia, you..."

When Xu Ping saw Fu Xiaoxia's appearance, he seemed to understand something. He showed his original expression, and then sneered:
"Heh! Fu Xiaoxia, I've pursued you for two years and you still haven't agreed. It turns out that someone is out there! Then why are you pretending to be so noble every day? Damn!"

The more he spoke, the more angry Xu Ping sent out two more scorching rays, this time the target was not Fu Xing, but Fu Xiaoxia.


It was still the unlucky iron pot that blocked Xu Pingcai's scorching ray, but this time it was not completely blocked, but was shot through, and the remaining ray went straight to Fu Xiaoxia's head, just when Fu Xiaoxia was about to die. , Fu Xing made a move.


Fu Xing stretched out his hand to block Fu Xiaoxia's face, easily blocking the remaining scorching rays.

"Xiao Xia, are you okay?"

At this time, all the people present came to their senses, Fu Xiaoxia's best friend Yuanyuan exclaimed, and hurried over to hold Fu Xiaoxia for a while to size up.

"I am fine."

Fu Xiaoxia said in a daze, the attack just now really scared her, she thought she could block it, but she didn't expect that the iron pot that blocked the attack once would be burnt through, if it wasn't for my brother...

"Brother, are you okay?"

At this time, Fu Xiaoxia came back to her senses completely, she quickly turned around and grabbed Fu Xing's hand that was blocking her just now, and looked at it, she was relieved when she found that nothing happened, and hugged Fu Xing, who was afraid began to cry.

"Brother, I was scared to death, woo woo woo..."

"It's okay, it's okay..."

Fu Xing patted Fu Xiaoxia's back to comfort him. This scene fell into Xu Pingcai's eyes. Seeing the woman he was thinking of lying in the arms of other men begging for comfort, Xu Pingcai's already angry mood became even more angry. The flames of his body grew stronger, and he felt that the scene in front of him was a mockery of him.

"Hehehe, dogs and men, go to hell!"

Smiling angrily, the scorching rays that Xu Pingcai emitted this time were unprecedentedly powerful, not just once as before, but continuous.

"Okay, Xiao Xia, don't cry, I'll teach you a lesson... What's his name?"

"Xu Pingcai."

"Yes, I'll teach that Xu Pingcai a lesson, and vent my anger on you."

Fu Xing patted Fu Xiaoxia on the shoulder, pushed her aside, and rushed towards the scorching rays.

First-order superpowers (element system)
Power: 9.4
Speed: 12
Constitution: 10
Super power: scorching rays (both eyes emit scorching rays, each single shot consumes 30 points of control, and bursts consume 10 points of control per second.)
Control: 150/250

Fu Xing's defense drink has such an introduction: resist 5 full-strength attacks by a person with a first-level superpower or resist a full-power attack by a person with a second-level superpower.

What is an all-out attack?That was an attack that completely consumed one's own energy, so Xu Pingcai alone couldn't break through Fu Xing's defense.


The scorching rays shot at Fu Xing's body and screamed, but they couldn't break through the invisible defense on his skin.

Just like that, Fu Xing stood in front of Xu Pingcai under the scorching rays of the crowd's astonished eyes, kicked him to the ground, and then punched and kicked him.

bang bang bang...

"Asshole, do you know who my dad is? How dare you hit me, my dad never hit me, you are finished, I tell you, you are finished, you wait for me, I must kill your whole family."

Xu Pingcai was also stubborn, not only did not beg for mercy, but was also very arrogant.


Hearing this, Fu Xing was silent for a moment, and then hit harder.

bang bang bang...


"Let go of Brother Xu! Let go..."

The few people who followed Xu Pingcai down from the third floor dared to yell and didn't dare to come up to save people, and when Fu Xing looked over, they shut up and turned their heads away, as if the people who yelled just now were not them.

