My superpower is to summon drinks

Chapter 309 Confrontation in the Air!

Chapter 309 Confrontation in the Air!

"Pretentious, ah no, it's time for performance, hehehe..."

With a pinch of the purple feathers, Fu Xing let out a villainous laugh.

Call ~
The strong wind howled, a pair of huge wings blocked the sunlight, and the phantom of the Thunderbird descended.

"Xiao Xia, watch how I perform!"

As soon as the words fell, Fu Xing, who was wearing a silver praying mantis cloak, jumped up and jumped on top of Thunderbird phantom's head.

"set off!"

Like a general commanding an army to go to battle, Fu Xing raised his Tang saber Moonlight and pointed forward.

Thunderbird phantom let out a long cry, stretched its wings, flapped them vigorously, and flew into the sky with the strong wind.

Call ~

Fu Xiaoxia held down her hair blown by the strong wind, with little stars shining in her eyes, and shouted at Fu Xing who was leaving:
"Brother, you are so handsome!"

"That's natural."

Standing on top of Thunderbird's phantom, Fu Xing held his head up triumphantly. Pretending to be aggressive is an instinct engraved in human genes!
However, our protagonist is destined to be handsome for only three seconds, and Sky One, the base of Tianhai City... no, it was the Sky Three who heard the news.


The three little Thunderbirds saw the Thunderbird Phantom, their eyes lit up instantly, and they recognized him as an elder. In fact, it is not bad to say that the Thunderbird Phantom was made of the corpses of their parents. This is a cruel fact .


Then the three little Thunderbirds saw Fu Xing standing on top of Thunderbird's phantom, how could this be possible?


Thus, Fu Xing, who was still immersed in his pretentious complacency, received a thunderous blow. Fortunately, he had a strong defense and was fine, but the attack of the little Thunderbird woke him up.

"How can you fix it! I have to roast you today!"

Angrily, Fu Xing spoke a foreign language directly, rolled up his sleeves, and wanted to control the phantom of the Thunderbird and turn around to settle accounts with the three little Thunderbirds.

As for the helicopter overhead, I'm sorry, Fu Xing just forgot.


The three little thunderbirds were not to be outdone. At this time, their newborn calves were not afraid of tigers, and flew towards Fu Xing, wanting to knock down Fu Xing who was stepping on their elders.

"You three little ones come back to me!"

In the end, the internal strife didn't happen, Fu Xiaoxia took things from the air, grabbed one by one, and captured the three little thunderbirds, then waved her hand to signal her unreliable brother to get down to business.


Fu Xing snorted angrily, and continued to control the phantom Thunderbird to fly towards the helicopter in the sky, muttering all the time: "I'll roast you three when I come back."


Boom boom boom...

Inside the helicopter.

"Captain, look, there is someone on that mutated bird."

Without the reminder from the team members, Captain Lu also saw Fu Xing standing on top of the phantom of the Thunderbird through the camera. For some reason, he felt a little depressed.

Frowning on his serious face, Captain Lu gave the order:
"Xiaolin, don't contact him, evacuate here at full speed."


The helicopter pilot replied very calmly, and then the helicopter hovering in the air accelerated, trying to get out of here.

"Come if you want, leave if you want?"

Fu Xing stepped on his right foot lightly, and the phantom of the Thunderbird suddenly accelerated, directly blocking the front of the helicopter. After that, no matter how the helicopter swayed, he couldn't get rid of the phantom of the Thunderbird. The driver is great.

However, neither of the two sides launched an attack, so they confronted each other like this. Fu Xing was carrying Tang Dao Yueguang, his big face under the hood was blurred, giving people a very mysterious feeling. He didn't speak first, because he felt that In terms of momentum, it will fall into a disadvantage.


Inside the helicopter.

"Captain, I can't get rid of him, what should I do?"

Helicopter pilot Xiao Lin asked, with a trace of helplessness in her calm voice. So far, bulky aircraft are still not as flexible as living things.


Seeing that Fu Xing didn't attack, Captain Lu touched a shell shield next to his feet and meditated. Finally, he shouted loudly:
"Xiao Lin, open the external communication, let me try to see if I can communicate."


Ka Ka Ka!
Soon, Xiaolin's voice sounded:

"Captain, it's activated."


Nodding, Captain Lu stood up from his seat, walked to the front of the screen, and picked up a communicator connected to the screen from the side of the screen.

"Cough cough."

After coughing twice, Captain Lu said:
"Compatriots on the opposite side, I am Lu Hailiang, the captain of the second search team of the South Shark Survivor Base in the Southern Xia Kingdom Theater. You can call me Captain Lu. We have no malicious intentions, just because we found that there are survivors as big as you in Tianhai City. I was delighted to see the camp, so I stopped in the air for a while."

The other person spoke, of course Fu Xing had to speak too!Or just stand in the air?What's the point?
So Fu Xing tentatively shouted:
"Captain Lu, right? Can you hear me?"

As Fu Xing expected, there was a device on his helicopter to collect external sounds. His voice was transmitted into the cabin, and Captain Lu hurriedly responded.

"I can hear you, we can hear you."

"That's fine."

Fu Xing nodded, then asked:
"Since you are soldiers of the Xia Kingdom, why don't you land? We have a lot of flat open space to land here, and we have been waiting for the military's rescue for a long time. We are very happy that you are here!"


