Urban practice

Chapter 223 Compared with her!

Chapter 223 Compared with her!

Ye Rong also gave one to Song Xuemei. Although Song Xuemei was reluctant, she still took it.The two of them each took a stick and started waving it.

"Bai Kexin! Bai Kexin!"

Finally, the curtain opened, and a white figure came slowly from behind the stage.

Bai Kexin is wearing a long white long dress today, it is very big, it is like dragging a large snowflake, her delicate face is shining like a star, revealing a somewhat cute look.

Ye Rong was in the first row, and she could see the most clearly. At this moment, she was standing on the stage, almost every movement was shining.

"It's beautiful and has a high peak."

He only had these two words to sigh.It's not a lack of words.Rather, the beauty in front of him was so beautiful that almost only these words were left in his mind.

"Goddess! Goddess!" Below, overwhelming voices swept in. It was obviously a concert, but the whole venue seemed to be going crazy before the singing started!

"She's still the same as before. She's so obedient. This kind of makeup actually doesn't suit her." Song Xuemei complained.

"It looks fine to me, so shiny and beautiful, I think you are jealous!" Ye Rong felt wronged for Bai Ke.

"This is your first time watching a concert. You will get tired of this kind of makeup after a long time. For this occasion, light makeup and simple clothes are more suitable for her." Song Xuemei exposed him mercilessly.

Ye Rong thought about it, but if he looked at it carefully for a while, although his current outfit was shiny, it was still more eye-catching than the one he saw at Haiying Academy.

"Whatever." Ye Rong curled his lips, "Some of them look good. Anyway, I haven't seen her makeup like this for the second time. It was eye-catching the first time. If you can, wear something to make me stand out." Eye-catching clothes!"

Song Xuemei glanced at him and smiled sweetly, "I look the best when I'm not wearing any clothes."


Ye Rong breathed and suffocated for an instant.

I can't accept these words!Nosebleeds at concerts are not good, let’s just watch the show honestly!
"Welcome everyone to my concert. Today, I will sing for you. I hope you like it."

A simple opening remark, with a voice as crisp as pearls, is better than Oriole.

But with just these two simple words, the whole scene boiled up again!

Some people, when holding a concert, need to mobilize the enthusiasm of the audience and increase the enthusiasm!But, Bai Kexin, absolutely no need!Because, she herself, standing there, is a kind of heat!
With a sweet and obedient smile, the tune begins.At the moment when the first lyrics were revealed softly, no one moved the audience, and it automatically became quiet.

It seems that there is a slight noise that will disturb the most beautiful voice in this world.

Even Ye Rong couldn't help opening his eyes slightly in surprise.

This girl, when she sings, is really like an angel.It's not the kind of angel in the cultivation world, but this world, which describes the feeling of a pure and supreme state of beauty.

"The talent is so great!" Ye Rong exclaimed. The talent in voice includes pitch, pitch, various vocalization techniques, and, very importantly, timbre!
The most important of these is the final tone!A perfect timbre should not only be pleasant to listen to and easily fascinated, but also recognizable and in line with one's own temperament.Only in this way can we achieve the same inside and outside.Of course, this is the realm of pursuing perfection, and it is the standard of cultivation genius that Ye Rong found in the cultivation world to practice the Dao of Voice.Even in his own cultivation world, there are too few such geniuses.In this world, Ye Rong has never heard such a song.Even when watching the girl group shows, what he pays more attention to is the girl group's slender thighs, swaying dance postures, and impressive coughing, which seems to reveal something!
In short, not much lies in the sound!

But Bai Kexin did it!

The low pitch sings the resonance, the shifting pitch sings the heartbeat, and the high pitch sings straight to the top of people's heads!Makes the scalp tingle!
After a song, there was a long silence.

It's not that the singing is not good, but that everyone is intoxicated in it, feeling it for a long time, and unwilling to extricate themselves!
Bai Kexin stood quietly on the stage, looked at the audience below, and respected them, giving them time to be intoxicated without disturbing them.

