Urban practice

Chapter 378 Designed

Chapter 378 Designed
Tianshan School, Tianyang Palm!
Ancient Sword Sect, Qianjun Sword!
Snow Palace, a burial of hundreds of flowers in the snow!
Senior Earth Immortal: "." As the strongest senior, but at this time, he is useless when he sneaks in and beats up the demons, which hurts his self-esteem.

All of them are masters whose internal strength is at the peak of the second floor, releasing their unique skills almost at the same time. The entire Ziyang Holy Land, as if the spring has suddenly blossomed in the depths of winter, is colorful and extremely resplendent.

The combined attack of so many strong men, and the combined attack that took advantage of the void, even if it was as strong as Ye Hongshan, could not withstand it at all. The Devil Slayer Sword was in front of it, and the frightening cyan light of internal energy that was usually blooming was at this moment suppressed. It was suppressed like a small flame that was about to be extinguished at any time, swaying, leading his body, and continuously sinking towards the rear and underground.

Qi and blood kept surging in his chest, ups and downs, finally couldn't help it, spurted out a mouthful of blood from the corner of his mouth, a huge energy burst out, and the smoke curled up, only faintly visible in the smoke, Ye Hongshan was gone Kneeling on the ground with only one leg, he was able to support his body entirely with the Demon Slayer Sword.

"Come again!"

Ye Rong shouted, very excited, as if he was the one who shot just now.

Although the elders felt it was strange to be ordered by a junior, they would not let go of this opportunity, and swiped out in the second form. Everyone knows it deeply.

Except for Shen Yan from the Xiaoyao faction who was standing next to Ye Rong, he might not be able to comprehend this truth because he was too young, and stood in place with Ye Rong without making up the knife.

All kinds of light flashed again, like bright fireworks.It adds a lot of vitality to the fifteenth night when fireworks cannot be set off.

However, this time, the expected situation did not happen.

On Ye Hongshan who fell to the ground, a circle of light suddenly appeared. It was a circle of light shining with white light amidst the black air. It started from a single point and spread out suddenly. The power was fierce and overbearing!The radiance was bright, and the dazzling joint skills of the various sects were like little chickens in front of this light circle. They were directly shattered and flew out by the bullet!Most of the people vomited blood directly, and their internal organs were injured.

"What, what is this?" Shen Yan asked in shock. Those were elders whose internal energy was close to the third level!And it's still a joint blow!He was directly injured by this force. This is terrible!
At the same time, he carefully looked at the young man beside him, he always had the feeling that everything was in the hands of this young man.Just now when he saw that he didn't make a move, he forcibly suppressed the thought of wanting to make a move. In front of a large group of seniors, he believed a young man strangely.

As it turns out, he was right.

Sure enough, the young man in front of him glanced at him with a serious and formal expression, sighed slowly, and said, "Hey, youth is useless."

"???"What does it mean?Shen Yan tried his best to understand the meaning, "You mean, Ye Hongshan is not as young as he looks on the surface, but an old monster with more advanced cultivation?"

Thinking about it this way, it is indeed a bit suspicious. Since the recovery of the martial arts world, Ye Hongshan is one of the best. He has formed the Tianrenhui in a short period of time. Although many people say that this is a crazy move, they have to admit his ability and courage.

"No, I said you're useless." Ye Rong shook his head, "As a decent elder, everyone else is up, but you are not, resulting in a little bit of strength and failing to break the defense. If you go, I will definitely be able to break through the defense in one fell swoop and kill this evil spirit!"

"." Shen Yan: "#&%...%*¥#..."

nonsense!With such a powerful force, it is obvious that the elders are in a state of being crushed, even if they kill themselves, it is useless, but it is just an extra head!

"Hahahaha, hahahaha!" In the black and white light circle, Ye Hongshan laughed loudly, with a crazy, crazy smile, showing the essence of madness.

"I have thought about the scene where I started this step on Ziyang Mountain many times, but I never thought that I was forced to start this step by you. Very good, you are very good." Ye Hongshan stood up, and his black and white eyes began to fade away. Just like Ye Rong's Thunder Eye, it has glare.But the same black and white glare.

