Urban practice

Chapter 237 You Are Good!

Chapter 237 You Are Good!

Ye Rong!

One word shocked everyone!

If he was Ye Rong, the punch just now was really not without reason.

The bald middle-aged man took a step back silently, he didn't want to be beaten too.

Although he didn't believe that such a thin and young boy could beat him, today was Ziyan's home game.To beat someone, Ziyan Ancestor has to come and beat them, so we can't break the rules, and spread the word that Ziyan Ancestor bullies the few with the more.

"Senior Lao Zi, you are wrong! You are disrespectful. You can't beat me, but you call a bunch of people to scold me. This is too shameless!" Ye Rong looked at Zi not far away with dissatisfaction. Ancestor Yan.Although as the saying goes, a gentleman talks but does not act, but a gentleman has nothing to do with you!
A villain should look like a villain!

Ancestor Ziyan slowly let go of the hands on his back, "Young people, you have to look like a young man when you talk and do things. Otherwise, it will be easy to break."

After speaking, he was not in a hurry to make a move.Instead, continue to look at the distance from a 45-degree angle in the expert mode.

Defeating the kid in front of him is only a matter of a moment, and the demeanor before defeating must be pretended!

Moreover, he is now causing public outrage again!
In this way, even if the beating is a bit harsh, it will not damage the image, on the contrary, it will be very satisfying!Maybe everyone can step on him one more time!
Ancestor Ziyan smiled complacently.

"That's right! He's obviously a little-known kid, yet he's so arrogant!"

"I was a little bit puzzled before, how could a big man like Senior Zi Yan casually challenge an unknown kid, now I understand, this is too arrogant!"

"It's time to treat him well! I can't stand it anymore! Only Senior Ziyan's heart can endure until now! Boy, after the battle with Senior Ziyan, I want to make an appointment with you too! I need to let you know The rules of the martial arts world!"

"That's right! There's me!" All the martial arts practitioners scrambled one by one, as if they were afraid that they would not be able to beat them if it was too late.

The road of life is unsatisfactory in all likelihood, and it is so hard to find such a good thing that people like Ziyan can make a good impression of him without being responsible for beating people like this!Comparable to Double Eleven shopping!

Ye Rong also felt that the discount was a little too strong. Originally, he wanted to bother fighting one by one to experience the characteristics of each martial artist, but now he just buy one and get a group free!The martial practitioners here are so considerate!

"Don't worry, come one by one, everyone has a share, let's say it first, those who have received the qualifications can't run away! If they run away, they are puppies!" Ye Rong narrowed his eyes and wrote down the people who were about to fight one by one.

"Hahaha!" Everyone was amused! "At this time, you are still stubborn. You should run away! Facing senior Ziyan, you dare to come here for an appointment. It's really stupid. After a while, you won't be able to run away even if you want to!"

After clearly remembering the appearances of these people who were about to fight, and after making sure that there were no omissions, Ye Rong opened his eyes again in satisfaction. His piercing eyes were as clear as running water, and Tao Tao stood a few steps aside and strode out. .

"So! Let's start! By the way, before we start, a friendly reminder, are you ready for dad or master?"


Ancestor Ziyan was stunned for a moment, then understood what the other party meant, and his face immediately darkened.

When did you dare to add fuel to the fire on your own head?

Just now, it was to arouse more public anger.Now, when the anger breaks out!

"If you're unlucky, don't talk about my master and father, you can even meet my grandpa!"

With a kick of his feet, he flew up in one stride.The speed is so fast that many people's eyes cannot keep up with his speed and can only see a purple afterimage!

In mid-air, wave a palm!
The blue light shines!Burst like a shooting star!Among them, traces of purple fire light lingered in it, and the heat wave hit the face!
One palm for the chest!
The eyes of all the people present widened in shock!
The power of this palm is too terrifying!

Although they had basically heard about the strength of the ancestor Ziyan before they came, but the martial arts practitioners have just been rejuvenated, and few people have been able to witness the moves of a strong man of this level with their own eyes.But now, I can see it with my own eyes, but there is no trace of doubt.

This kind of heat wave can be felt even by people nearby. It's hard to imagine how much pressure I would have to bear if I stood in Ye Rong's position!
However, seeing that this chapter was about to hit Ye Rong, the boy still did not move.

Is this courting death?Still freaked out?Such a powerful palm, if you don't dodge, Ziyan Patriarch will definitely die if you don't stop!

"The victory has been decided."

"Is this the peak power of the second-order internal force?!"

"The blue light on the internal energy actually has signs of turning blue! Could it be that it has already touched the threshold of the third level?"

Thoughts turned, however, it was only enough to say a word.

All martial practitioners seem to have seen the ending, an ending without any suspense!


There was a loud noise, and smoke and dust flew wildly.

"No power!"

"Unexpectedly, there is no strength!" Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed!
Such a powerful force has not stopped!Completely withstood such a powerless palm, under the smoke and dust, the fate of the young man just now
Many people took a breath of cold air.

Fuck you!If you don't do it, you won't die.Such a palm, I am afraid that the entire internal organs will be destroyed by the earthquake!
"Why bother?"

"As a human being, you really shouldn't be too pretentious."

The smoke and dust dissipated slowly, several people lowered their heads, and couldn't bear to look again. Although they knew that Ziyan Patriarch would teach this ignorant boy a lesson, they didn't expect that once they made a move, it would be fatal!Still so devastated, brutal, and brutal.

They didn't think of it, and the ancestor Ziyan didn't think of it either.

Originally, he really wanted to pull back some strength. Such a powerful momentum was just a way to give this kid a bad shot. Wouldn't it be too cheap for him to just let him die if he didn't humiliate him?
However, when he got close, there was a strong momentum, also coming in front of him, and the power felt in it, even faintly felt like he was fighting with himself!

The thought of withdrawing strength dissipated instantly!

"What, what?!" The martial artist who didn't close his eyes was shocked!After the smoke and dust cleared, in their minds, the miserable appearance of being limp on the ground and smashing a hole did not appear. The boy was still standing there, with his upper body arched slightly, and his feet sank several centimeters deep into the ground!Extremely embarrassed.

However, golden light shone all over his body.Fist against palm, blocking this palm!
"You are so strong! You are very good! You can force me into this state with one move. The martial arts in this world are really unique!" Ye Rong's eyes were full of splendor, and his face was full of excitement!

(End of this chapter)

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