Chapter 167


Fu Xingfei was flying in the air, looking down at the dilapidated warehouse below. Except for a dark hole in front of the warehouse door and five corpses in hidden corners around it, there was nothing apparent on the surface, but how many people knew about it? , what kind of tragic battle took place inside?

"Superhumans, superhumans, are different from ordinary people, surpass ordinary people, and what they see and hear is unknown to ordinary people. All countries in the world are hiding their existence, but more than ten years have been enough to make the entire supernatural A new order has formed in the world, but to put it bluntly, they are still human beings, and they cannot be exempted from customs. Before there was a black-bald man who avenged his son, and later there was a blood-haired man who avenged his lover. Behind these two things, there are gods coming The shadow of Hui, what are they trying to do? Do you think this world is too peaceful?"

Finally, Fu Xing came to a conclusion.

"The Advent of the Gods is just a shit-stirring existence. They want to stir up the world situation in order to achieve their ulterior motives. Why are they called the Advent of the Gods? There really are no gods, right? Or their boss thinks he is a god ? I don’t understand, I don’t understand.”

Shaking his head, Fu Xing abandoned his messy thoughts, and strengthened one of his thoughts, that is, his world must not become like the end of the world.

"Anyone who dares to come here to cause trouble will be killed, especially those lunatics from the Advent of the Gods."


"Dad, Mom, I'm back." Fu Xing returned home.

"Xiao Xing, your mother and I have discussed it. Even if we become superpowers, we don't plan to leave here. It's good to maintain this peaceful life now."

Fu Qiang pulled Fu Xing over immediately, and told him what he and Xu Cuilian had just discussed, that is, not to make trouble for his son, and to maintain the current life.


Fu Xing nodded, and then told Fu Qiang that he was not short of money. If they wanted to travel, buy a house in the city, and do whatever they wanted, it would be no problem.

Fu Qiang just said wait!Maintain the status quo for now.

Seeing that his father was serious, Fu Xing didn't persuade him anymore. As for asking his mother?Fu Xing said that it would not take that much effort.

Although Xu Cuilian usually calls the shots at home, Fu Qiang seems a little afraid of his wife, but whenever big things happen, Fu Qiang still calls the shots. This is a tacit understanding between the couple.

After that, Fu Xing and Fu Qiang chatted for a while, talking about things with superpowers in this world, the classification of levels, and the coming of gods who always wanted to cause trouble.

This made Fu Qiang firmer in his decision to stay in the small mountain village and live a peaceful life first, in case he encounters the God's Advent Society that his son said after going out, and he can't just go to their remote place with nothing to do. Is Xiaoshan Village doing something wrong?


"Xiao Xiaohei, come here, come here, I'll give you something delicious."

Fu Xing felt that the world was too dangerous. He wanted to improve Xiao Xiaohei's strength. He couldn't let the black cat stay in his house just for being cute and catching mice. He wanted to make it capable of fighting against A-level superpowers. The presence.


Xiao Xiaohei jumped down from the roof, quickly ran to Fu Xing's side, and squatted in front of Fu Xing, looking very expectant. He had not forgotten what Fu Xing said when he caught him. He had all kinds of mutant fruits. , eat whatever you want.

But after coming here for so many days, I haven't seen a single mutated fruit, and Xiao Hei is wondering if he has been cheated, but today Fu Xing actually said that there are delicious food, Xiao Hei decided to trust Fu Xing again back.

However, waiting for Xiao Xiaohei was Fu Xing's ruthless iron hand and a can of Constitution Drink 3.0 that hit his cat's face.

"Meow meow meow?"

"This is a good thing. I won't give it to others if they want it!"

Fu Xing looked like you were taking advantage, and then said in a tone that bewitched children:
"Come on, Xiao Hei, drink it, it tastes good."


Xiao Hei looked at himself, and then at the Physical Drink 3.0, which was not much smaller than himself, and suddenly let out a scream, his limbs fluttered and wanted to escape Fu Xing's ruthless iron hand, but how could it be so weak and helpless? He escaped, and was finally ordered by Fu Xing to drink the Physical Drink 3.0.


Xiao Hei with a bulging belly lay on the ground and made a weak sound.

"not bad!"

Fu Xing patted Xiao Hei's head in satisfaction.

"From now on, three cans a day. After your physical attribute reaches 15 points, drink power drink 3.0 and speed drink 3.0. I will definitely train you to be the strongest black cat."


Hearing this, Xiao Xiao Hei tilted his head, stuck out his tongue, and fainted from fright.



In the Yinlong Branch of Huishan City, Senior Zhang and five members of the investigation team went down. The group silently looked at the traces of destruction. After reaching the third floor, they saw Yinlong who was being killed in battle. Brother Zhang and others who collected the corpses of Dragon members.


Brother Zhang opened his mouth when he saw Senior Zhang, but he didn't know what to say. In the end, he just pointed to the dead Yinlong members with a sad face.


Senior Zhang glanced around and counted silently. During this attack, the Yinlong Branch of Huishan City lost half of its members. This half of the members are still combatants. The vitality fighters and spiritual masters who came out, in short, the Yinlong Branch of Huishan City was disabled, and these could have been avoided. If he could arrive in time, these people would not have to die.

