Urban practice

Chapter 362 Across the past, there will be a smooth road...?

Chapter 362 Across the past, there will be a smooth road.?

"What are you looking at?" The girl in the purple skirt looked at Ye Rong dissatisfied. At the same time, the look of doubt on her face became more intense. She looked up and down at Ye Rong carefully, as if she wanted to confirm something, but she just couldn't. .

"I think there seems to be something wrong with your skills." Ye Rong said honestly, although the skills taught by the Acacia School and the Huanxi School are powerful, they are definitely not decent, so he feels that most of the women in front of him are here to join in the fun, rather than Respond to punish evil.If you help her guide the exercises, maybe you can form a good relationship?
Moreover, the closer the girl in the purple skirt got closer, Ye Rong also felt a growing sense of familiarity, which made him even more impatient to express his opinions on modifying the other party's exercises.

"You can only seduce unscrupulous young people over, and you still use the wall-dong style of courtship. I feel that your seduction method is too simple. If you change the method, you will not treat men, or generally For mass men, the attractiveness should be greatly improved, such as"

"Would you like to cry for a while?"

After saying these words, Ye Rong felt that his heart opened a lot. The image of the girl in purple skirt squatting on the ground, crying, pear blossoms with rain, seemed to have appeared in his mind, and he wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with the back of his exquisite hand from time to time. , a few pockmarks on her fair face are particularly conspicuous!

Why?Why do I think of Mazi?

Before Ye Rong could continue to think deeply, the girl in front of him suddenly turned dark as if a firecracker had been ignited.

"Your skills are used to seduce men! You are the one who is going to cry! Believe it or not, I will make you cry right now?"

"???" It was Ye Rong's turn to be puzzled this time, "It's not Hehuan. No." In this world, maybe this type of exercise is not called Hehuan, Huanxi, or Zhanqing. statement.

So he thought for a while and said, "Isn't it a technique to seduce men, deceive their feelings, gain benefits from it, and get double pleasure in body and mind? If not, why are you surrounded by bad guys twice in a row? Do you have a bad physique?" The improvement of the Hehuan, Huanxi, and Zhanqing techniques are all based on deceiving feelings. The moment the realm is broken through, the body feels so good!

Of course, breakthroughs in other skills are also very exciting, Ye Rong can testify, but the pleasure in his heart is less.

Unexpectedly, after hearing Ye Rong's euphemistic explanation, the girl opposite not only didn't light up her eyes and show an expression of humbly asking for advice, but her face turned even darker. Her fair face almost turned into that of Bao Qingtian, and she punched Ye Rong. Smashed over.There was a bright white light glowing on her fist, and it was obvious that she was a little angry.Ye Rong estimated that he had about 900 kilograms of strength, and his internal strength was nearing the peak of the first level.

However, halfway through her swing, her 900-jin fist began to weaken rapidly, and finally froze in mid-air, and put it away.Immediately, he turned his face to one side, folded his hands around his chest and said, "You have the physique of being trapped in a bad wall! This is just an accident, accident, and everyone will encounter some accidents and accidents in life. This is the setback in our life. We The old village head of the village said that as long as these rough and steep cliffs are crossed, the road in the future will become a smooth one!"

The trouble with people is that they like to be teachers.The girl seemed to feel this kind of pleasure for the first time, and she couldn't stop when she entered the preaching mode, "So, although I was hit by a bad wall twice today, these are all bumps and cliffs, and I have already crossed them. There will be a third time!"

"Boss! It's her!" Not far away, a hairy young man covering his face and having just been bandaged led a large number of people over and pointed at the girl in purple skirt next to Ye Rong not far away and shouted.

In the middle of this group of people, surrounded by a middle-aged man with a plane head, black sunglasses, and a piece of muscle, he is obviously the leader of the group, because on both sides of the leader, there are a crew-cut man and a miscellaneous Hairy man, the difference between factions is very obvious.


Ye Rong took the initiative to step aside.

The man at the head of the plane raised the corner of his mouth slightly, showing a smile of "you are very sensible", and then led a large group of people to surround him, forcing the girl in the purple skirt to the wall.

Then he placed his hand on the wall beside the girl.

Girl in purple skirt: "."

"You injured two of my best men and their younger brother. Let's discuss what to do. Hotel, lawn, rooftop?" the short-haired man said, taking out a dagger from his pocket and playing with it with one hand. "Little beauty, don't think that you can do whatever you want if you know some martial arts~ Choose, if you don't choose."

"Kill your whole family!"

This time, the girl in the purple skirt did not snort arrogantly, she flew forward and kicked out, "Bang!" The man with the flying head flew out like a plane, and the two boys next to him who had just been beaten reacted very quickly. , quickly stood on both sides, making way for the airplane man to make way for an airstrip.

"I'm sorry, but knowing martial arts means you can do whatever you want!" Ye Rong accompanied him with words.

Public bad: "."

Girl in purple skirt: "."

Where did passers-by interject!Are these days so scary?Do you not regard bad as bad?

The girl in the purple skirt flew up again, thinking of Ye Rong's words just now, she became even angrier.Obviously when I was in the village, no one dared to wall me!Where did you get the feeling that I am someone who can be walled off?

Unexpectedly, just after this kick flew into the air, it was held by a big hand.To be honest, this hand is not too big, and is even smaller than the airplane man's just now. Her feet are really too small. If it were the airplane man's hand, it could cover almost nine-tenths of her feet. The degree, can feel free to play in the hand.

"That's enough, that's enough, capture the thief and capture the king, you have already educated their boss, the rest of the younger brothers can stay. I'm still useful."

Ye Rong held the girl's feet in the purple skirt, turned his head, and looked at the bad guys around him fiercely, "From today on, I will be your boss for a period of time. During this period of time, you must listen to my orders." Otherwise." He slapped the ground violently, and the force of two thousand catties directly shook the ground!A few crystals flew out when he slapped the ground, scattered in all directions, and surrounded all the bad guys in it. The spar shone brightly, and the bad young people in the formation suddenly panicked. In the cold winter, they feel like they are being hanged on the stake and grilled!The fire filled their bodies, blinded their eyes, and caused great pain from all parts of their bodies. However, their spirits were still very clear.

Soberly, I feel tearing apart, soberly, I feel death, and soberly, I feel that my body is turning into fly ash.Under the fire, everyone is on the verge of collapse.

Ye Rong turned over the crystal in his hand, and the falling crystal also changed accordingly. In an instant, a group of bad guys seemed to come from the sea of ​​fire to the iceberg whistling in the wind and snow, and the biting wind, snow and coldness paralyzed every inch of their skin , gradually taking away the vitality and control of every piece of the body. In such coldness, every part seemed to fall off with just a touch, and breathing became difficult.

Wait until their will is almost completely broken.Ye Rongcai backhanded, took these crystals back, and imitated the tone of the boss of their plane just now, and said coldly, "Kill your whole family!"

When he said this, the light effect on his face slowly dissipated.

(End of this chapter)

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