Urban practice

Chapter 93 Look!airplane!

Chapter 93 Look!airplane!

"Crack, crack, crack." Suddenly, someone applauded.

Ye Rong turned his head, not surprised, there was only one person in the speed team who didn't wear the same clothes, and he didn't make a move from the beginning to the end.

He didn't make a move, and Ye Rong didn't make a move against him.tacit understanding.

Being in the motorcycle team does not mean that he is a member of the speed team.Ye Rong was very sensible when he asked himself.And it's not an easy one!
With a height of 7 meters, his muscles are obviously smaller than that of the leader of the speed team. He also wears a motorcycle helmet, which has not been taken off from the beginning to the end.

If such a person is not pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, he is mentally handicapped.

Ye Rong actually prefers the latter, because in his opinion, wearing a motorcycle helmet to pretend to be a pig is too stupid, unlike himself, even if you pretend to be a pig, you have to pretend to be a handsome pig.

A person's life cannot be run through by a single word, except handsome.

But this guy's aura and the strong blood in his body all showed that it was the first type.

Fitness, 10 floors!
Although fitness is the simplest item in body cultivation, this is the first time Ye Rong has seen a person with a perfect body in this world!
"Awesome, amazing, so easy and violent at such a young age! Very good, very good!" said the man in the helmet, with an air of a master overlooking the world.

"." You want to say young and frivolous!Even I, a newcomer to this world, knows the term.Don't pretend to be a cultural person if you don't know, okay?

"What's the matter? Please step aside if it's okay. I'm in a hurry to go home and wash my hands." Ye Rong said, he was really in a hurry to go home and wash his hands. There was a lot of blood on my hands.

Fortunately, there are no clothes. The material of these clothes is not easy to wash.

And this is what my girl washed for me last night, so you should cherish it.

Looking at the girl's slender and thin hands, and thinking of her hand reaching into the cold water to wash clothes for herself in autumn, Ye Rong's heart ached for a while.

I really feel that I can't bear to be dirty and send it to the laundromat?It was still the same cold gaze, still unwilling to say a word, but suddenly made such a move, which made Ye Rong feel strange.

It's like spring blossoms all of a sudden.

Has Beihan Girl ever had such a time?Ye Rong thought about it, but it didn't feel like Wuji Mo's clothes were ever as neat as his own.It seems that it is better to raise a girl by yourself!
Ye Rong smiled with pride.Sure enough, raising and killing many animals is an experience!
"Don't worry, the hospital also has water, the kind that can be disinfected. I admire you very much, but you injured my partner in front of me, so just follow me to the hospital and give their boss Gao an explanation! After that, kneel down Please beg for mercy, I will beg for you and let him be lenient." The helmeted man spoke calmly, seeming to have paved a future for Ye Rong.

"It's just right, our organization is in a period when there is a shortage of people. You can take this old man as your teacher and just be a boy who plays flute and washes feet under my seat." I almost slipped my mouth. He also joined the organization a few days ago. The team invited him to a full set of foot washing, and two of the links made him unforgettable, and he almost forgot that the boy in front of him was a man.

"." Ye Rong was dumbfounded, his scalp tingling.

Women in this world are nice, but I didn't expect that there are so many perverts.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's do it!" A soldier can be killed, but not humiliated!This is Ye Rong's attitude!

Although he also has the determination and perseverance to taste the courage, but at any rate, what Gou Jian tastes is the courage!Although the gallbladder is a bit bitter, it can clear away heat and detoxify, and it can also improve eyesight!
"Huh, what a naughty boy! If that's the case, don't blame the old man for being rude!" The helmeted man took off his helmet and threw it away. He looked like a 40-year-old middle-aged man with a ten-level body, but his face was full of red light.But he has wicked eyebrows, unshaven beard, like a weasel.

Generally speaking, the higher the number of fitness layers, the better the skin will be, and the more comfortable it will look.But ten levels of fitness can't save this guy's temperament.
For this, Ye Rong could only sigh.Temperament is something that plastic surgeons probably can't change.

Plastic surgery doctors can't do anything about it, in this life, maybe I can only rely on Meitu Xiuxiu.

For a moment, Ye Rong wished that he would put on the helmet again, because seeing his face, he always felt that the few little red fish in his pocket were not safe.

"Do you think you will be invincible if you beat a few Speed ​​Team members? Today, I will let you see what real Kung Fu is!" The weasel drank suddenly, clenched his fists with both hands, and a strong white light burst out from above the fists!

"Eat my Wind and Thunder Fist!" With one punch, there was indeed a shadow of wind and thunder. Before the wind of the fist arrived, Ye Rong had already felt the oppression in it.

"Contains 19 kinds of changes, is it the martial arts of this world?"

Ye Rong frowned. It's a little strange that, if he didn't feel wrong, the opponent's body strengthening layer was also only five layers, but the oppressive force this punch gave him was far more than what the five layers of body strengthening could bring!

Based on the punch of the team leader of the flying car team just now, the force he used is fully [-] times that of his.But the punch in front of him was three times as strong as his!His three times is twice his own. Although Ye Rong can improve a little bit if he tries his best, it is absolutely impossible to reach such a terrifying height!

With this kind of power, even Ye Rong felt the danger!

If you can't respond to the attack, then attack him sideways. Under real martial arts, you have to find an opportunity to escape, but now is not an opportunity to escape!
Moreover, Ye Rong really wants to find out, the secret of martial arts in this world!
He was so surprised that he was able to exert such a powerful power even though he was both at the 5th floor of a strong body!
As the legendary secret book was running, Ye Rong also used his strongest power. His body was surrounded by golden light, rendering his entire fist golden!
"19 kinds of changes! Then take a look at my Variety Dragon Fist!" Although Ye Rong's current cultivation base can only use the first form of the Variety Dragon Fist at most, but only the first form, There are also 36 changes!Even if this punch is [-]% likely to result in loss, it should still be able to withstand the opponent's punch!
With the flow of Ye Rong's breath, the golden light on the two fists suddenly turned into two dragon heads, which were so powerful that they seemed to roar out with the dancing of Ye Rong's arms in the next moment!

The two sides are about to meet!

Wind and Thunder Fight Dragon!

Suddenly, Bai Guang stopped halfway.

Not only did it stop, but the weasel whose fists were glowing white also took three steps back in an instant, and said solemnly, "Golden light?"

"Hey?" Ye Rong was also stunned, what, what's going on?
The opponent's strength is obviously stronger than his own, and he stopped suddenly. What's the plan?
"It turns out to be golden, this...this." The weasel looked at Ye Rong suspiciously, then scratched his ears and cheeks, as if he was very distressed, and there was still cold sweat on his forehead.

Suddenly, he pointed to the distant sky, "Look! Airplane!"

"Where is it?" Ye Rong looked up, but secretly paid attention to the movements around his body with his soul, trying to sneak attack while others were not prepared?He would not be deceived by such a trick.

As a result, there was no movement for a long time.

Not only was there no movement, Ye Rong actually saw a plane!
Jet-like, pulling out a long tail, like a slender cloud.Ye Rong watched the jet go away and slowly disappeared from sight, his neck felt a little sore.

In the end, he turned his head helplessly, "Are you sneaking or not, I'm tired of watching it!"

His eyes froze, "Huh? Where's the person?"

He swept around suspiciously, and finally caught a small spot, which brought up a thick cloud of dust.

Damn, this guy actually ran away!
How fast it runs!After such a short time, I can hardly see it!Smaller than the planes I saw just now!

(End of this chapter)

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