Chapter 148 Crab
"Sister Xuemei, do you think they will shoot us directly?"

"Probably not, unless the person in charge in the opposite camp is a fool."

Yuanyuan and Xuemei walked in front, followed by [-] members in a guard formation. The squadron led by Hu Tuanzhao was hiding in the blind spot of the dice camp with the mutant dog Dahua, ready to attack at any time.

A group of people came to 100 meters in front of the dice camp, and then sent someone forward with a loudspeaker to shout:
"We are from the base in Tianhai City. We have captured your boss and those ten supernatural beings. The purpose of our visit this time is to take over your camp. Now I will give you an hour to think about it. If you still do not surrender , we will take it by force."

He shouted three times in total, and Leopard and the others, who heard the content of the shouting clearly, exploded.


"how can that be?"

"Boss, they..."



A loud roar stopped the commotion, and everyone on the container wall of the Dice camp fell silent, and then turned their gazes to Brother Quan, a middle-aged man with a long, gloomy face.

"Everyone is quiet! Do you just believe what people say? Huh? If you don't ask clearly, you will get confused..."

Brother Quan scolded everyone loudly, and then shouted loudly to Yuanyuan and others outside the fence:
"How do you prove what you say?"

All right!The middle-aged man with a long face, Brother Quan himself, already believed it. It should be said that he hoped that the old man and others would not come back from the bottom of his heart, so he almost shouted this sentence with restraint of excitement.

"Stairs, go and prove what we said."

Of course, Yuanyuan and the others have a way to prove it, and that is the staircase of the original dice camp that has been paving the way with the team.

Staircase is a young man with a Chinese character face, a little fat, but the non-stop work for the past few days has successfully reduced his weight. After hearing Yuanyuan's order, he walked carefully to the dice camp.

"Brother Quan, it's me, Stairs, they are right, the boss and us were both caught."

After shouting, Stair hurriedly ran back to the team at the base in Tianhai City. Now he no longer wants to go back to Dice Camp. For the second paving mission, he will no longer be detained, and let him become a member of the Tianhai City base.


"It's really a staircase! In other words, the boss..."

"Brother Quan, what should we do?"

"They have about the same number as us, let's kill them!"

"Yes, kill them and rescue the boss."

"Boss and the others have been arrested, let's surrender!"


After getting the confirmation, the people on the wall of Dice Camp exploded again, saying everything. For a while, the wall was like a vegetable market, and finally divided into two groups, one group advocated surrender, and the other group advocated war.

Of course, these are the thoughts of ordinary people, and the decision-making power is still in the hands of Brother Quan, the three supernatural beings in charge.

"Brother Quan, I want to save the boss."

Leopard is firmly on the side of Laoqian, now that Laoqian is in trouble, he will go to save Laoqian without even thinking about it.


Brother Quan didn't reply immediately, but turned his gaze to the young man who was throwing the dagger.

"Gao Lang, what's your opinion?"

"My opinion? Hehe."

Gao Lang chuckled lightly, answered the wrong question and said:

"I remember that the Tianhai City base was established by the military, right? If I go there..."

Before he finished speaking, he understood everything, Brother Quan nodded, then turned around and said to everyone:

"We have decided to save the boss, but now our strength is not as strong as others, so the method of saving the boss must be carefully considered."

"Listen to your brother Quan."

"Save the boss!"


The person in charge spoke, and the gunmen in the Dice Camp agreed, and then Brother Quan turned around and discussed with the Leopards.

"Can't we just bring them in and shoot them?" Leopard still has some brains, and he still knows what it means to invite the king into the urn.


Brother Quan directly denied Leopard's idea. He already regarded the dice camp as his pocket, and he couldn't waste the few bullets and population in vain. After all, he had a better way.

"Then what do you say?"

The leopard was in a hurry, he felt that his method was the best method now.

Brother Quan touched his chin and thought for a while, then pointed to his watch.

"Leopard, you haven't forgotten those monsters, have you? They are coming soon. When the time comes, let's pretend to surrender and draw those people closer, and then we will..."

After hearing Brother Quan's idea, Leopard clapped his hands and gave Brother Quan two thumbs up:

"This method is good! Brother Quan, you have a good brain!"


Gao Lang didn't open his mouth to discuss, but nodded when Brother Quan looked over, expressing that he had no objection.


Half an hour later, the afterglow of the setting sun was about to disappear, and the sea to the east of the Dice camp was gradually bubbling up, as if something was about to pop up, but because the movement was too small, I had to stand on a high place and pay attention to it all the time. Brother Quan and the others over there saw this situation, but everyone in the Tianhai City base was still ignorant, waiting for the surrender of the dice camp.

"It's now."

Brother Quan patted the leopard, and the leopard took a step forward, and shouted with a loud voice:

"We have surrendered, and we will open the door to welcome you."

Then the gate of the camp opened a gap. Brother Quan led people down the fence and out of the camp. The group did not go far, but stayed at the gate. The gunmen lined up to block the 20 people who were tied up. Then the gunman put the gun on the ground under Brother Quan's order, raised his hands, and signaled that he was no longer a threat.

