My superpower is to summon drinks

Chapter 151 Murder case of a superhuman in Huishan City!

Chapter 151 Murder case of a superhuman in Huishan City!


At the front desk of the Yinlong branch in Huishan City, a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy stood in front of Kong Xiangxuan with a blushing face and wanted to say something, but he stuttered for a long time and could not utter a complete sentence.

Kong Xiangxuan, who was playing with her mobile phone, passed a level of reading, but the boy was still stuttering. She couldn't stand it anymore, so she put down her mobile phone and pointed to the clock on the wall.

"Xiaofei, what's the matter with you? If you don't have anything, go home! It's getting late, if you don't leave, you may miss the bus."

"I, I,'s okay, it's okay..."

The boy named Xiao Fei wanted to explain that tomorrow was his birthday, and he wanted to invite Kong Xiangxuan to participate, but he had never been in a relationship, and he had never even touched a girl's hand. Facing his crush, what did the invitation say? I couldn't say anything, so I had to leave the Yinlong branch in despair, feeling annoyed on the way, annoyed at myself for not living up to expectations.

"Why am I so stupid?"

Patting himself on the head hard, Xiao Fei walked towards Huishan City dejectedly. After walking a short distance, he saw a dilapidated bus stop sign. He went there and waited for a while.

"Is it late again today?"

Xiao Fei looked at the sky, it was already dark, it seemed that he could get home very late again today, fortunately he told his parents that he went to a friend's house to celebrate his friend's birthday, otherwise he really couldn't explain why he came back so late Home.

"Hey, it won't work like this! I keep using my friend's birthday as an excuse, and my parents are a little suspicious."

Just when Xiaofei was worried about what to do in the future, a bus was coming, and he got on the bus quickly, staggering all the way, when it was time to transfer to another bus, Xiaofei got off the bus, identified the direction, Walk towards a dark alley, you can walk faster from here, pass this alley, and then walk along the road, you will see a new bus stop sign, take a bus there, you can Straight to home.

At this time, the sky had already darkened, and the street lamps in Huishan City had also been turned on, but there were no street lamps in the alley that Xiao Fei was going to pass, so he had to take out his mobile phone, turn on the flashlight, and use the faint light to identify the road.

"What is the taste?"

In the dark alley, Xiao Fei suddenly smelled a strange smell, and he didn't pay much attention to it, but after walking a few steps, he felt his whole body go limp and his head felt dizzy, so he hurriedly supported the wall.

"What's wrong with me?"

This question became Xiao Fei's last thought, and then his vision went dark, and he fell to the ground.

Da da da……

Not long after, the sound of high-heeled shoes sounded, and a woman with a good figure walked out of the vague darkness. She was dressed in black, and her face could not be seen clearly in the darkness. The waist tore Xiao Fei's shirt...



In the early morning of the next day, a middle-aged man who wanted to take a shortcut walked into the alley, followed by a woman's scream, and then the middle-aged man rolled and crawled out of the alley.

Not long after, the police who received the call to the police rushed over. Seeing the strange scene in the alley, even the veteran police who had handled countless cases frowned.


The news was reported layer by layer, and finally reached the Yinlong Branch of Huishan City. The Yinlong Branch responded instantly and sent a Yinlong team to deal with this incident.


The Seventh Hidden Dragon Team drove a van to Huishan City. On the way, Liangzi who was sitting in the back seat asked curiously:

"Captain, what are we going to do this time?"

Captain Chen on the co-pilot squeezed his brows and said:
"A sporadic person with supernatural powers was killed. According to the current information, his death does not seem like an ordinary person. It may be done by a person with supernatural powers. You must be mentally prepared for that scene, Ryoko! "

"That's it!"

Afterwards, there was nothing to say all the way, Fang Wen drove the van steadily to the front of the alley, the alley had been blocked by the police at this time, Captain Chen showed his ID, and walked in with Fang Wen and Liangzi.


Seeing the scene in the alley, Ryoko gasped, then quickly looked away, walked to the corner and slowed down for a while before recovering.

Captain Chen and Fang Wen were also taken aback, but after all, they had joined Yinlong for a long time, so they were well-informed, so they quickly came to their senses and began to examine the corpse and search for clues.

What did the three of the seventh team see?
They saw a corpse, a mummified corpse with its chest cut open and its heart missing, but there was no blood around it, that's right!It's a mummy, the kind of skinny with atrophied muscles.

The mummy had a ferocious face, its deep eye sockets were like black holes, and its wide open mouth seemed to be making a silent cry for help.


Fang Wen put the suitcase he had been carrying on the ground and opened it. There were three handheld detectors and a detector with a long needle inside.

"Liangzi, don't be dazed, come and do your work."

"Oh oh."

Fang Wen threw Liangzi a hand-held detector and asked him to detect from one end of the alley to this side, then he picked up another hand-held detector and walked to the other end of the alley.


Captain Chen, who had been observing the mummy with a frown, also took action after Fang Wen and the other two took action. He picked up the detector with a long needle, squatted next to the mummy, and used the long needle on the detector to pierce everywhere.

After half an hour...

"Captain, there is no special energy left in the surrounding environment."

Fang Wen and Liangzi inspected the whole alley carefully and came to this conclusion.


