Urban practice

Chapter 390 It Surprised Me

Chapter 390 It Surprised Me

The Luocheng River is actually not dirty at all.It is shimmering, but the chance of emerald green and deep blue under the blue sky makes it not look top-notch.

But this kind of river water is normal river water, and many lives will be bred in it.It is not unreasonable that there will be no fish when the water is clear.Too clear water is mostly heavy metal content exceeding the standard.

Of course, Xingxiu River is an exception, it is not a simple river, it is a place where big figures set up formations, and there are deep secrets.

The Luocheng River is not only not dirty, but also very large. The great advantage is that as long as you are careful, you can find some places where there are no people, and you don't have to suffer so much intrusion.The two walked by the river for a while, and Ye Rong bought an ice cream on the way, but this time he only had his own share, and he bought the original flavor, not only the original flavor, but also with ice.The people next to him looked at him with unbelievable expressions.When did McDonald's KFC support services not on the list?
In fact, the average salesperson really wouldn’t deal with his request. It’s just that the boss at the counter happened to be the same person as when Ye Rong came with Mu Lan last time. What is an ice cube?Waiter, fill up!

Mu Lan's nose twitched, and from time to time she could smell the sweet ice cream with grapes and wine coming from in front of her. It was chilly, but very fragrant, which whetted one's appetite.

"Have you been drinking?" She frowned.

"That's right, I just got together with a few people and drank some wine." After eating ice cream, Ye Rong felt that the chill was much better, without the warm dryness.

Mu Lan snorted, but didn't speak.In fact, she said the last sentence casually, and whether she drinks or not has nothing to do with her.

After walking for a while, Mu Lan felt that something was really wrong.

"What the hell do you want to do?"

She opened the mouth with a righteous, inviolable, and serious expression (I think).

And I'm ready to resist some evil temptations, evil counterattacks, and evil tongues that can make people cry (I think).

However, the evil did not take any action this time. Instead, he supported the railings on both sides of the Luocheng River with both hands, and expressed his plan calmly. "After making a big fuss in Ziyang Mountain, I feel a little unsatisfactory. I plan to make a big fuss in the Tianjie Club soon."

"Tianjie?" Mu Lan was stunned!As a person in the village of martial arts practitioners who are rooted in Miaohong, although she may not know when Tianjie will start, she has definitely heard of Tianjie.

After saying this, Ye Rong turned and left.The main reason for his bad mood is that after drinking alcohol, his thoughts drifted and he couldn't control it. He always thought of Chen Ling's current situation. I feel better now.

That night, Ye Rong and Lan Qi Tao Taoxue drove back to Haishi together.

There is no particular reason.
Fifteen is over!School is about to start, you scumbag!
Even though Ye Rong has more than 3000 credits, he still needs to come to the school to register.

Let's have a cup of tea with Mr. Xian.Have a cup of tea with Professor Fu.Anyway, all kinds of tea.I have never tasted such a delicious tea in a winter vacation, and when I finally got it, Professor Fu felt at ease, feeling that all the troubles were gone.

For example, my granddaughter has always had a bad temper for no reason recently.This is too rare for a good girl.

"Pass tea to the boss." Ye Rong also specially poured a cup of tea for Bai Kexin, this chick's envy, jealousy and hatred were written all over her face!
Lan Qi went through life and death together with him again, but she could only shoot commercials, get massages, and watch soap operas in Haishi. She panicked to death, it was torture!
Fortunately, Ye Rong didn't know about her torture, otherwise he would definitely be willing to trade with her!

"It's just a comrade-in-arms to help, you think too much, don't you worry about you if you are not allowed to go? You are so beautiful, you should take good care of it, what should you do if you hit or fall?"

"Are you mocking me for being a vase?" Bai Kexin glanced at him.

"What's wrong with a vase?" Ye Rong felt that the vase was very artistic, but it was a pity that it was a little brainless.

"Hmph!" Bai Kexin snorted coldly, stretched out her hand, "Take it here."


"Of course it's something for cultivation, don't think I don't know! You gave that goblin Song Xuemei a special cultivation method, and you also have tutorials on music to help cheer you up. She has been showing off to me for a long time!"

"." The two giants in the same field really couldn't get along well.

However, there is nothing that cannot be taught.In any case, it is someone who accidentally has super-level contact, and Ye Rong does not object to teaching something.

"Where's the baby?" Ye Rong asked Lan Qi.He hasn't seen Lin Baobao for so long, he misses him a little bit.

"The baby was reported yesterday."

"Reported yesterday?" Ye Rong was taken aback, this is not like Lin Baobao's style at all! "Could it be that she met any handsome guy at school who is enough to abandon her best friend?"

Ye Rong guessed that this was the sequelae caused by watching a few episodes of soap operas while riding in the car yesterday.

"Really? You don't think it's like a baby? Actually, I also feel weird recently. It's not the baby's fault, but the atmosphere of the Lin family is very strange. Seeing that she is very strict, she is forced to learn a lot of knowledge that she is not good at learning." , the mobile phone has a time limit. I often don't see her many times." Lan Qi squeezed her chin and said.

Ye Rong squinted his eyes and nodded, expressing his understanding, but this is the other party's family affairs, and he can't take care of it casually.

In the afternoon, Ye Rong went to Blissful Foot Washing City. This time, he did not go to enjoy a massage as usual, but made an appointment with Xiao Taohua.The Ziyang Mountain incident quickly spread throughout the martial arts community. Shangguan Xiu had long felt itchy in his heart, and wanted Ye Rong to tell him about the situation at that time.And I'm very, very sorry that I didn't make it.

"Brother, you are amazing!" Shangguan Xiu gave Ye Rong a thumbs up from afar.

This sentence made Ye Rong feel wrong intuitively!

Sure enough, behind Shangguan Xian, a woman with an indifferent expression came out, with her head tossed lightly, her hair fluttering slightly. This time, it was rare that she didn't have such a strong sense of immortality. She was wrapped in a loose white robe, Obviously just out of the shower.

Shangguanxian is actually here!No wonder he was so conscious this time and didn't call his brother-in-law!

Ye Rong smiled awkwardly, walked into the room, a big man went into the Footwashing City and was stared at by a familiar woman, which made him feel unnatural.Even though he knew that the footwashing city opened by Shangguanxiu was a regular footwashing city, he still had a strong sense of sight similar to "the husband was caught by his wife whoring".

Not only Ye Rong, but Shangguan Xiu also obviously felt unnatural. He was caught by his sister who was always serious at home and could be called his nemesis. It's like the police came to the door.

The more unnatural you are, the more you must keep it natural, so that you can appear to have a clear conscience!

So, Ye Rong entered the room naturally, smiled naturally, sat on the usual seat in the room naturally, and waited for the masseur to arrive naturally.

Shangguanxian looked at his natural look, and nodded equally naturally, "You really surprised me this time."

She sat on the seat next to her, took a sip of hot tea,
"I'm familiar with the process of entering Footwashing City."

(End of this chapter)

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