Urban practice

Chapter 27 Telling You to Sell Swords!

Chapter 27 Telling You to Sell Swords!

All night.

The next day, Ye Rong came to the library early and waited here.

The rising sun attracted a wave of vitality by the way. Ye Rong was full of energy, and his eyes were as bright as a sharp sword!Then he calmed down again.

"Little friend, long time no see!" A voice sounded, and Ye Rong turned his head, but it was the sword dancer he saw last time.

Ye Rong nodded to say hello, then turned his head back again.

haven't seen you for a long time?Didn't the two meet just a few days ago?I have important things to do when I come here today, but I am not in the mood to have a long chat with him.

The sword dancer was taken aback for a moment, this... counts as a greeting?
Current students.
He frowned, practicing sword here by himself.

5 seconds later.

He went up to meet him, "Little friend, I have a question, and I want to ask you for advice."

"." Ye Rong looked at him dissatisfied.

Don't you see that your heart is not with him?I also came up to ask specifically, and it was hard to refuse.


According to the words here, that is, there is no wink!
Ye Rong didn't speak, his dissatisfaction was obvious, and his disgust was also obvious.

The sword dancer who was watching turned away with a reddened face.

The eyebrows trembled, as if there was a sense of majesty wanting to radiate, but he forcibly endured it.With a brighter and more friendly smile, he turned his face and looked at Ye Rong.

"Little friend, may I ask why the last time I did the movements you pointed out to me, I felt refreshed, as if I looked brand new, but I didn't have such an effect when I did it myself?"

Liu Bei visited the thatched cottage three times, and Yang Shicheng's door stood up.What is your face?For learning!No more!

Trees don't need bark, they will surely die, people are shameless, they are invincible!He forcibly ignored his gaze and approached Ye Rong, there was really nothing he could do.

Fortunately, Zhao Qi was not as shameless as him, otherwise he would have been blamed for it!
"The movements I teach you mainly play an auxiliary role. The hand I put on your back is the one that really plays a leading role. The Qi in your body must gather and move according to the position of my hand. And, you can't Only care about the general position, but also master the rhythm and use auxiliary movements to cooperate."

"The internal and external cooperation can achieve the effect of attracting vitality."

"Come on, let me slow down for you, and you can feel it again."

"Okay, okay!" The sword dancer was overjoyed. Of course, this is the best way to teach. Unexpectedly, this kid seems to be uneducated, and he doesn't know how to respect his teacher at all, but he is not perfunctory in doing it.Ruzi can be taught, Ruzi can be taught!
His eyes when he looked at Ye Rong were suddenly warm and pleasing to the eye, like the spring breeze in March.

But forget, now, who is teaching whom.

Ye Rong put his hand on the sword dancer's back again, gathering the sword dancer's energy with skill.

"Do you feel the existence of Qi? It's in this position of my hand."

The sword dancer felt it carefully, nodded, and a look of surprise flashed across his face. The last time he didn't feel it too quickly, but this time he felt it so carefully, and it was indeed very clear. It was in the opponent's hand. , I felt the existence of my own qi.

He is very interested in health preservation and has a lot of experience with it. Naturally, he has also been in contact with qi. Although qigong does not have as many effects as the nonsense spread on the Internet, it can be used when it is used. It can indeed strengthen the body and prolong life.But it is a very strenuous task that requires patience and a certain amount of experience to be able to gather and operate Qi.

But this student just moved his hand, and the Qi gathered there, and it was the Qi of others.This proficient and precise technique is simply unheard of!

"Okay. Now, move the Qi in the direction of my hand."

The hands on the back moved slowly, and the qi in the body also moved slowly. Under the movement of qi, the sword dancer actually had a butterfly effect all over his body, and was driven by a wonderful rhythm. The feeling, the beauty in it, cannot be expressed in words.

"It's here. Let's start!" Ye Rong suddenly made the sword dancer's body make the first movement.

The sword dancer's spirit was shaken, and at this moment, it seemed that he turned on a switch somewhere in his body after warming up!The rhythm that was slowly driven just now suddenly became faster, and the stale air was expelled as if there was a hole. Taking a breath, it was much fresher.

It's amazing, just amazing!If it wasn't for his identity, he would have screamed excitedly!
This is just the first step!The sword dancer remembers that there are still two movements below, Luo and Huan, they must be wonderful!He can't wait!
at this time
"Classmate Yu! Classmate Yu! Are you here? Long time no see!" Ye Rong saw Zhang Yumeng running towards here in a blink of an eye.

Wearing a light green floral skirt, white stockings, and light coffee bow cloth shoes, her fair face revealed a bit of freshness and shyness.This outfit made Ye Rong's eyes light up, and his heartbeat couldn't help but speed up.The image of Zhang Yumeng gently grabbing her clothes flashed in her mind.
There is absolutely no resistance to the new toxins of this world!

