Urban practice

Chapter 295: God Stick?

Chapter 295: God Stick?

Zhao Qi was in a drunk state, but the light in his eyes was sober and sharp!Like an invincible sword!

Ye Rong's eyes trembled, his edges and corners at this time were like a child who just entered puberty, innocent and pure!

However, not long after saying this, he fell into drunkenness again and fell into Liu Wei's injury reduction, with a happy and satisfied smile on his face.

"Want to come in?" Ye Rong made a "please" gesture.

"No need, he just wanted to express his opinion. He is so drunk now, I can take him to any hotel to sleep, so I won't delay your dinner." Liu Wei hit Ye Rong and Tao Tao in the room. He said hello, and then took Zhao Qi beside him, boarded the dilapidated electric car, and disappeared into the night staggeringly.Not even surprised that Ye Rong's family has such a cute little girl.

"It looks like the little bat is about to transform." Ye Rong chuckled.There is definitely a deep and deep story between Zhao Qi and Liu Wei. In Liu Wei's arms, she seems to have all the courage.In the past, Zhao Qi gave Ye Rong the impression of being like a stick. He was very boring and seemed stable, but because he was too boring, he had no edge at all and was all trapped in his heart.Even if one person has the strength to pick two Taekwondo black belts, it is still underestimated.

But now, he showed his sharp side!
Unstoppable!But the sharpness of a swordsman!

If he really becomes his subordinate, maybe he can get him a technique suitable for swords.Ye Rong thought.I thought this guy could only use a mallet!

Speaking of which, is this happiness?Ye Rong shook his head. Ever since he came to Basketball, it seemed that his emotional intelligence had begun to develop due to Tian Tianxian's pain in his balls.Liu Wei, the strong woman of the Liu family, should feel free to call a taxi. Even if she was worried about her relationship with Zhao Qi being exposed, it would be no problem to call a taxi.It's much better than two people rubbing this little electric thing.

Perhaps, in her eyes, this is the happiest?
Go to the hotel, alas, Ye Rong shook his head, someone is going to enjoy a good night!
Ye Rong always felt that he had been cuckolded inexplicably, and he might never be able to enjoy the kiss of the beautiful Liu Wei again.Close the door, forget it, quit toxins one by one, and lose this little benefit. Anyway, there are still benefits that Boss Baby gives from time to time!

It doesn't feel bad at all!Ye Rong was a little looking forward to it!

The next day, Ye Rong went to Renxin Hospital again, boiled the medicinal soup himself, and drank it for the old man. By the way, while there was no one around, he played with the old man's head.

There wasn't much he could do.How to deal with the guys who poisoned the old man was something Zhao Qi had to consider.Of course, there might still be Liu Wei standing behind him to help him silently.As he said, if you don't avenge your revenge, you will be a son of man in vain!

At most, when the time comes, it's just to see if he stumbles.

Walking out of the inpatient department and passing the hospital lobby, a young man pushed an old man around seeking help from a doctor.

"Can you get Professor Cui Yuan's consultation? My father has something wrong with his body."

"Professor Cui Yuan?" A doctor frowned. He is a top professor in Renxin Hospital. He is well-known in China and even the whole world. Such a doctor spends most of his time serving VIPs. So you can go to the doctor at will?

"Professor Cui Yuan should be abroad right now. Just queue up and find an ordinary expert for consultation." The doctor casually pointed to the registration desk.

"But I have consulted many doctors, but I can't figure out what's going on. The Professor Cui they recommended to me, if there is no Professor Cui, is there another doctor who is good at this? Internal medicine, surgery, it's all fine." The young man He spoke anxiously.

"Go ask the nurse on the stage. I still have to go to work, so I'm in a hurry." The doctor shook off the young man's hand and walked into the distance, as if a small motor had been added to his feet.

The young man stretched out his hand, but he didn't know what to say.

No one reached out to help, he was like an ant on a hot pot, almost dying of anxiety, but he didn't know what to do.

Ye Rong looked at the old man who was pushing, and raised his eyebrows.This patient has some problems.

He stepped forward to take a closer look, and found that the patient's body was very weak. It seemed that he had been seriously injured not long ago, and it was still a serious one. His body was not in a good state. After receiving such a blow, he almost fell into a coma.But now, first aid and so on seem to be in place.It's just that there is still a puff of breath in his chest.

This gas is not an ordinary gas, but evil spirit!In other words, murderous intent!This is something that can be carried on the utensils that have been stained with countless blood and killed countless creatures, along with the words of spiritual energy array!
In layman's terms, it is a spiritual weapon transformed from long-term murderous aura and resentment.

In Haishi, apart from his own butterfly knife, there are other spiritual weapons?Ye Rong walked forward strangely.Look forward, look back, look left, look right.

The young man covered his head and was completely dizzy. Seeing Ye Rong watching, he walked over and asked, "Excuse me, are you a doctor too?"

doctor?Ye Rong thought for a while and nodded, "I'm a Chinese doctor. I use the prescriptions passed down by my family." Anyway, the role he plays here is to help Zhao Qi's father treat his illness.

"Chinese doctor?" Such a small Chinese doctor?The young man was taken aback, and he asked anxiously, but he didn't prepare for Ye Rong to be a doctor, because Ye Rong looked too young.The path of a doctor is different, and you have to rely on a certain amount of experience, and the older you are, the more powerful you will be.

"Then, can you help me see my father?" He regretted it as soon as he said this.My head was really hot, and I said everything. Although their family is not rich, they are not poor at all. In addition, they are also in the armed police brigade, and their father's comrades-in-arms have donated money to support them. They have been checked in many big hospitals. , but can't find out the fault.Now he actually asked such a young man about his own age to help him check out his father's problems?It's completely rushing to the doctor!
However, the words have been spoken, and he can't take them back.

"The internal organs of the whole body are damaged, and several bones are broken. Now the bones are basically taken care of, but they still can't wake up. The breath is disordered but the reason can't be found?"

This sentence was like a basin of cold water, cooling his burning head.

He raised his head and looked at Ye Rong in shock.

These symptoms are all right!This young man obviously only looked at his father a few times, didn't even touch it, yet he got everything right!Even my worries and headaches are right!

Could it be that his father could be saved?He looked at the other party in surprise.

Unexpectedly, the other party actually smiled lightly and walked out of the hospital quickly, faster than the doctor who just walked away!
Not far away, a lot of people mocked.

I saw what this guy said just now, and thought it was true!I didn't expect to run away after editing!Also, what real power can such a young man have?

In the corridor, a doctor came out, wearing casual clothes. He was also the same doctor who had examined the young father. He was a professor at the age of 40, and he was very proud.But he failed to discover the problem with the young father.It is only said that the injury may have involved the spirit, let him prepare for his father's hospitalization and possible vegetative state.After get off work now, he was shocked to hear such a young man accurately describe his father's symptoms!
He was relieved when the other party left after finishing speaking. Fortunately, he just said it himself!How could a random brat be able to outperform me in medical skills?
After passing by the young man, he patted the young man on the shoulder and said, "Get ready. Also, be careful of liars, there are many liars who pretend to be gods and ghosts, like magic sticks. Especially pretending to be Chinese doctors." After finishing speaking, he raised his chest He looked up and left, he looked down on Doctor Hua the most.Can a disease be cured with a few grasses and needles?If it is so simple and cheap, the doctor will not be able to prescribe the money?

The young man looked at him, then lowered his head and looked at his palms.

There, there is a note.There was nothing on the note, but on the phone that the note hit, there was a friend request and additional information.

(End of this chapter)

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