After a while, he paused, opened his mouth, and announced the title of the next song in a sweet voice.At this time, there was a sound of vigorous applause. The applause of other people's concerts was at the end of the song, but she was at the front of the song, and every fan took the initiative to do so!

It is enough to see that the fans love her and her songs!

"This wave is not a loss!" The fantasy sound killing power did not come true. Instead, I heard an enjoyable singing voice, which exceeded expectations!
Even next to her, Song Xuemei, who had always been at odds with Bai Kexin on the stage, listened to the singing quietly without saying anything derogatory.

"In terms of strength, she can indeed compare with me." After the second song, Song Xuemei spoke seriously.

compared to you?Ye Rong let out an understanding laugh.Listening to Song Xuemei's voice before, I always felt that she should be really strong in singing, but the other party is obviously strong in all aspects!Ye Rong didn't believe that she could sing better than Bai Kexin.

Seeing Ye Rong's expression, Song Xuemei suddenly turned dark.

"You do not believe?"

"Believe it, believe it, why don't you believe it?" Ye Rong showed an expression of "everyone understands", hey!Everyone is a fellow traveler, why don't you believe it?In fact, so do I, barely able to compare with her!For example, the song I sang at KTV that day moved many people!At least let Lan Qi give her a hug!Singing certain songs still has some special charm!
It's just that most of the songs that can't be sung will be hanged and beaten.
After listening to such a good song, and cooperating with her so much, student Xue, she should definitely agree to the cooperation between the two of you!I was worried that she would look for trouble at the concert, it seems even more unnecessary!Ye Rong smiled smugly, with confidence in mind.

But he didn't notice that Xue, who was next to him, pouted lightly and smiled coldly.

Before I knew it, half of the concert was already over.

"Hey, half of the concerts are all in one form, which is really meaningless." Song Xuemei slowly sat up straight and spoke softly.

"Hey? I feel very good! Besides, there are many types of songs, how can it be one form?" Ye Rong gave her a strange look, then turned his head away. In fact, even if there is only one type, He also felt that he enjoyed listening to it, and if he listened to it for a while, he would not dare to turn on his voice when watching girl groups in the future!
After listening to Ye Rong's words, Song Xuemei smiled softly, raised her hand, and took off her hat.

Under the light of the light stick, she raised her head and looked directly into Bai Kexin's eyes.

As if feeling something, Bai Kexin just turned her head and looked this way.

His expression paused, and the two eyes intertwined, as if in an instant, they collided with brilliant sparks!

Immediately, the eyes parted.However, obviously, both of them had something to worry about.

"Don't you want to hear me sing?" Song Xuemei turned around, looked at Ye Rong, and smiled brightly.Immediately, he clicked a button on the phone and said softly, "Gao Minggang."

"Hey, hey?" Before Ye Rong could react, a black figure sneaked over and handed Song Xuemei a microphone.

Song Xuemei grabbed the microphone and stood up!
In the middle of the song, everyone was enjoying it and stood up when they were engrossed!
By the way, Ye Rong was also brought along!

? ? ?Ye Rong had a black question mark on his face.

Such a wonderful music, such a thing happened suddenly, obviously to disturb, many people who accidentally caught a glimpse of it all looked over, showing puzzled and angry expressions!

Ye Rong was lying innocently in the gun instantly, and was pierced into pieces by countless gaze rays.However, Song Xuemei still pulled him forward, and her aura was not lost at all!At the same time, the lyrics of the next song were sung in her mouth!
A completely different way of singing, a completely different tone, a completely different timbre, a completely different feeling!Like mountains and flowing water!Like the waves of the sea!Like an orchid in an empty valley!
Let all the audience at the scene feel the instant transfer!Move to her tunes!

The only thing that remains the same, the feeling, is also wonderful!
My whole body feels numb with enjoyment!
(End of this chapter)

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