Urban practice

Chapter 31 The fleeting time is bad!

Chapter 31 The fleeting time is bad!
Zheng Qiang's face turned pale.

There is delicious food in front of me, but it is tasteless.

He clearly has the pearl in his hands, but the goddess of victory still chooses Ye Rong without hesitation, and even picks food with him. It's not fair!

How could you use the back door like this?How could the goddess of victory be so biased?
More importantly, he couldn't think of where he lost.

When it comes to money, you are richer than the other person.

In terms of character, he is obviously more likely to have poor character than himself!

In terms of appearance, I am confident that I am definitely not ugly. Although the other person is not ugly, he can only be considered handsome and thin.In this era, pretty faces are no longer popular, and I am obviously more attractive!
However, why did I lose?
Just now, Zhang Yumeng said that the two of them were just classmates, but now they were sharing food with each other in front of her, showing off their affection like no one else!

Zheng Qiang felt that he had received a critical hit of [-] points!

Xie Chao said nothing.

He could understand Zheng Qiang's mood at the moment, he couldn't help, and felt guilty, so he could only chat and eat with his girlfriend.


So lonely!

Zheng Qiang suddenly had a feeling that winter was coming, and the chill was already deep. Why was he the only one who was abandoned on this table?

Frustrated, Zheng Qiang shook his hands and walked into the bathroom.

He wanted to be quiet.

Smoke curled up.

He put his hands in front of the window, smoking lonely.

He knew that Zhang Yumeng didn't like the smell of smoke.

That boy is so thin, he must not be able to smell cigarette smoke.

If it wasn't for the Pearl Hotel not allowing smoking, he would have to puff and choke them in front of the two of them.

A cigarette is about to burn out and it's over.


There was a slap, and a pain hit my body.

Zheng Qiang was furious, who spanked me? !
"My little brother looks so cool smoking. I'm fascinated. How about you come to our dinner table and have a few glasses of wine with me? There will be a lot of money for reward~"

Turning around, a man twice as strong as him was behind him, looking at him with a leering look. When he turned around, he even gave him a wink!

Zheng Qiang's whole body tensed suddenly, and his body went numb.

Shouldn't this kind of thing happen to women?

Moreover, the character position is also wrong!Even if it's teasing, he's still the one doing the teasing!Now, the one being teased is actually me?

What a bad time!Anything can happen?

"Get out of here!" Zheng Qiang was in a bad mood, but looking at the other person's figure and feeling a little weak, he waved his hand and left.

"Brother, if you get lost, just go away. Don't you have to take responsibility?" The burly man grabbed his arm with a hint of obsession in his voice, but his hands were like iron tongs, grasping Zheng Qiang firmly, I can't move at all.

"To accompany you this time, I really have a lot of money for you!" The burly man rubbed his hands with the other hand, showing money, as if he was very sincere.

"Go away!" Zheng Qiang was even more anxious when his arm was grabbed. What would happen if there was more money?He can be considered a rich second generation, and he is never short of money!Even if I’m short of money, I won’t do this to you!This will leave a lifelong shadow!
Thinking of being pulled over by such a big man, Zheng Qiang's every skin trembled, and his legs were clamped tightly.It was so dark!
He couldn't care about anything else, he pushed his arm forward and swung it hard, hitting the big man's stomach with his elbow.

"Damn it, you stinky bitch, it's your blessing to see you! Do you still dare to do it now? Look for a beating!" The big man was in pain, his eyes burst into anger, and he grabbed Zheng Qiang's neck and slapped him Fanned it.

Zheng Qiang couldn't care less about anything, he attacked with all his strength, even if his chrysanthemum was gone, what difference in body size could he care about?Luan Quan greeted the opponent.

He beat the old master to death with random punches. Not to mention, this random punch really had an effect. The most important thing was that he was focused on escaping and kept punching but not kicking. However, the opponent did not care about anything and punched and kicked at the same time. In the bathroom The ground was slippery. The moment the strong man on the other side raised his leg, he pushed hard, and with a "plop", the strong man lost his balance and fell to the ground. Zheng Qiang ran out in a hurry, with lingering fear in his heart.