Captain Chen didn't answer, but just waved his hand to signal them to be quiet, while he concentrated on looking at the data on the detector.

Call ~
After more than ten minutes, Captain Chen exhaled, got up and rubbed his waist.

"It's true, it was done by a supernatural person. No matter how well he concealed it, there is still a weak spiritual power left in this corpse."


"All squads gather, all squads gather."

"Cough cough!"

In the underground hall of the Yinlong branch in Huishan City, Uncle Liu summoned all the Yinlong teams in Huishan City. With his hands behind his back, he walked to the front of the crowd with a serious face, cleared his throat, and said loudly:
"You must have heard about what happened today, but I still want to say it again. A very bad case happened in our Huishan City, that is, a scattered ability user was killed and killed by another ability user. Killed, the method is very cruel, how long has this kind of thing not happened? It seems that someone has forgotten our hidden dragon's warning."

When he said this, Uncle Liu stopped and glanced around.

"Now that the minister has just retreated, someone came out to make trouble. He doesn't take us seriously! He is provoking all members of our Yinlong branch in Huishan City! That is, everyone present, you say ,what to do?"

"Bring him to justice!"

"Bring it to justice!"


"Yes! It is to be brought to justice!"

Uncle Liu said firmly, and then began to assign tasks.

"Squad [-], you are in charge of the southern district of Huishan City. Squad [-]...Squad [-], you are in charge of contacting scattered people with supernatural powers. I think that person will continue to commit crimes. Let those scattered people with supernatural powers be careful, and don't go alone to sparsely populated places in the near future. place……"


"Oh, I see. I will never go to a place with few people. I got it. Didn't you hear the voice from my side? I was singing in the biggest KTV in Huishan City! I hung up because I had nothing to do. "

In a box of the most luxurious KTV in Huishan City, a somewhat handsome middle-aged man hung up the phone, threw the latest Yali 17 on the table, then took the microphone handed over by his companion, and sang loudly, although He didn't sing very well, but his companions in the box still cheered loudly, which made him sing more and more vigorously, until late at night and early in the morning, the crowd slowly dispersed.

"Ahem, my voice is a little hoarse."

The middle-aged man rubbed his throat and picked up his mobile phone, walked out of the KTV reeking of alcohol, and walked along the bustling road.

As he was walking, the middle-aged man suddenly saw a big beauty with an explosive figure approaching him, and he greeted drunkenly:

"Hi! Beauty, are you alone? Do you want to play with my brother and me for a while?"

It was just a habitual rhetoric at first, the middle-aged man is not very confused, and he doesn't think that people will respond to him at all. If he responds, he will give him a disgusted look, but he didn't expect that beautiful woman in black She walked over and hugged his arm.

"Okay! Brother, where do you want to take my sister?"

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, but he, who had experienced many battles, quickly came back to his senses, and his face showed ecstasy, what a beautiful woman sent to the door!Good luck today!

"Beauty, how about we go to the bar in front for a drink?"


The middle-aged man and the beautiful woman in black went into a bar, and after drinking a few glasses of the most expensive wine, they helped each other into a hotel and opened a room on the second floor. went upstairs.

"Beauty, my brother will let you know what a heavenly enjoyment is today."

"is it?"

The corners of the black-clothed beauty's mouth curled up, revealing a seductive smile, then she hooked her hands around the middle-aged man's neck, and slowly leaned her bright red lips closer.

"It's quite proactive, I like it!"

This was the last thought of the middle-aged man. He felt the beauty in black blowing on him, and then his eyes went dark, and he fell limply to the ground.

"Ha ha!"

The beauty in black sneered, squatted down, and tore off the middle-aged man's shirt, the nails on both hands began to grow...


In the afternoon of the next day, the cleaning aunt of the hotel knocked on the door of a room on the second floor, but just after knocking, the door creaked open. It turned out that the door of this room was only closed, not closed tightly.

"what is this?"

The cleaning aunt saw a withered object. At first, she thought it was garbage, but when she looked carefully, she collapsed to the ground and crawled back tremblingly. At first, she couldn't make a sound with her wide-open mouth. After two steps, the ear-piercing screams spread throughout the hotel.



Coincidentally, the seventh team of Yinlong in Huishan City was in charge of this area. Captain Chen rushed over as soon as he received the news, and sighed after seeing the familiar mummy.

"It's that person again."

"Captain, we didn't detect energy fluctuations last night! Why did something happen?"

Fang Wen was a little puzzled. Their van was equipped with the latest energy detection equipment. As long as there are supernatural beings within the detection range, they can detect it.

"This one……"

Captain Chen thought for a while and came to a more likely conclusion:
"It's possible that the man shot too fast. Our car was not in this area when he shot, and the range of the detector is still a bit small!"

Then Captain Chen looked around and saw that the doors and windows of the room were closed, he smiled:
"The doors and windows in the room are all locked inside. As long as the supernatural user doesn't have the ability to travel, then the camera in the corridor should have captured something. Let's go and have a look."


 Don't ask what the police are doing, Xia Guo's affairs about the supernatural beings are under the control of Yinlong.

  Also, this is a series of events, and when this event is completely over, this volume will also end.

(End of this chapter)

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