Urban practice

Chapter 43: Extinguish!Not kill!

Chapter 43: Extinguish!Not kill!

The tattooed man stepped forward, groped the middle-aged man, and frowned, "Damn, this kid seems to be really out of money, a scum who can't even borrow money! Hit me! "

A group of people obeyed the order, surrounded him, and continued to punch and kick the middle-aged man.

Suddenly, the tattooed man focused his eyes and looked at a place not far away.There, a girl of fifteen or sixteen was watching them silently.

Her body was covered with worn clothes and her face was also dirty. She couldn't see clearly, or even her face.

"Is this your daughter?" The tattooed man pondered for a moment and then laughed. If it was someone else's daughter who had already left, how could she be watching here without knowing whether to live or die?

The girl does not speak.The middle-aged man has lost his last hope, and he no longer pays attention to everything in the outside world.

"I owe so much money, take my daughter to pay it back!" The tattooed man grinned grimly, stepped forward and grabbed the girl's arm, "Look carefully, the facial features are quite beautiful! I owe so much money, only Taking your daughter is cheap for you!"

"Brother Tiger, he, he seems to be motionless." Suddenly someone stopped his fist and said.

The rest of the people stopped their fists when they heard the sound.

The middle-aged man was covered in black and blue, with blood at the corner of his mouth. He was already lying on the ground, motionless.

"Okay, he seems to be dead." Someone reached out and put his hand on his nose, then quickly took it back.

"Hmph, my eyes were dull just now. Looking at his appearance, I might have some kind of illness, and I owe so much money. It would be better for him to die! It's none of our business, let's go." !" The tattooed man dragged the girl into the room.

After a while, two people came out and carried the people on the ground away.

Not far away, seeing this scene, Li Chao's heart was pounding.

After all, he was just an ordinary student. He had never seen such a scene with his own eyes. Now that a person died in front of him like this, he couldn't help trembling.

"This is what happens with gambling!"

After a while, he gritted his teeth, summoned up his courage, and walked towards the door.

As soon as I arrived at the door, my eyes lit up, haha!God help me too!Ye Rong is not far from the back door, where you can see it at a glance!

God!This is God's will!

Li Chao's eyebrows were dancing with joy, and he suddenly felt that the scene just now was not so scary anymore!Instead, it has a symbolic and educational significance!

It symbolizes the tragic end of Ye Rong's gamblers!

Educating, Ye Rong and this middle-aged man will do the same, he must take a warning!

Li Chao looked at the sky subconsciously. At this time, it should be raining, or cloudy, or cloud blocking the sun!is the best!

A little rain indicates God's lamentation and crying, the cloudy sky implies the tragic fate of the characters, and the clouds blocking the sun illustrates the dark and miserable casino.

This is how Chinese teachers teach.

It's a pity that the sun is shining brightly now. Well, it should be regarded as a strong irony. Isn't there another way to answer the question, which is to use happy scenes to set off sadness?
Thinking of this, Li Chao felt much happier.

He was cheerful, but Ye Rong frowned.

This is not a time to be cheerful.

He also saw the scene just now, especially when the tattooed man dragged the girl in.Buried under the dirty eyes, that eyes!

He had seen this look before.

Northern Han girl.

Wuji Demon's subordinates, or they can't be considered subordinates at all, they can only be regarded as people who saved her.

There are circles between people. Although Ye Rong is mostly practicing alone, he also has a circle that he knows. The contacts may not be close, but there are also friends.In this circle, the Promise Demon is notorious, and he commits all kinds of crimes, including robbery and murder.It has posed a huge threat to their group of casual practitioners.Even Ye Rong was worried during his cultivation, he had been intimidated by him several times, and he snatched away a nearly thousand-year-old herb that he had finally found.

If there is anger among the public, there will naturally be someone who cleans it up.Finally, a monk stood up and organized people to exterminate this demon. There were many people, and Ye Rong also followed.

That battle was a success. Many of the people Ye Rong knew were thoughtful. Wuji Demon made too many enemies, and no one showed mercy to him. First, they lured him into a trap, and then pursued him for hundreds of miles. In the end, Wuji Demon wanted to escape in order to escape. , leading them to the place where Beihan Nu was.

Ye Rong will never forget that sword, that figure, and that look.

He's been near death many times, but that's the closest he's been to dying.

For a group of ordinary monks like them, Beihan girl is considered highly talented, with excellent aptitude and high cultivation.But no one thought she could match that many.Someone reasoned with her.

However, her eyes are like her name, as cold as ice, she doesn't utter a word at all, only one word is revealed all over her body!


In other words, it was another word that Ye Rong understood after a long time, Mie.

The sword is like an ice dragon!Stunningly sharp!For a time, no one dared to respond!
The others retreated decisively, but Ye Rong was right in front of him, half a step too slow.

Because of this half-step, Ye Rong became the closest person in the circle to the Beihan girl.

Because of this half step, Ye Rong may become the person who knows her best.

Why maybe, because no one can answer Ye Rong again, whether what he understands is right or wrong.In that battle, there was no suspense, and the Beihan girl died.Even though she was powerful, even though her talent was considered the highest among all the people, she was still killed in the face of so many people. When she died, she was covered in blood, but her eyes did not change a bit.

The Beihan girl died, but Ye Rong had already lost that battle.

He should have been killed in that battle, and his path of cultivation should have been cut off in that battle.There is no other danger in Beihannu's sword. She is the only one in front of her. If she aims at herself and changes her moves even slightly, she will definitely die.

However, she didn't change her trick!
After the battle, Ye Rong was confused. He couldn't figure out why he and Beihan Nu were separated from each other. Why would she spare him?
Ye Rong is not a person with deep obsessions.Generally, if it is difficult to figure out the outcome of something, he usually doesn't think about it.

But this time, he didn't want to think about it, but that icy figure and icy eyes always popped up in his mind.And... that sword.

It became an obsession.

Now that I think about it, that was also a part of the turbulent years. Because of this obsession, Ye Rong traveled thousands of miles to find out all the news about the Beihan girl!For this obsession, Ye Rong set a trap to catch Wujimo for the first time regardless of the difference in strength, and asked him about Beihannv's past.

But they didn't find out too much, and the Promise Demon just rescued the Beihan girl from a group of refugees on a whim.The group of refugees also lived with the Beihan girl for a period of time and helped each other, but in the end they saw her as pretty and wanted to take her forcibly and then sell her for money.

When Wuji Demon rescued her, she already had this look in her eyes.In other words, it was precisely because of this look that Wuji Demon decided to save her.

It was only then that Ye Rong knew that when she was rescued, she had been wandering for a long time. Her family started as refugees, and other members of the family also died in the process. However, the fellow refugees who had some impressions of them, Some said that although they were bullied among the refugees, they were taken in by kind people in the end.

Unpredictable people.

Ye Rong had an epiphany at that moment.Bad guys, good guys, really nice guys, fake nice guys.

Beihan Nu’s target was never him, not them!Her heart may have been silent for a long time!What she wants to destroy is this entire broken world full of lies, evil deeds and hypocrisy!

There may be sunshine, warmth and coldness in the world, but it never shines on her!Until her death, no warmth ever awakened her silent heart!

Therefore, what she reveals is destruction!Not kill!

That's why the sword she swung didn't change her moves and didn't kill herself!
At that moment, Ye Rong was closest to death!However, it is extremely far from death!
(End of this chapter)

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