Faced with Fu Xing's words that seemed to be an invitation, Captain Lu hesitated for a moment, but still told the truth.

"The compatriots on the opposite side, because some bad things happened before, so we have a rule that you should not land easily during the mission."

"Bad things……"

IQ Online's Fu Xing understood what is bad when he turned his head, so do you need to say more?After the helicopter landed, it was attacked by a brain-dead person, which probably caused a lot of damage. Otherwise, the people at the South Shark Base would not be so cautious.

But this is not the reason why they hovered over the base of Tianhai City for a long time and left whenever they wanted.

"Captain Lu, I understand what you said, I promise, we are very hospitable here, and nothing bad will happen after you land."

Fu Xing is talking empty words, everyone is an adult, how could Captain Lu believe it.

"you are?"

Up to now, Fu Xing hadn't revealed his identity, so Captain Lu asked, wanting to change the subject.

"I am Chief Fu of the Tianhai City Base, and the Tianhai City Base is our base below." Fu Xing briefly introduced himself, then repeated the old saying, and continued to invite Captain Lu and others to land.

"The deputy chief?"

After Fu Xing said this, Captain Lu didn't dare to land even more. A deputy leader made him feel a lot of pressure. What about the strength of the leader of the Tianhai City base below?

"At present, it seems that the leader here should not be able to fly, or something happened, so he didn't come here. If we go down..."

Captain Lu and his team members looked at each other, but for the sake of safety, they decided not to go down.

So, Captain Lu brought up the reason just now: "Deputy leader, I, Lu Hailiang, accept your wishes, but the rules are the rules, we can't land, please forgive me."


Fu Xing changed his countenance instantly, and his tone became aggressive:

"So, Captain Lu, are you going to toast instead of eating fine wine?"


Captain Lu's heart skipped a beat, it's broken!Encountering the worst situation, the deputy leader on the opposite side was just showing courtesy and then fighting. He didn't mean to let us leave at all. What should we do now?
"Captain, let's rush out!"

"Yes! Captain."


Several team members also noticed it, and they suggested rushing out one after another.


Captain Lu gritted his teeth and decided not to have a conflict if he could afford it, but if a conflict was inevitable, they wouldn't hesitate.

So Captain Lu tentatively said one last sentence:
"Deputy leader, we really have regulations, we can't land! You..."

"Don't do this and that."

Fu Xing waved Tang Dao Yueguang, as if a little impatient.

"Rules are dead, but people are alive. I invited you so warmly to come down as guests, but you are still chattering here, are you not giving me face?"


Captain Lu wanted to say something else, but Fu Xing directly gave an ultimatum.

"Captain Lu, let me ask again, are you going to come down? If you don't..."


Captain Lu sighed in his heart, and directly turned off the external communication. This made no sense, so he had to force his way in, so he said to Xiaolin:

"Xiao Lin, turn on the shield and leave here at full speed."


Xiaolin nodded calmly, and after a short operation, the big shell under the modified helicopter shimmered, and the shield that blocked the zombie bird reappeared, turned the direction slightly, and the helicopter flew into the distance.

"You still want to leave? Then don't blame me for being rude!"

Fu Xing was immersed in his acting skills, and he wanted to take this bad guy to the end today.

Call ~
With a flap of its wings, Thunderbird phantom blocked the helicopter again.

"team leader!"

Helicopter pilot Xiao Lin shouted.

"Bump it!"

Captain Lu gritted his teeth and shouted, then fastened his seat belts with his team members, preparing for the impact.

"Hey! Head iron!"

Fu Xing laughed, can he be cowardly?Can't!It wasn't him who hit the helicopter anyway.


With an order, Thunderbird phantom also bumped into it.

With a loud noise, the shield of the helicopter shook, and the Phantom Thunderbird fell directly from the air, flapping its wings several times to stabilize its figure.

"Come again!"

Fu Xing, who had already flown up earlier, entered the theater watching mode. He wanted to see how many times this modified helicopter could crash.

"Come again!"

The voice of the driver, Xiaolin, was no longer calm, but her blood was boiling. To be honest, she used to drive a tank.

"See if I don't kill you!"

The corner of Xiao Lin's mouth raised, and she drove the helicopter into it.

"It's over, it's over, sister Xiaolin has gone crazy." Team member Xiao Qin shouted in horror.

"Calm down!"

Captain Lu gave a loud shout, and the team members calmed down.

boom! boom! boom!
The helicopter's shield was surprisingly powerful, and it was only after three hits that it was smashed by the phantom of the Thunderbird.

The phantom of the thunderbird was not unscathed either, its shape became illusory.

Call ~
The shattered shield brought up a gust of wind, and Xiaolin took the opportunity to control the helicopter to sway the phantom of the Thunderbird away, and flew into the distance.

"Hmph! But Err..."

Xiaolin snorted triumphantly, everything was under her control, and using the subsequent reaction of the broken shield to get out of the block was the only way to leave here without launching an attack.

However, before Xiaolin could be proud for three seconds, a long silver knife pierced through the hatch of the helicopter cockpit and landed on her neck.

Immediately afterwards, Fu Xing, who was invisible at some point, appeared outside the cabin door and waved his hand through the glass.

"Hi! Beauty, can you land for a moment..."


(End of this chapter)

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