Urban practice

Chapter 364 Headaches of Adolescent Psychology

Chapter 364 Headaches of Adolescent Psychology
"Just because I'm the one who experienced what happened that day!" Mu Lan puffed up her chest, clenched her fists and opened her mouth, as if she had shouldered an inescapable responsibility.Even if the sky weighs down!
She was not tall enough to bear the weight of the sky, and she might even sit on the ground and cry loudly, but at this moment, she showed the courage to hold up a bright sky.

"So what about your brother? Isn't your brother someone who experienced what happened that day? Why didn't he come?" Ye Rong knocked on the table, such a stupid thing is probably only done by Mu Lan, and then contacted her disguise The veil, it can be inferred that she escaped secretly.

Sure enough, when Ye Rong said these words, she straightened her chest without a CD and immediately became discouraged, her cheeks puffed up, and she didn't speak.

"Forget it, think about it for yourself. For the sake of finding a hotel that is still open for us, I can let you stay here for one night." Ye Rong didn't urge her any more. Coming here, two days earlier is not bad, at least I found a place to live and eat.

But, that's all there is to it.As an on-site experience person at that time, Ye Rong could use her to make some disturbances and play some roles.But it doesn't work much, and she will basically be sent to the head.After all, the two had had some exchanges, and Ye Rong, who had been in basketball for half a year, lost interest in this idea, so he threw it out after thinking about it.

"Hmph! I don't have anything to think about!" Mu Lan gritted her teeth and walked into her room.

Ye Rong spread out his hands, and then grabbed the crayfish with Xue Xue on the side.

"Crack!" Student Xue puffed up her cheeks, and patted his hand in dissatisfaction, "Do you want to show your face? Aren't you different from us mortals? You also said that I am troublesome, why do you eat more than me?"

Classmate Xue gnawed two large sweet potatoes on the way here, and suddenly found a place for a big meal. Although she tried her best, she couldn't eat a few, and she felt aggrieved.

At night, the stars shine.

A figure walked out from the small door of the hotel, and sat down by the rockery of the hotel, dangling two calves wrapped in white stockings, looking at the sky, wondering what he was thinking.

If you don’t know, ask.

"What are you thinking?" Another figure opened the window, jumped down from the height of the three-story building, and landed lightly, without disturbing anyone, especially the people who are sweetly lingering on the second floor are definitely not couples. Men and women, because Ye Rong heard that she was calling her husband.

Mu Lan turned her head, gave him a blank look, and was so arrogant that she didn't want to speak.

Ye Rong walked over and sat next to her. The originally beautiful scene of the girl swinging her legs and looking at the sky seemed to have something disharmonious suddenly added to it.

Ye Rong continued to try his best to break the atmosphere, "Is it so beautiful outside? Are you stupid if you don't stay under the covers in winter and come out to have a breeze?"

"You're so stupid!" Mu Lan finally couldn't help but said, "I'm thinking about things outside, what's your business?"

"Of course it's none of my business. You're the only one who knows my whereabouts now. You're not afraid of godly opponents, you're afraid of pig teammates. Who knows if you're going to do something stupid with your brain, and then trap me?" Ye Rong told the truth.

You can give away the head, but don't sell me out!

Mu Lan: "."

"You are the teammate of the pig! And the two of us are not teammates, we are on our own. Who wants to be a teammate with you, an evil, hateful guy?"

"Whether you want to or not, you already know my movements now, and we have the same enemy, even if they are from the same camp, just like in the glory of the king, I am the hero, and you are the hero's soldier on my side." Ye Rong used a very appropriate analogy, the little soldiers have little effect, and they will also send gold coins to the enemy heroes, which is almost the same as the current Mu Lan's attributes.

Mu Lan gave him another look, but she seemed to know that she couldn't explain it, so she didn't argue with him.

"So, these few days, you have to be under my control and in sight, otherwise" Ye Rong followed her example and snorted.

"Otherwise, what about?" Mu Lan glanced at him, "You still want to do something to me? Restrict other people's actions and hurt others, you are acting like a villain!"

"I'm an evil spirit!" Ye Rong said calmly, "Isn't a villain the exclusive property of evil spirits? If you dare to act privately, without the other party's boss accepting you, I will deny you myself!"

Denial is a new word he learned recently. It is a professional term similar to Honor of Kings but earlier in the game. In order to prevent the enemy hero from gaining economy, he can kill his own soldiers.Ye Rong feels that this setting is very consistent with the style of the cultivation world.

Mu Lan turned her head, looked at the sky, and ignored him.Baby sister is right, this is really the most hateful person!

Ye Rong gritted his teeth. What he just said was true. Just because it was true, he had to watch here. This little girl was blowing the cold wind here, and he had to be here too.The cold wind blew in the winter, and Ye Rong felt that the two of them were just like two melon skins!

If he hadn't scared her to tears once in the afternoon, he would have used force long ago!
Hey, the rebellious psychology of adolescence is really a headache.Ye Rong was blowing the cold wind and scratching his head.If it weren't for the unstable development, science is really a good thing. He learned a lot about the human body when he read a lot of books recently.He is too far away from puberty, he doesn't know when it happened, and he has completely forgotten all the feelings, because of the relationship between seizing the house and practicing, menopause and so on have nothing to do with him, seeing Mu Lan The performance of the book really embodies the atmosphere of adolescence in the book.

Rebellious, sticking to his own things, almost brainless, almost blind.For an inexplicable justice, when the small world of Jiulong Mountain actually believed in several great ancestors, he had to find the way by himself.Now he even ran away from home and went to Ziyang Mountain alone to announce the truth.It really made Ye Rong quite speechless.

"Ye Xie. Xie. Rong." After a moment of silence, Mu Lan, who was in puberty, turned her head and spoke intermittently. She was obviously still not used to being called by Ye Rong's name.

Ye Rong glanced at her lightly, "Damn thing?"

The girl frowned again, and scratched at the long lavender dress. It was obvious that the word "egg" made her not used to it either.

However, she continued to speak, "If... there is someone who helped you save, or someone who survived thanks to you, and they betrayed you and helped others deal with you, what would you do?"

Ye Rong raised his eyebrows, "Isn't this obvious?"

Mu Lan pursed her lips tightly, and the cold moonlight shone on her tight and slender arms, and said slowly and nervously, "Kill her whole family?"

Ye Rong suddenly stood up, with a cold light in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth raised, revealing the cool evil smile he put on today, "You are very smart."

"Then, this family that betrayed me is your shepherd family!"

Ye Rong stretched out his hand to Mu Lanyue's equally cold white neck, "Are you ready to be killed?"

(End of this chapter)

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