Urban practice

Chapter 56 There is light in the dark!

Chapter 56 There is light in the dark!

It was already ten o'clock in the evening when we entered the community.

Zhao Qi opened the door with the key on Ye Rong, and was taken aback for a moment.

"Come in and sit for a while. In fact, she can soak directly in my place. Anyway, I also have a bathtub here. Although the potency of those decades-old medicinal materials is low, it is completely enough for an aphrodisiac of this level."

Ye Rong shook his head, took the key handed over by Zhao Qi, and when he arrived at his home, he became more sober.

"No, no need." Zhao Qi hugged the woman and ran away.

Can't tell, this guy is still a pervert!When he asked himself to rent the house, he never said that there was another girl. It's only been a few days, and there is an extra girl? !
And look at the age. It seems to be only 15 or 6?

Anyone at this age can do it, and leave the woman here?God knows what will happen!
"Hey? Why does this guy run so fast?" Ye Rong wondered.Immediately, he looked weird, this guy, he doesn't want to use strength to get rid of the effect of the medicine, but directly uses the method of venting to get rid of the effect of the medicine!

"I can't believe that the rider is this kind of person!"

Ye Rong shook his head, forget it, he couldn't control his current state anyway.

It's not my own.

Moreover, he felt that Zhao Qi was deeply planted by Shangguan's immortal poison, so he shouldn't fall in love with him so quickly.

After closing the door, Ye Rong looked at the table and frowned.

In the morning, I didn't move anything I prepared.

The food and money are all left there intact, so what will happen when you go out in the morning and what will you do when you come back.

The girl was sitting in the corner of the sofa, hugging her knees and lowering her head slightly. You couldn't see her eyes, but you could feel her pity.As if just been bullied.

No wonder Zhao Qi ran so fast!

Ye Rong contacted him at noon, but the girl was still like this at night. How miserable she must be to be bullied!

Ye Rong didn't know how miserable the girl was bullied by him in Zhao Qi's head, but he knew how miserable the girl was from being hungry.

After running around in the rice fields all day yesterday, she didn't eat all day.Today, neither money nor food has been moved, and she has not eaten for another day.

You thought you were me?Eat a big meal, store energy, and go without eating for a few days?

What's more, even if it's me, you still have to eat a big meal first!Ye Rong could clearly feel that the girl's body was empty and weak.

Ye Rong is very angry!
A person who has never practiced cultivation cannot be hungry for several days!Her body is already weak, and if she continues like this, she will starve to death in a few days!
The Promise Demon didn't raise Beihan girl to death, if he raised this girl to death, wouldn't he be inferior to the Promise Demon?
He walked over, sat next to the girl, stretched out his hand and lifted the girl's chin.

The two look at each other!

You are indifferent, you are so cold!I will be indifferent too!I will be cold too!Isn't it just staring?I can still lose?

After a while, Ye Rong was defeated.

This little girl has the eyes of a Beihan girl, her heart is already silent, and she is dead, how can I stare at her better?

"why you do not want to eat?"

"If you don't eat anymore, you will die, you know?"

"You want to go home?"

"Is there anyone else in your family?"

"Let me tell you, I'm drunk! People who drink are very powerful! And they have a very bad temper! If you don't speak again, believe it or not, I will beat you!"

Ye Rong raised his hand.

"If you don't speak again, I'll hit you PP!"

Ye Rong pulled her closer to him, and he could pat the girl's butt with his hands.

He clearly remembered that the only time the girl spoke was when she said "one hundred thousand" in the Bliss Casino.

Although she still said [-] coldly and indifferently, it also proved that although her heart was dead, she didn't care. She knew what the tattooed man wanted to arrest her for, and she knew that she didn't want to.


The girl still didn't speak, but Ye Rong seemed to notice and pursed her lips.

The slap fell.

fell into his pocket.

Even though he was drunk, Ye Rong had imagined what it would be like to spank Beihan girl's ass just now, but of course he couldn't really spank the girl's ass, that would only shatter her last hope of spiritual recovery.At that time, the girl will really only have one will to die.Ye Rong is not willing to let her die, buying 100 million is small, admitting defeat is big, how can he be worse than that Promise Demon?
"If you want to go home, there are other people in the family. You just go back and live well."

"If not, you can stay here. But no matter what your mood is, you have to eat on time, sleep on time, and exercise on time. Anyway, you can't die."

"When you get better and have the ability, you will be more powerful when you want to do whatever you want, revenge, destroy, and be free. You won't be like this, with me holding you down and spanking you whenever I want. , I’ll sleep with you if I want to sleep.”

"It's a blessing to be slept by a handsome man like me. That tattooed man was so ugly that day, with a body like an old hippopotamus. If I were you, I would rather beat him to death immediately than sleep with him !"

Ye Rong was filled with indignation and let go of the girl.

The girl glanced at him.

"Do you want to say that if you could kill him, you would have killed him long ago. Even if you couldn't kill him, you would rather die yourself than be slept by him?"

"This logic is wrong. If you die, will his pervert still take advantage of the situation?"

"Only when you are in good health can you take revenge, no matter what it is, or even everything."

"Even if you die in battle, you are still honorable!"

"Even if you die in battle, you can decide how you want to die. Even if you die, no one will dare to touch you!"

Ye Rong thought of Beihannv.She died covered in blood. After her death, no one dared to disrespect her body.After other monks die, their belongings will be emptied out by others.As for her, everything on her body was intact. Along with her body, a fire turned into ashes.

Head dizzy.

"No, I can't get on the bed anymore, you lean over there, I'm going to sleep here."

Ye Rong curled up on the sofa.

"Fortunately, it's also very soft here."

Exhausted, soon fell asleep
When I woke up, it was early morning.

The sun shines through the curtains, casting a soft and misty white.

My head hurts a bit.

Ye Rong held his forehead with one hand and slowly got up.

This body is really in such bad shape. Even though I have already used the Alcoholic Drinking Technique to help with the effects of alcohol, I still have a headache the next day.

It seems that I have to step up the exercise of this body's fitness and strengthen the number of layers!
Ye Rong was taken aback when he sat up.

I don't know when there was a pink blanket on my body.

"Did I take a blanket to cover me when I went to bed last night?"

He rubbed his head, although he was dizzy, but he was not broken last night.

I vaguely remembered that I was so tired that I didn't even have the motivation to climb onto the bed, so I just fell asleep on the sofa, why did I take the blanket?
Looking along the blanket, the end of the blanket covered a girl's leg.

The girl was still sitting on the edge of the sofa, hugging her legs, and curled up her body, but she was holding a blanket, as if to keep herself warm, leaning against the back of the sofa, and fell asleep.

Standing up, Ye Rong found that the food on the table also showed signs of being tampered with.

"This chick."

He couldn't help but laugh.After eating, I used the form of warming my legs, and I also covered myself with a blanket by the way.

It seems that those words were not in vain.

Even if you use hatred as your strength to grow, let her grow up healthily first!
Then, slowly help her to feel the sunshine of this world.

Ye Rong opened the window and took the curtain to block the light even deeper.

Cover the girl with the blanket on the sofa.

Sometimes, even when a situation seems dark, it is filled with light.

(End of this chapter)

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