As he got up, the circle of light around him also began to change. On the top, a huge faint halo appeared, like a net, spreading towards the entire Ziyang Mountain, trying to overwhelm the entire mountain. pack.

With the expansion of this net, it seems that in the sky, there are invisible forces constantly gathering, pouring into this halo, pouring into Ye Hongshan's body.

No, rather, it was the body of the Demon-Slaying Sword that poured into his hands!Everyone here can clearly see that these powers pass through Ye Hongshan. No matter where they go, the final destination is the Demon-Slaying Sword in his arm. Only a small part remains in Ye Hongshan's body.At the same time, the power of the Devil Slayer Sword will also be fed back to the master, making his aura even stronger.

If before, Ye Hongshan was just like a person who borrowed the power of an ancient beast, then now, he is more like a demon god riding on the back of an ancient beast!Huge evil spirits and pressure came overwhelmingly, even though they were only half a realm away, the elders of various sects present felt that it was the Ninth Rank Sesame Official who met the emperor in the court!Life and death are all in the opponent's thought!
This is a strong mental pressure!
Although it does not directly destroy the human body, it directly limits the display of everyone's strength, just like the nervous female student who helped others cheat for the first time in the examination room. The crooked ones that can't be seen clearly are completely unusable.It's not as valuable as the legs she used to lean on to write the answer.

Note: The above are excerpts from Ye Rong's Story of Stealing Flowers, which was influenced by Lan Qi.He felt very fit.

"This is a formation! He set up a formation here!" An elder who knew a little bit about the fur was shocked.

"That's right! Such a large formation. It definitely took a lot of time and effort to lay it out! This is a formation that encloses this mountain. As expected, he had already prepared for it. It's all by design!"

"In this day and age, most of the formations are lost, and there are not many people who can arrange such a precise and large formation." The elder murmured, looking at all this, his mouth was dry.With such a powerful strength and such a delicate mind, he was able to lay down such a precise formation!The president of the Celestial Society is far more terrifying than they imagined, crazy?Crazy may be right, but stupid, that is the most stupid person's evaluation of him!

It's a pity that he is his own enemy now.

Everyone frowned, they could see that it was a formation, but they couldn't see what kind of formation it was.But everyone has an ominous premonition.They couldn't break through that black and white halo, they could only watch the other party's plan succeed.

"Heaven-Man Society! These murderers are all members of the Heaven-Man Society!" Finally, someone outside began to discover this problem.shouted.

"Really! It's really the Tianrenhui! Isn't the head of the Tianrenhui himself who initiated the evil order this time? Why would they attack us for Ye Xiemo?"

"What the hell do you want to do!"

Noisy voices kept ringing out, and news of the Tianrenhui's rebellion gradually spread throughout Ziyang Mountain.Doubt, panic, puzzlement, anger, all these and other faces fell on the mountain road of Ziyang Mountain, and the flowers and trees of Ziyang Mountain were stained red with blood.

Hearing these voices, every elder in Ziyang Holy Land had bitter faces, although he couldn't figure out why the other party would make such a crazy move.But the situation and the initiative are completely out of his hands.Although old and mature.But so many years of decent education have been engraved in their hearts. Maybe there is no penetrating three points, but only two points, one point. This kind of killing also makes them feel uncomfortable, especially, there are many of them. disciple.

"I can't take it anymore! I want to kill these mad dogs!" An elder from Snow Flower Palace yelled, turned around and charged into the crowd, he gave up the chance to find a flaw in Ye Hongshan's formation and interrupt the implementation of his plan.

"I can't take it anymore! Even death is better than dying here!"

"I want to let these bastards taste pain with my own hands!"

"But... hey." The elders turned around and rushed into the crowd.

"It's really not a wise choice." Ye Rong shook his head, and when Ye Hongshan was done, none of them could escape. "However. There is no difference."

He squatted down, started to take out the crystals, and carefully pressed them into the ground one by one. After each pressing, he calculated a little bit and adjusted the precision a little.He was much, much more serious than when he was dealing with the Seven Star Formation of the elders of the Seven Star Gate.

"The Rakshasa Law Enforcement Team is coming! Stop the chaos and stand still one by one!" At the foot of Ziyang Mountain, a rolling sound like the Yangtze River sounded, and the echoes echoed throughout Ziyang Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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