"I have something to do today, I'll help you feel it next time." Ye Rong patted the sword dancer on the shoulder and ran towards Zhang Yumeng.

The first thing he did today was to return Zhang Yumeng's favor. A woman's favor should never be owed, it is a bonus to poison!No, he only slept for the past few days before dreaming about Zhang Yumeng.The dream was full of spring, if he hadn't been alert and vigilant, he would have to wash the quilt in the morning.

"Hey, this, this." The sword dancer stretched out his hand, is this gone?Don't do things halfway!Anyway, finish the Luo and Huan before leaving!People have a beginning and an end!How can you just leave like this?

The current students are really not exaggerated at all!
Bad, too bad!
Didn't he know two ways to drive people crazy, the first being half-talking?

The sword dancer was not reconciled, so he combined the contact with the track drawn by the other party on his back last time, and tried a few times on his own, but there was no such effect.

Eyes were reddened.

Not long after, a rather robust and slightly wretched boy came over.

The corner of the mouth curled up, reluctantly.

"Obviously I shouldn't have opened the door in the morning today"

"It would be a shame to bully others."

"Mengmeng should be my woman, and I want to see her flawless back."

"Now she has left with others, but I have to work here."

He whimpered and went up the library steps.After taking a few steps, he stopped again and took a few steps back.

This, isn't this Xianlao?

An old man from Yipin University, whose real surname is Qian, and Qian Wensheng.

The name is so clever!The current Xianlao is indeed rich and educated. He is not only a leader in the education field, but also one of the major shareholders of Yipin University.

However, such an old man seems to be tired of that kind of life after working hard for most of his life. He starts to steal everywhere, stealing for half a day, always seeing the beginning of the dragon but not the tail, but it seems that he can meet him everywhere, low-key no.

Therefore, he was also nicknamed Mr. Xian, and the title of Mr. Xian gradually spread out. Everyone in Yipin University knew the title of Mr. Xian, this legendary person, but few people knew what he looked like.

Jiang Shi knew.

He has liked to mix since he was a child, and feels that he is very talented in mixing.

Because when he went to hang out, he was rarely bullied, most of the time he bullied others.

He deeply remembers a famous saying in film and television dramas, "You can't see Mount Tai with eyes."

If you want to mess around, you must not be ignorant of Mount Tai, because people who are crowned with this sentence are generally very miserable.Knowing Mount Tai is an opportunity!
Therefore, he memorized all the famous Mount Tai of Yipin University early on, and among them was Xianlao.

Haha, it really is true, if you lose, you will gain, if you are prepared, you will have opportunities.Jiang Shi was very happy, if he could be remembered by Mr. Xian, he would be of great use in the future if he could please him a little bit!
He looked up and down the old man beside him.

Xianlao seemed to be practicing.

Keep making movements one after another, shouting, "rise!", "fall!", "ring!" Three formulas!

so amazing!He practiced fiercely, his eyes were red, like the king of Hades!
"Clap clap clap clap!"

Jiang Shi applauded decisively.

"Good! Good! This kung fu is amazing! It's the first time I saw such a kung fu in Yipin Middle School. When this skill is released, a wave of anger arises spontaneously! The power is self-evident! How tall are you, old man? People? The students are very envious!"

Xian Lao stopped his movements and turned his head dissatisfied.

It was the first time he saw it.

Such a nasty person.

He could clearly see that he was very angry, with anger on his face, yet he even came to mock him?

Although he is a civilized person, he almost couldn't help shouting angrily, "Selling swords!"

"Which class are you from?" Xian Laoqiang held back his anger and waved.

"Jiang Shi, Class 7, Freshman Fine Arts Department!" Jiang Shimei was flattered, and sure enough, he was right, and he let Mr. Xian know his name in no time!
"You come to the library to open the door this early in the morning?"

"That's right, that's right! This is my job!" Campus work in the early morning, such a sunny topic, will definitely increase your impression points!

"It's so late when the library opens?! With such a work attitude, how will you enter the society in the future?!" Mr. Xian pointed to the library and a large stairway around it,
"You are responsible for keeping this place clean and spotless. If you are not doing well, keep doing it and I will send someone to check!" Xianlao patted him on the shoulder, "I will remember you, Jiang Shi!" Dashou! With a wave of his hand, he patted his butt and left coolly.

snort!Tell you to sell swords!

Jiang Shi was dumbfounded.

I want Mr. Xian to remember me.However, he didn't want Mr. Xian to remember himself like this!

Think left and right.

This flattery should be fine!How did it get shot on the horse's leg?
Looking at this large piece of ground, the autumn wind swept away, and a few fallen leaves rustled down.

It's beautiful, but it's also painful.

Jiang Shi wants to cry but has no tears.

I'm so mean!
(End of this chapter)

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