A few minutes later, another pig's head with a bruised nose and a swollen face came out of the oven, but Fu Xing didn't stop, but continued to punch and kick. This Xu Ping dared to say that he wanted to kill his whole family. Can this be tolerated?Can't!Even if he is not killed, he must be disabled!

After a while, Xu Pingcai's screams became much quieter.

"Older brother is still older brother."

Seeing Fu Xing who stood up for her and beat Xu Pingcai into a pig's head, Fu Xiaoxia felt sweet in his heart, even if my brother lost his memory, he still protected me.

After Xu Ping was dying, Fu Xiaoxia stepped forward and grabbed Fu Xing who was still not about to stop.

"Brother, forget it, Xu Ping is only this kind of virtue, you can't be charged with murder because of him."

Fu Xiaoxia doesn't want Fu Xing to kill people in full view. This is a girl who has never experienced the darkness of human nature. After the apocalypse happened, she awakened superpowers, and saved many people with her girlfriends who also awakened superpowers, and then came to the This No. [-] cafeteria is hiding, because the food is sufficient, and two of the three supernatural beings are girls, so the survivors of Tianhai University have been living in peace, and there is no tragedy in the small shopping mall.

Fu Xiaoxia was still fantasizing that her life could go back to the past, so she didn't want Fu Xing to be charged with murder.


The furious Fu Xing was taken away by Fu Xiaoxia, only then did he remember his purpose of coming here.

"Xiao Xia, where is Professor Gao?"

"Brother, come with me, Professor Gao is on the third floor."

"Xiao Xia, wait for me."


"Brother Xu, are you okay?"

After Fu Xing and Fu Xiaoxia went up to the third floor, Xu Pingcai's younger brothers surrounded him.


Xu Ping just got up, spat out a mouthful of blood, and stared at the stairs bitterly, how could he look like the dying look just now?The co-author was pretending just now!

(Xu Pingcai: A man can bend and stretch, if he doesn't want to admit his love, he can only pretend to be dead.)

Xu Ping spit out another mouthful of blood, cast a glance at the younger brothers who were afraid to come up to help just now, and then went upstairs alone.

"Brother Xu, wait for us."



The younger brothers wanted to keep up with Xu Pingcai, but Xu Pingcai turned his head and hit their feet with a scorching ray, scaring them into place.


Panting heavily, Xu Ping went upstairs. What is he going to do?
After going up to the third floor, Xu Ping didn't stop, but went directly to the innermost room on the third floor and listened to the corner.

In the room, Fu Xing and the other three were helping a middle-aged man in his 40s, wearing a white coat, with an unshaven beard and a pale complexion, to pack his things.

"Professor Gao, do you still want this?" Fu Xing picked up a stack of documents and asked.

"Yes, as long as the files are packed up, these are the results of my research over the past month, and they may be useful in the research institute."

The middle-aged man, Professor Gao, looked up, and then lowered his head to sort out his research materials.

The whole room is full of test tubes, glass bottles, microscopes and so on (Fu Xiaoxia helped Professor Gao move them from the laboratory before the disaster), and several corpses soaked in a pungent solution, all kinds of paper The qualitative documents were lost all over the place, and Fu Xing and the others were packing them up at this moment.

Because there were too many documents and they were all over the floor, it took Fu Xing and the others more than ten minutes to clean them up.

"Okay, Professor Gao, it's all installed here, let's go, the helicopter is over there in the playground."

Putting all the documents in a big backpack, Fu Xing put the backpack on his back and turned around to walk out the door. Fu Xiaoxia and Yuanyuan followed Fu Xing. After Professor Gao looked back to see that there were no documents left in the room, he also Followed the three of them.


After listening outside the door for 10 minutes, Xu Ping, who finally heard the information he wanted, hurriedly hid to the side, and waited for Fu Xing and the others to walk away before secretly following behind.


Before the exit on the first floor, looking at the red mist outside, Fu Xing turned around and said to Xiao Xia:
"Xiao Xia, I will send Professor Gao to the helicopter and come back, you stay here..."

