My superpower is to summon drinks

Chapter 292 How to deal with it?

Chapter 292 How to deal with it?

Yu Tai is a young man in Huishan City who has graduated from university for more than a year. Based on the principle of proximity, he found a decent job in Huishan City and rented a house in Yumao Community near his work place.

It should be!After struggling for more than a year, Yu Tai's salary at this time is not only enough for his daily expenses, but also has a large surplus, so he is living a good life.

But not long ago, Yu Tai made a girlfriend, and his girlfriend spent a lot of money, but Yu Tai, who fell in love, didn't care about these, and just tried his best to meet the girlfriend's expenses.

Before he knew it, Yu Tai's savings were running out, and just a few days ago, his girlfriend said that he wanted to buy a new limited-edition bag, which was very expensive, so Yu Tai's savings at this time were not enough.

"No, I have to find a way to get money."

Thinking of his girlfriend's disappointed expression at that time, Yu Tai made up his mind, took out his mobile phone and dialed a number that he hadn't contacted for a long time.


After a long time, just when Yu Tai was getting impatient, the other party connected.

"Hey, who is it?"

The voice on the other side was in a daze, as if he hadn't woken up.

"Brother Kang, it's me, Xiaotai." Yu Tai said in a low voice.

"Oh, Xiao Tai!"

Obviously, the other party didn't forget Yu Tai, and also knew the purpose of Yu Tai's calling him, that he was short of money.

In a high-end residential area, Brother Kang got up from the bed, sat on the edge of the bed and lit a cigarette, then said with a smile:

"Xiaotai, are you short of money again? Only when you are short of money can you think of you, Brother Kang, and me!"


Yu Tai smiled awkwardly, and then flattered: "Brother Kang is really good at predicting things!"

"You boy."

After laughing and swearing, Brother Kang took a puff of cigarette and then said loudly:
"Exactly, I also have a job here, which is almost the same as before, but the pay is twenty times higher. Do you want to do it?"

"Twenty times!"

Yu Tai's eyes widened, and he nodded repeatedly regardless of whether the other side could see it or not.

"Do it, Brother Kang, I will do it."

The smile on Brother Kang's face widened, and he took a deep drag on the cigarette.

Call ~
"Okay, I'll send you the request later. Is it still the same number as before?"

Yu Tai: "Yes, yes."



Soon, Brother Kang's message was sent to Yu Tai's mobile phone. Yu Tai couldn't wait to open the message and read it, and then exclaimed.

"What! Is it related to supernatural beings?"

After carefully reading the message several times, Yu Tai called Brother Kang again.


Soon the phone was connected, and Yu Tai said in a hurry:

"Brother Kang, is what the message said true?"

"It's true." Brother Kang nodded.


After hesitating for a moment, Yu Tai asked softly:

"Brother Kang, is there no danger?"


After waving his hand, Brother Kang said nonchalantly, "There's no danger. I've done it myself several times. There's nothing wrong with it. Just do what the message says."


Yu Tai still hesitated.

Brother Kang's tone became unhappy.

"Xiaotai, have you known me for a long time? When have I lied to you? If you don't believe me, then I can't help it. There are ordinary ones too. Do you want it?"


After being silent for a while, Yu Tai thought about it. He was really short of money, so he decided to trust Brother Kang once: "Forget it, let's do this!"

"That's right! Don't worry, Xiao Tai, nothing will happen."

Brother Kang showed a smile again, and patted his chest to reassure him that as a middleman, he was paid fifty times the price, and he paid twenty times the price to the downline. Yes!Can you not laugh?

After accepting a job that can earn a lot of money, Yu Tai slept happily, and then used the morning time and evening time after get off work to start looking for targets.

Within a day, Yu Tai determined his target, the famous cat in Yumao Community, Huahua.

So in the morning of this day, Yu Tai came to Huahua's cat litter with the added canned fish, and put the canned fish in front of the cat litter with a smile on his face.

Afterwards, Yu Taihui returned to his room and took a nap. He asked for leave yesterday, and he has one day to use today.

Jingle Bell……

The scheduled alarm bell woke up Yu Tai. He tidied up, covered himself tightly and set off.

When I came to Huahua's cat nest, as expected, Huahua had already fallen into a coma, and several of Huahua's kittens meowed, looking hungry.

"Hey hey hey..."

Yu Tai squinted his eyes and smiled, then picked up Huahua, and packed the kitten in the black plastic bag he carried with him, then avoided the surveillance of Yumao Community and returned to the rented house.


"I haven't done it for a long time, I hope I won't do it by hand."

After returning to the house, Yu Tai closed the doors and windows, drew the curtains, and the room became dark instantly. He turned on the light, pulled out a dusty backpack from under the bed, and opened the backpack. Inside were large and small knife ropes, which were stained with dirt. A lot of blood.

Taking out a knife, Yu Tai fell into memory.

It was a day in the first semester of his sophomore year. Yu Tai sold a new Yali mobile phone with living expenses, and was worried that he would not have enough food for this month!A classmate who was not very familiar with him patted him on the shoulder and asked him if he was short of money.

There is nothing to hide, Yu Tai nodded, and then the classmate asked him if he dared to kill?
Since then, a new door has opened in front of Yutai, and he has never been short of money in his college life.

