My superpower is to summon drinks

Chapter 286 Makes Me Look Like a Villain

Chapter 286 Makes Me Look Like a Villain

"Cough cough."

After coughing twice, Senior Zhang asked with a serious face: "Fu Xing, do you know why you are in a coma?"


Fu Xing nodded and briefly talked about his mental confrontation with the gray-haired woman. Of course, he made it all up, and the end result was that he was so wise and powerful that he defeated the gray-haired woman with overwhelming force. , Otherwise, how could he wake up by himself?

Senior Zhang nodded. He felt that what Fu Xing said made sense. He didn't seem to have something to do with Fu Xing, but just to be on the safe side, he asked Kong Xiangxuan to check again, and finally confirmed that there was no problem. After saying this, Fu Xing was asked to go back.

"I'm leaving!"

Fu Xing waved his hand, slipped back to the dormitory, then grabbed Xiao Hei who didn't know when he would come back, and rubbed him hard.

"Xiao Xiao Hei, if anyone comes over, just call me!"

After finishing speaking, Fu Xing lay down directly on the bed, closed his eyes and kicked his legs, entering his own spiritual space.

Xiao Xiaohei looked at Fu Xing strangely, thinking to himself why didn't Fu Xing perform a big change today?

Can't figure it out, can't figure it out.

Shaking his head, Xiao Xiaohei jumped onto Fu Xing's stomach and lay down on his stomach. Holding the black energy crystal with his two front paws, he stuck out his tongue and licked it.

Meow: Delicious!


In a vast white mental space, when Fu Xing opened his eyes, he saw the gray-haired woman running in the seemingly endless space.

"So unrestrained!"

Fu Xing wiped the corner of his mouth, temporarily ignoring the gray-haired woman. He was full of doubts and needed to ask the system.


He raised his head and shouted, then Fu Xing moved to the side, and a silver ball hit his original position.

System: "Host, why are you still awake so late, what's the matter calling this system?"

The silver ball floated up, and the tone was a little impatient, the one who counted the super power points was happy, it was so annoying to be interrupted!

Fu Xing ignored the tone of the system, pointed to the unrestrained gray-haired woman in the distance and asked:
"Can I sleep with this thing in my head?"

Without waiting for the system to answer, Fu Xing stomped his feet and asked again: "System, please tell me in detail how this mental space was formed and what is its use?"

System: "How did it form? Of course it was piled up with super energy points..."

Before the system could finish speaking, Fu Xing interrupted: "How many super points?"

The system replied without thinking: "300 million."


At that moment, the entire mental space seemed to be quiet, and then Fu Xing suddenly burst into flames, grabbed the system and smashed it to the ground.

bang bang bang...

"You cheat! You cheated me with 200 million super points! Give it back to me..."

The system is also guilty!After breaking free, he didn't hit Fu Xing's dog's head, but forcibly explained:
"Calm down, calm down, host, calm down, the system hasn't finished yet!"

Fu Xing was gearing up, staring at the silver ball.


System: "300 million superpower points are the cost of creating this spiritual space, and there are another 200 million superpower points for...for..."

"What are they used for?"

Just as Fu Xing slowly approached the system and raised his hand to grab it, the system finally thought of a reasonable reason.

System: "Host, look at the gray-haired woman over there. You should know what her power is, right?"

Fu Xing turned his head to take a look, then nodded.

"I know, what do you want to say?"

The system said seriously: "Host, do you think that spiritual space can be created casually? How is that possible? This portable space is omnipotent. This system used a huge number of super power points to forcibly plunder the gray space. The woman's superpower is based on her superpower!"

"Is that so?"

Fu Xing didn't believe the system's sophistry at all, he was ready to die, and he cheated me of 200 million super points, the system, you're done!You are really doomed!
System: "Of course it is! Host, if you don't believe it, you can ask the gray-haired woman if she can still use powers."

"is it?"

What the system said was reasonable and well-founded, which made Fu Xing hesitate. Is the truth of the matter really what the system said?Didn't this unreliable system trick me into superpowers?
With such doubts, Fu Xing turned around and walked towards the gray-haired woman, he decided to ask.



From afar, Fu Xing greeted, and the gray-haired woman who heard the voice turned her head to look, and then, like a frightened deer, she completely lost her previous arrogance, turned around and ran away.

Fu Xing: "..."

In order to relieve the doubts in his heart and to eliminate this hidden danger, Fu Xing chased after him.

Soon, Fu Xing caught up with the gray-haired woman, a vicious tiger preying on her.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me..."

The gray-haired woman who had lost her strength seemed to be a different person. After being thrown down by Fu Xing, her face was full of panic. She hugged her chest with her hands, curled up into a ball, trembling all over, and muttered in her mouth not to kill me.


Fu Xing frowned. Although the gray-haired woman's body was very attractive, without the assistance of the supernatural power, he just looked at it a few more times, and his heart was a little restless. The reason for his frowning was that the situation was as the system said. The gray-haired woman's ability disappeared, and since that was the case, her 200 million superpower points would not come back.

