Urban practice

Chapter 341 Who will Marry Afterwards

Chapter 341 Who will Marry Afterwards
After eating, Ye Rong went all the way to Yuhua Primary School, which is called a glance at his hometown.

Take a look at the old places and beat the newcomers!
I have gone to teach elementary school and I am not honest, I don’t teach education, what should I do if I fail to teach the children?
Ye Rong felt that he had to support this great task!
Su Tao stayed at home, that's right, he really "stayed" at home, seldom talking, just staring around blankly.Although Ye Rong's mother is kind and she is trying hard to adapt, but once Ye Rong left, her shyness began to fully unfold, as if she had lost her backbone.

"Who do you want to marry in the future?" Aunt Li teased the two brats. In the hands of the two brats, each had a small red book with the words "marriage certificate" engraved on the cover, vividly.

"I..." The little boy thought for a while, then looked at his sister, "I want to marry my sister!"

"Puchi." Aunt Li laughed, then straightened her face, "No, you can't marry your sister."

"Why!" The little boy was instantly dissatisfied, "Only my sister and I are the most fun. We are going to get married and play together for the rest of our lives!"

"No, no, no! There's no reason." Aunt Li looked at the little girl next to her again, "What about you? Who are you going to marry in the future?"

"I..." the little girl read the book for a long time, "I want to be with my brother too."

Hearing this, the little boy held his head high, like a victorious little cock!
"Why? Are you as playful as your brother?" Aunt Li looked at the little girl.

"I took a bath with my elder brother when I was young, so it's hard to marry someone else in the future, I can only marry my elder brother." The little girl whispered.It instantly caused a burst of laughter.

"Then if you decide this way, you won't be able to use this little book. Give this little book to your sister." Aunt Li said, it was originally a game between children, and she didn't take it too seriously, and they will understand in the future.

Fearing that their mother would regret it, the two gave Su Tao two red books, then smiled triumphantly, and ran outside.In their view, what is the importance of a small book, and being together is the real happiness!

Su Tao stared at the two little red notebooks in her hand for a long while, then opened them. There were no photos or addresses written in them. She looked at them for a long time before asking Liu Yumei for a plastic bag, and put the two little notebooks in a plastic bag. Wrap it up and put it in the interlayer of your clothes.

She never thought that she would have a real red book in the future, and this fake one might last a lifetime.

When Ye Rong came back at night, he was very depressed.

He went to Yuhua Elementary School and successfully met Zhu Wuchang. After all, Yuhua Village is just a village. It is too easy to find someone. If you run away, the monk can't run away from the temple. Finally, you can meet the familiar mobs, but you haven't had time yet. He waved his moves, only to find that this guy had already been robbed by monsters!
This arrogant and incompetent Yipin University teacher in Haishi turned into a little sheep, constantly kneeling to himself to admit his mistakes, plus various confessions.

A punch that made Ye Rong feel full, all at once! .It spread into the air, it was so uncomfortable!
The second uncle is too far away to beat him, as a villain, he has to act like a villain!
You knelt down and repented like this, how could I do anything!This changed my position in an instant, punching the confession teacher in school, am I the proper villain?
It was only later that I found out that although this guy had a great time cooperating with Ye Ershu to pit Ye's family, he always felt restless when he thought of Ye Rong coming back for the Chinese New Year.As a result, Zhu Wuchang, who was restless, was followed by Lord Yamuni. Xin Zhao.

His original name was actually Zhao Xin, Lord Yamuni, a name he gave himself, but it was only spread in Yuhua Village.This guy is a natural magic stick. He has been wandering since he was a child. Whenever he encounters negative emotions, he will use his faith to bless himself and get through the crisis peacefully.It's similar to Wangmei quenching thirst, pretending to have someone on top.

And this guy's beliefs are extremely wide, because he believes that the bosses in each region are different, so he has such a wonderful name.