"They really surrendered, sister Xuemei, what should we do? This is different from what Xiaoxia said!"

"Since they have surrendered, let's go to receive the camp. As for the confidantes of those cheaters, we will capture them and transport them back to the base for Xiaoxia to decide what to do with them. But we still have to be careful, maybe they still have What's the next move?"


The two women exchanged, and then led their squadron to the Dice camp, ready to receive Brother Quan and others who had surrendered.

"Brother Quan, here we come."

There was still a person remaining on the wall. What he said was not the people from the base in Tianhai City, but something emerging from the sea to the east. It was the monster they had been waiting for for a long time.

"The time is just right, let's do it!"

Brother Quan smiled triumphantly, and with a wave of his big hand, the more than 20 survivors who were blocked by them were untied, and then a long gash was drawn on each of their arms, bleeding continuously.

"Go, your way of life is over there. They are members of the military. You can get medical treatment if you run to them."

Brother Quan pointed to the front, and then ordered people to push more than 20 survivors out of the crowd. The desire to survive made these survivors run away without saying a word, and went straight to the Tianhai City base.

"Don't shoot! We are civilians."

"help me!"




When more than 20 bloody survivors approached the team, Yuanyuan raised her hand, and the vines that appeared out of thin air entangled them tightly. After confirming that they were not human bombs, she dragged them into the team. Wanting to give medical treatment and questioning, I found that Brother Quan and others had already run back to the camp, the gate of the camp had been closed, and more than a dozen blue-shelled crabs, which were bigger than a van, had climbed up from the sea to the east, and they were waving their big pincers Chasing the smell of blood, he rushed towards this side.

Boom boom boom...

Click, click, click...


blah blah blah...


On the top of the mountain near the small mountain village in the last world, Fu Xing crossed his legs, stretched out his hand and ate the last piece of mutated fruit, and then opened the data interface expectantly to look at his physical attributes.

40, 41, 40, 41...

The physique attribute was jumping repeatedly, and finally it was fixed at... 40. Fu Xing, who was looking forward to it, jumped up directly, showing a look of despair. If you say that this attribute doesn't change, it's okay to say, this goes back and forth Changed so many times to make trouble?
"What are you doing? If you can't break through, you can't break through. Why do you have to change back and forth? It made me wait for so long in vain."

System: Don't the host find this exciting?
Fu Xing: Stimulate the wool!By the way, when will you release a mission to increase your stamina?I want to break through, I want to upgrade!
System: If the host kills tens of thousands of zombies and raises the system level to level ten, can it also add attributes?

Fu Xing: It's too troublesome!I want to save it, and I will talk about it when I rise to the sixth level.

System: lazy!

Fu Xing: Get out!

Turning off the system interface, Fu Xing stood up, turned around and looked at the two mutated plants on the top of the mountain. They were a little bigger than before and produced fruit, but the fruit was not yet ripe.

"With this mountain forest, mutated fruit is no longer a problem. The problem now is energy crystals. As long as I save up to 100 energy crystals, then I will be able to obtain a second superpower. It's so exciting to think about it!"

Fu Xing took out his binoculars and stood on the top of the mountain to look around. The mutated plants in the forest are growing well, and a lot of mutated fruits have grown on the trees. The watchman, Da Lao Hei, is lying down and taking a nap under the big locust tree , and the big locust tree at the entrance of the village is still a level [-] mutant plant, and it is not known when it will be upgraded to level [-].

"Why do you think so much? What I need is the mutated fruit, which should ripen in a few days..."


At this moment, the system interface was swiped again by the word "嗡". Needless to say, there was another call.

Fu Xing quickly summoned the communication drink (001) and pulled the ring, and Fu Xiaoxia's hurried voice came from it.

"Brother, come and help."

"What's the matter, Xiaoxia? Where are you now?"

"A mutated crab with a very hard shell appeared at the Dice camp in the eastern port. We can't break through its defenses, so we can only delay it for a while."

"Hold on a little longer, and I'll be right there."


At this time, the port in the Eastern District has become a ruin. A giant mutated crab ten meters high and 15 meters wide is rampaging, waving its large pincers and chasing a white figure flying in the air.

"Hold on a little longer."

Fu Xiaoxia hung up the communication drink, then waved his hand, a container flew up, and with a bang, it hit the giant crab, attracting another wave of hatred.

boom! boom! boom!
The giant crab waved its big pincers indiscriminately, but it couldn't catch Fu Xiaoxia who was nimble. It smashed the already dilapidated dice camp even more unbearably. When the giant crab was hit by a container again, its big eyes As soon as he turned around, he learned the lesson, picked up the container with large pliers and threw it towards Fu Xiaoxia who was in the air.

Call ~
Fu Xiaoxia pulled up extremely quickly, dodged the container, and the container fell directly into the sea.

"so close."

Wiping the sweat off her forehead, Fu Xiaoxia cheered up and continued to pull the giant crab's hatred.

"I don't know if Yuanyuan and the others evacuated to a safe place?"


(End of this chapter)

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