"What's wrong with you?" Xie Chao asked worriedly when he saw Zheng Qiang's hair was messy and his face was a bit swollen.

"It's nothing, I just met a pervert."

Zheng Qiang looked behind him and breathed a sigh of relief when he found that the other party was not following him.

However, the more I thought about it, the more frustrated and angry I became.

I was actually spanked by a man? !
Tolerable or unbearable!
He took out his cell phone and made a call.

"Hey, Brother Gang, are you okay now? Come to the Pearl Hotel. I ran into some trouble at the Pearl Hotel near Yipin University."

"Don't worry, if you come, it will benefit you and your brother!"

Zheng Qiang put down his phone only after getting the other party's consent, his eyes flickered fiercely.At this time, he had time to recall the shame of being slapped just now.

In a moment, you must pay the price, you wretched fat man!
"What's the matter? You still called Brother Gang? Who messed with you?" Xie Chao felt the seriousness of the problem.

"It's okay, Brother Gang is only here to deal with emergencies. He had a conflict with that pervert just now, and he also suffered. I was worried about the background of the person who ate here, so I called him here." Zheng Qiang An understatement for the opening.Just kidding, how could he say that he was slapped by a man?Isn't that a joke for your rival in love?When Zhang Yumeng heard this, she would definitely look at herself strangely.

"Well, once Brother Gang comes, it will be stable. Brother Gang is a well-known figure in Donghuan Street! Both black and white take it all! The family has hundreds of millions of assets! There are dozens of people under his command! This They are all just elites! If we talk about skirmishers, there are hundreds of them. The Pearl Hotel is just on the edge of the East Ring Road. If he dares to come here to make trouble, he will have his share of good things!" Xie Chao said with a smile, raising his head at the same time. He glanced at Ye Rong and snorted coldly.

He said this just to help Zheng Qiang regain his position.Tell Ye Rong clearly once again, how far is the gap between us and you!

If you are sensible, get the hell out of the Pearl Hotel, this is not the place for a mountain village shepherd like you to come to!
"Have you eaten enough?" Ye Rong didn't care that much. While the two guys were talking, he took Zhang Yumeng to the wind, and in a short time, all these dishes were eaten, leaving only the leftovers.

"Eat, you're full." Classmate Yu's face turned red, just like the peonies blooming in the spring breeze.Only now did she realize that she had eaten so much without knowing it.

The two of them could kill more than half of the five people.

Girls, be reserved and keep in shape.

I'm not usually like this!How embarrassing!The image is gone!
It’s all Ye Rong’s fault!
Zhang Yumeng glanced at Ye Rong, but felt a sweet feeling passing through his heart.

What happened to me today?They even accept food from male students.

"That's good. Then, let's go?" Ye Rong nodded and breathed a sigh of relief. For some reason, when classmate Yu served him some food, a strange feeling flashed through his heart.Under this strange feeling, Yu's every frown and smile seemed to be clearer and more beautiful in his mind.

Beware of toxins!
I came here to repay favors and reduce toxins.On the contrary, what if it gets deeper?
"Yeah." Zhang Yumeng nodded, and also stood up, she was too embarrassed to face her old classmates again.Moreover, these two old classmates had some inexplicable hostility towards Ye Rong.It's better to leave.

"Huh? Are you leaving now?" Xie Chao suddenly became anxious. Zheng Qiang finally met Zhang Yumeng, so he had to create more opportunities for them!How about just leaving like this?
Although I wanted you to get out of the Pearl Hotel just now, I didn't ask you to take Zhang Yumeng and get out!
If you take away the heroine, how can you still make a TV series?
Xie Chao always believed that Zhang Yumeng was just temporarily obsessed. There was a huge gap between Zheng Qiang and this guy. As long as Zhang Yumeng was a little more awake, he would be able to recognize it and make the right choice.

Moreover, you haven’t even paid out one-third of the money yet!
"Leave? Let me see who from this table can leave!"

A loud shout suddenly sounded from not far away, a group of people filed out from the door of a private room, and looked over fiercely!

(End of this chapter)

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