"So, the system, you didn't lie to me?"

Fu Xing stepped on the gray-haired woman to prevent her from turning her head to look at the system that was slowly drifting away after she ran away.

System: "That's natural. Is this system the kind that traps the host's superpower points?"

Fu Xing twitched the corners of his mouth, and thought to himself, are you still cheating too much?

"Forget it."

Shaking his head, Fu Xing planned to trust the system for a while, and continued the topic just now and asked:
"In this case, can you tell me what is the use of this spiritual space?"

System: "This is the spiritual space of your host, you should be able to feel it."


System: "Host, mobilize your mental power to perceive it carefully, and you will find that you can achieve what you want here. After all, everything here is illusory, just like dreaming. Isn't there such a saying? In dreams Everything!"

"Damn! Where is this idiot from?"

Fu Xing couldn't help complaining.

System: "Don't care about these details, anyway, as long as you have a rich imagination, you can do everything here, referred to as daydreaming, also known as brain supplementation, and satisfactory..."

"Stop stop stop, I'll try it if I try it, don't talk about it." Fu Xing didn't want to talk to this nonsense system anymore, so he closed his eyes and began to perceive it carefully.


Ripples appeared in the calm spiritual space, and the white light gradually shrank into a ball, flying into the sky like the sun.

Then there was a touch of blue around the sun, the blue of the sky, and the blue spread as far as the eye could see.

Finally, the ground, with Fu Xing as the center, other colors appeared on the dark ground, brown soil, green grass, colorful flowers...

In this way, Fu Xing's spiritual space became a flat grass field, dotted with flowers, blue sky and white clouds, and warm sunshine.

After all the changes were over, Fu Xing opened his eyes, with a tired look on his face, this thing was too exhausting.

But everything is worth it, Fu Xing thought so, he looked around, nodded in satisfaction, and then he looked down.

"It's your turn."

Having said this, Fu Xing raised his arm, and an iron-cutting knife condensed by mental power slowly emerged. In the change of the world just now, Fu Xing's use of mental power can be said to be advancing by leaps and bounds. Not to mention, anyway, in this spiritual space, Fu Xing felt that he was a god, as long as he was willing to spend his mental power, he could do anything.

Now, this omnipotent god in his own spiritual space raised his butcher knife, and his target was the gray-haired woman under his feet.

"Ah! Don't kill me, don't kill me, please don't kill me, as long as you don't kill me, you can do anything to me." There is a great terror between life and death, and the gray-haired woman doesn't know where the strength comes from. He crawled out under his feet, turned around and hugged his thigh, begging pitifully.

But is Fu Xing someone who will be fooled by the beauty of the enemy?
System: This seems to be true.

Fu Xing: "Go, go, that was before, now I'm not charmed, so I'm going to kill her!"

Just like that, Fu Xing was sober at this time, he would not leave an enemy living in his mental space, so he kicked the gray-haired woman to the ground with a cold face, and with a wave of his hand, a piece of clothing appeared out of thin air , fell on the gray-haired woman.

"Put on your clothes and die decently."

How about saying that beautiful women have privileges?If it were a naked old man standing in front of Fu Xing, he would definitely make a clean break without delay, unlike now, he gave the gray-haired woman the last bit of mercy.


The gray-haired woman grabbed her clothes and stared blankly at Fu Xing. At this moment, she already understood that she would surely die today, and the man in front of her who had been toyed with by her before applauding would not let her go.

"Ha ha."

The gray-haired woman laughed at herself. She was afraid of death in her whole life, so she tried her best to improve herself after obtaining the supernatural power. For this reason, she did not hesitate to stain her hands with blood, and drained the spiritual power of countless people before she reached A-level. As an existence between soul and matter, there is no longer any worry of natural death. The world is so big, where can't I go?

But unexpectedly, after being planted here today, the gray-haired woman can no longer feel her supernatural powers, and here she is like a real person, the kind who is really dead after being hacked to death by Fu Xing, the kind who can't even run away.

In an instant, her own life flashed through her mind. The gray-haired woman no longer begged Fu Xing to spare her life, but put on her clothes silently, stood up from the ground, and looked at Fu Xing with her head held high.

"Little brother, my sister is in trouble today, come on! Give her a good time."

Saying that, the gray-haired woman opened her arms and closed her eyes.

"Makes me look like a villain."

Fu Xing shook his head, then raised the iron knife.

The Iron Chopping Knife instantly turned into a 40-meter broadsword, and directly smashed the gray-haired woman into a sky full of light spots. At this moment, the system's main body, the silver ball, flew over, and the gray-haired woman turned into a sky full of light spots. The ball spins rapidly.

System: "It's now!"

With the rotation of the light spots in the sky, countless light filaments connected to them emerged in the spiritual space. The light filaments were colorful, and some of them were still black.

"System, what are you doing?"

Fu Xing looked confused, so he asked.

System: "Host, what do those black filaments look like?"

Fu Xing took a closer look, then widened his eyes, and muttered to himself:


(End of this chapter)

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