But there is no what-if in the world, and if you do the math with your heart or not, the Heavenly God's Coming Meeting has been planned for a long time, and almost everything has been calculated. If Fu Xing hadn't intervened, the Yinlong branch in Huishan City would have been completely wiped out.

Now only more than half of the middle-level backbone has been lost, and the top-level combat power Brother Zhang and those bottom-level new blood who have not joined the Yinlong Branch for a long time have survived. This is luck among misfortunes.

But this matter cannot be left as it is. Those who died need an explanation, and those who are still alive also need an explanation.

"Xiao Zhang, don't worry, we Yinlong will definitely avenge this."

Senior Zhang patted Brother Zhang on the shoulder, and Brother Zhang nodded fiercely. Needless to say, Senior Zhang would avenge these people who died. After all, these people were his men, his brothers!

What?Who do you say the blood knights are dead to seek revenge?

Isn't the mastermind behind the scenes, Arrival of the Gods, still there?There is also the Glory Knights, the organization that the blood knight belongs to, they are all targets of revenge!

Afterwards, Brother Zhang and Senior Zhang discussed what happened today, wrote a report and uploaded it to Yinlong Headquarters.

There is no rush for revenge, because on the surface this incident was done by the Blood Knights of the Western Glory Knights, but the mastermind behind the scenes is the people of the Advent Society. If Yinlong directly conflicts with the Glory Knights, then Did you follow the wish of the Advent Meeting?
But even so, the statement and compensation that the Honor Knights should give to Hidden Dragon is indispensable. After all, the Blood Knights are members of the Knights, and the A-level abilities of your Knights came to us and destroyed a branch. Whatever the explanation and compensation, the entire supernatural world will think that we Yinlong are easy to bully, which is not acceptable.

What if the Honor Knights insist on not giving an explanation?It is really possible that the two organizations of supernatural beings will fight each other. After all, this has already affected the face of the entire organization and the entire country, and there is no room for retreat.

It is precisely because of this that although the plan of the Advent of the Gods did not achieve the best goal, it also disturbed the situation in the world. As long as the accumulation of small things becomes large, the whole world will always be in chaos.

Of course, this is all in the future.

Back to the present, Brother Zhang and others were busy, collecting corpses, sorting out branches, and calculating losses... By the time everything came to an end, it was already late at night, and just when everyone was about to take a rest, they planned to carry out the remaining work tomorrow. , Senior Zhang suddenly frowned, rose up with his sword, rushed out of the Yinlong Branch in Huishan City, and flew towards the mountains in the north.

"Xiao Zhang, there is a strong S-level energy fluctuation over there, I have to go and have a look. Be careful here."

"It seems that we can't rest today, and all the staff are on alert."



The rescue team of Donghe City had already returned after learning that the crisis in the Yinlong branch of Huishan City had been resolved. They didn't even get off the helicopter, and returned halfway. They were afraid that Senior Zhang would beat them up, so they ran fast. .


It was late at night, and Fu Xing was sleeping soundly, even the corners of his mouth were drooling, and he didn't know what he dreamed about.

But at this moment, a dark eggshell cover appeared silently over the small mountain village, and a figure stood on the top of the cover. If you look carefully, isn't this the hook-nosed man in black from the Advent of the Gods?

The man in black had already changed his clothes, and his complexion was not so pale anymore. One afternoon was enough for him to recover, but his dark translucent figures like ghosts were gone.


Looking at the peaceful small mountain village below, the man in black closed his eyes and sensed carefully, and then asked a black jelly-like substance in his hand:
"Bella, are you sure that the supernatural person is here? I didn't sense the existence of any supernatural person!"

The black plastic material squirmed for a while, and a small Bella that shrank countless times, like a figure, appeared in the hands of the man in black. She patted her chest confidently and assured:
"Of course, I'm pretty sure he's here, although I can't sense it clearly."


The man in black twitched the corners of his mouth. He suspected that Bella was lying, but there was no evidence.

"Forget it."

In the end, the man in black shook his head. He was going to make a move. Even if the supernatural being wasn't here, he could still make up for the ghost he lost. How can he make up for it?Of course, it was the lives of everyone in the small mountain village below.


The man in black stomped his feet, and the dark eggshell cover fell silently, but quickly fell, trapping the entire small mountain village inside.

"How is this going?"

"what happened?"



It didn't take long, except for Fu Xing's family, everyone in the small mountain village, whether they were awakened or not, all involuntarily let out a weird laugh.


While laughing, he got out of bed and started wandering around.


Of course, Fu Xing was also awakened. He got out of bed and went to the window to look out, but he could only see darkness, so he took out the Sparkling Drink 2.0.

It was better now. Fu Xing saw the true face of the dark eggshell cover, as well as the man in black standing on top of the cover.

"Is it an S-level ability user?"

Fu Xing glanced at the detected data gloomyly, and instantly understood the purpose of the man in black.

Sixth-order ability user (spiritual system)
Power: 49
Speed: 50
Constitution: 51
Super power: dark spirit hood
Mental Power: 3750/5750
(Inspirit: Slowly absorb the spiritual power of all creatures within the range of the dark spirit hood.)
(Melting Soul: Fusing the absorbed spiritual power into a dark spirit. The strength of the dark spirit depends on the amount of spiritual power, and the maximum cannot exceed the user.)

(End of this chapter)

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