Fu Xing explained to the three that the helicopter was running out of fuel, and only Professor Gao could leave today.

"Okay, brother, I'll wait for you."

Fu Xiaoxia let go of Fu Xing's hand, and went up to the second floor with Yuanyuan.

With bursts of loud noises, the zombies outside were led to the back of No. [-] cafeteria. It was Fu Xiaoxia and Yuanyuan who threw the sundries on the second floor outside through the window, and helped Fu Xing and Professor Gao lead them away. zombies.

"Professor Gao, you drank this."

Fu Xing summoned a can of defense drink and handed it to Professor Gao, and briefly explained the function of the drink.


Professor Gao muttered, knowing that time was running out, he didn't delay, so he drank the defensive drink directly. After the zombies outside were lured away and the vines at the exit of the first floor opened a gap that could pass through, Fu Xing dragged Professor Gao rushed into the sky full of red mist. The can of sparkling drink he used before had more than ten minutes of effect, enough for him to rush to the playground.

"Good opportunity."

When Xu Ping came to the first floor, he found that Fu Xiaoxia and Yuanyuan were not here, and the vines hadn't closed yet. He rushed out and ran towards the playground in his memory.


A few minutes later, Fu Xing brought Professor Gao to the playground. Although he also encountered a few zombies on the way, they were all hacked to death by Fu Xing, which did not threaten Professor Gao's safety.

"Brother Li, I brought Professor Gao."

On the playground, because Fu Xing blew up all the zombies around him to death, there was no problem with the helicopter during this period of time. The pilot, Brother Li, heard Fu Xing's voice coming from the red mist, and he quickly launched the helicopter.

Boom boom boom...

The propellers gradually rotated, making a roaring sound. Fu Xing opened the cabin door, threw the big backpack behind him into the helicopter, helped Professor Gao get on the helicopter, took his own backpack, and handed over a can of sparkling drink to the helicopter. I gave it to the driver, Brother Li, and taught him how to use it, then jumped out of the cabin, closed the cabin door with a bang, and shouted loudly towards the helicopter cockpit:
"Brother Li, let's take off, the zombies will come again in a while."

"Okay, be careful here, I'll pick you up when the fuel comes in a few days."

After secretly sighing the magic of the flash drink, the driver, brother Li, began to lift the helicopter.

Boom boom boom...

Amidst a roar, the helicopter flew up into the sky and headed north.

"Wait a minute, my uncle is the head of the 527 regiment, take me with you..."

At this time, Xu Ping, who was lost in the red mist, heard the sound of a helicopter running over, but it was too late, the helicopter had already flown away.


Xu Ping, who ran over, was so tired that he bent over and gasped for breath. After his breath calmed down, he looked at the playground where only Fu Xing was left, and began to curse loudly.

"Bastard, don't let me know who is flying the helicopter, or I will have my uncle fire you, fuck..."

"Well, you said your uncle is the head of the 527 regiment?" Fu Xing interrupted Xu Pingcai's cursing.

"What? Are you scared? Let me tell you, it's too late. When my uncle comes to rescue me with the army, I will definitely let you die."

Xu Ping ran away without looking back after saying a harsh word, he was afraid that Fu Xing would beat him again.

"Xu Pingcai, what's your uncle's name? Maybe I know him." Fu Xing didn't catch up, but asked loudly from behind.

"Listen to me, my uncle is Shi Yihao, the head of your 527 regiment..." Xu Pingcai's voice came from afar.

"Poor baby."

Fu Xing looked at Xu Ping who was running around in the red mist and shook his head, Shi Yihao?I've never heard of it, but the current head of the 527th regiment is Hu, how can there be a head named Shi?Shouldn't it be a zombie?
Fu Xing walked towards the No. [-] cafeteria while thinking, what about Xu Ping who was running around?He didn't have the kindness to help someone who threatened him several times.


A scream came from afar.


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(End of this chapter)

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