However, the weirdness is the weirdness. This magic stick does have some skills. When he believes in, he is very devout.When he believes in Buddhism, you can never see that he also believes in Christ at the same time. When he believes in Christ, you can never see that he has memorized Taoist classics clearly.Relying on this talent of self-hypnosis, Xin Zhao returned to Yuhua Village after traveling for most of his life. He thought that his cultivation had reached a great level, and with so many bosses covering him, he just had to wait for Yuhua to ascend to heaven.

Such a person who can even brainwash himself must be an expert in brainwashing!Zhu Wuchang, who was restless, was caught by him, and he brainwashed him with the brainwashing techniques he had spent half his life traveling. It is said that he is now very serious in teaching primary schools!Every day I hold the idea that I can educate a new Newton and Aristotle of the new era.Although. He used to teach calligraphy.

The Impermanence BOSS has been destroyed. No, with such spiritual progress, how can Ye Rong still punch and kick?The feeling of returning without success is unbearable!
The next day, Father Ye's condition improved a bit, he was under control, and he was no longer groggy, so he came out to meet Ye Rong.

Yuan Ye Rong's father is an honest and responsible person, he is very simple at first glance, he doesn't have so many thoughts in his mind, seeing Ye Rong's eyes is like seeing a wild goose flying far away.It is enough to see him soaring in the blue sky.

"Father." Ye Rong saluted Ye Gong.

Ye Gong laughed happily and nodded repeatedly. He looked older than Liu Yumei.Although Liu Yumei is also hardworking, she knows how to take care of herself, rest, and get tired, while Ye Gong is like an old farm cow who works silently behind her back, dedicating her ability to bring happiness and beauty to her family.

"I came back this time and brought you a big gift." Ye Rong said solemnly.

"What ceremony? Let's just talk about it, why are you so serious, it makes your father and I very nervous." Liu Yumei said.

Ye Rong smiled and didn't explain. If he didn't act more solemnly, he was really afraid that the other party would not believe it.At the same time, now is the real beginning of repayment.

Although, Ye Rong suddenly felt that perhaps his own life was the greatest repayment for them.

He took out two black pills and placed them in front of his parents.

Although it is dark, it is round and full, revealing a kind of jade-like luster.Compared with concentrated pills, the quality of pills is naturally much higher.

"These are two jelly beans, but they are not." Ye Rong smiled and handed them the pill in his hand.

"Eat one pill per person, there will be unexpected effects. But when the effect appears, don't be too surprised. You must suppress your emotions. If you don't understand, if you want to ask, just ask me."

"What kind of effect can two jelly beans have? It's mysterious." Liu Yumei was amused by this solemnity, but the two of them did not hesitate to pick up the elixir for their son's words, and ate it.

"Huh? This jelly bean, why is there no entrance?" Liu Yumei was startled, and immediately felt a warm stream of heat flow down from her throat, flowing all over her body, which was extremely comfortable.

Ye Rong chuckled, a powerful soul enveloped the two of them, and any situation inside was under his control.The waist problem caused by the two elders working for a long time.The rheumatic sequelae left by my mother in the early years, as well as various minor ailments in the body, all gradually disappeared under the effect of the spiritual energy in the elixir, and became healthy and brand new. Even the hair turned black a lot again. The blood in the whole body is warm and full, and the wrinkles are gradually fading away.

This elixir doesn't have that much influence on the youth, and it has even less impact on the practitioners.But for such an old man, it has a very powerful effect. The injuries accumulated on the body and the problems accumulated for a long time, these are the best things to solve in front of the spiritual energy, and with the special guidance of the pill, the whole body can get it Nurturing and recovery.The surface may be only 5.6 years younger, and the normal part of the body can be 7.8 years younger. For those dark wounds, it can have the effect of returning to 10 years ago or even more!
A elixir, restore youth!Even if they have another child now, there will be no problem!
This is the power of cultivation.

It was also a gift prepared by Ye Rong for them.

(End of this chapter)

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