And the way that classmate introduced to Yu Tai to get money was to abuse small animals, shoot videos, and send them to a person named Kang to get paid.

The more brutal the videos, the more rewards.

Coincidentally, although Yu Tai is a bit shy and gentle with others, he has no affection for small animals at all. The reason should be that he was bitten by a dog when he was a child, and his memory is still fresh.

So Yu Tai didn't have any psychological burden at all, and he didn't stop until he graduated from university, because he knew that this was not the right way, although the money was coming soon.

I originally thought I would never work again in this life, but I didn't expect it would be so expensive to have a girlfriend, so Yu Tai had to pick up the phone again.


"I'll look at the requirements again, and don't miss anything."

After tidying up his tools and boiling a pot of water with the electric kettle, Yu Tai took out his phone and opened the message again.

It was similar to the previous steps, except that Yu Tai was required to find a small animal with a cub, and then abuse its cub in front of that small animal, so as to stimulate the potential of the small animal and let it evolve into a mutant beast.

There is a special note at the end: the small animal must be alive in order to get twenty times the reward.

"Mutant beast, mutant beast, I remember rumors on the Internet that mutant beasts are supernatural beings among animals. I didn't expect that I could give birth to a mutant beast with my own hands. It's so interesting."

After reading the information, a perverted smile appeared on Yu Tai's face. He didn't have any fear in his heart, and some were just eager to try. According to the information released by Yinlong, supernatural beings are very weak at the beginning, not much stronger than ordinary people, presumably mutant beasts are also In this way, as long as this orange cat is tied tightly, nothing will happen.

Besides, Brother Kang has done it several times, and he is still alive and well, which shows that this matter is not dangerous.

"Then let's get started!"

Looking at the time, the effect of the medicine was about to pass. Yu Tai picked up a kitten and picked up a small knife, planning to practice his hands first to recover that feeling.


A shrill meow woke up the orange cat Huahua, it was the cry of its child, Huahua immediately opened his eyes, and then saw a scene that made his eyes tear apart.

A human was holding a knife and slowly scratching its child's body. The poor little kitten was struggling and screaming.

Meow meow meow……

Huahua, who was tied up by Wuhua, screamed weakly, but her pleas resulted in Yu Tai intensifying the persecution of Xiaomaozai.

"Good, you're awake, let's get down to business!"

Yu Tai threw the dying kitten in front of Huahua, then turned on the video recording function of the phone, adjusted the position, and picked up another kitten.


Poor Huahua can only watch the humans who are usually good to her abuse her children. There are various methods.

Yu Tai is a professional who knows how to make small animals survive the abuse, and then threw several tortured and dying kittens in front of Huahua.

Meow meow……

The kittens screamed miserably and gradually died out. Huahua could only watch helplessly, unable to even lick the wounds of her own children.

"Why is it still the same?"

After washing the blood on his hands, Yu Tai came to Huahua and observed carefully, nothing changed!Is Brother Kang kidding me?

Thinking of this, Yu Tai called Brother Kang and was told to be patient.

"All right!"

Yu Tai hung up the phone, opened some curtains, sat on the computer chair and started playing on the computer. It was a rare day off to play two games before talking.

And when Yu Tai was playing the game intensely, he suddenly smelled a burning smell.


"What's the situation? Did I just finish boiling the water and didn't unplug the power?"

Yu Tai turned around to look, and then an orange cat with its body burning with flames jumped on his face with an angry meow.




In the afternoon, thick smoke billowed from a room on the seventh floor of Building No. [-] in Yumao Community, and other people in the community called the fire alarm in time.

The firefighters came soon.


When the firefighters broke open the bedroom door, they were stunned by the scene in front of them. An orange cat with flames on its body was desperately biting a scorched man, who was still emitting a faint pain. The cry, apparently alive.


The firefighters who came to their senses wanted to step forward to save people, but then the orange cat made a threatening sound from its mouth.


It was important to save lives. The firefighters used a fire extinguisher to spray out the flames on the orange cat and then rushed forward and caught it. However, the firefighters who came forward were all burned, and they don't know how the orange cat did it.


When Fu Xing and the others arrived, everything was over, only a firefighter with an iron cage at his feet was waiting outside Yumao Community.

Captain Zhou Miaoyun took the lead to negotiate, and after the firefighters left, she picked up the iron cage containing the orange cat Huahua and walked towards Yumao Community with Fu Xing and others.

Matters related to mutant beasts are also within the scope of Yinlong's handling, and they are going to check the scene.


No one moved at the scene, and Yu Tai's cell phone was still taking pictures. The quality was really good, and Fu Xing and the others quickly understood the cause and effect.


Seeing the cruel video on Yu Tai's phone, Zhou Miaoyun, who likes small animals, covered her mouth with tears in her eyes.


Qin Ke punched the wall hard.

Meng Chen vomited out the spicy strips he ate at noon.


Fu Xing frowned. The pictures in the video were nothing to him. The quagmire made up of zombies' flesh and blood was exciting. It's just that he didn't expect that something that could only be seen on the Internet before would happen before his eyes.

After waiting for a while, after the other three had calmed down, Fu Xing asked a very important question.

"What should we do with this orange cat?"


 The author is not a pervert! ! !aha!This author also has a chapter blocked on this day!

(End of this chapter)

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