Urban practice

Chapter 206 I Believe Him!

Chapter 206 I Believe Him!

Many people also looked at Ye Rong unexpectedly.This kid, he can't speak too much. Now that everyone is doing a good job, how can he say such a thing?
However, Lin Baobao was inexplicably convinced by Ye Rong's words.

"Ye, Ye Rong, really, really?" I thought that since this place is close to Danqing Building, the medical soldiers will definitely come faster than the ambulance, and the chances that grandma will be fine will be greatly increased.Ye Rong's words directly knocked her down again.
At first, she also thought about Ye Rong.Ye Rong has treated Uncle Tang's hidden illness for many years, and even cured his own acute appendicitis. This time, there may be a way.

However, Ye Rong's treatment method is so peculiar that she is not sure whether he can treat this situation.And, when something goes wrong.
It's not that she doesn't believe in Ye Rong, but she really doesn't want to lose Ye Rong again.

Ye Rong nodded.

"Then can you cure it?" Lin Baobao asked tentatively.

"You can give it a try." Ye Rong said.

People around him looked at him with surprise.This bodyguard can actually work part-time as a doctor?But what does this test mean?How can there be any reason to try to treat people's illnesses?This is too unconfident an answer!If you really have confidence, wouldn't you be more confident if you treat it as soon as you see it?

Many people shook their heads, thinking that this kid was just trying to please the public.

"If we wait for the medical soldiers to come, what are the chances?"

Ye Rong narrowed his eyes and told the truth, "A narrow escape from death."

"how about you?"

"It's not high, but it's definitely better than a narrow escape." Ye Rong turned around and stared at Baobao Lin, "Do you believe me?"

Lin Baobao's expression was startled, and then he nodded vigorously.

She, trust Ye Rong!

"Miss Lin, is he a medical major?" Jin Wu couldn't help but ask.Although Ye Rong's ability to observe antiques is appreciated by him, he is not optimistic about Ye Rong's shots.

He is too young.

Moreover, if he really has that kind of self-confidence, why not try it at the beginning?
This is a battle against time!
"He's not, he's from the history department, but I believe him!"

"Miss, this is not a matter of belief or not, this is your grandma. And it's not just your grandma!" Jin Wu said anxiously.In his eyes, this eldest lady is too messy!

Let students who are not medical majors treat a 90-year-old elderly who are in danger.Even if she is the eldest lady of the Lin family, her status will definitely plummet after she fails!She will face criticism from countless people!
Even Jin Wu feels at this moment, Lin Baobao is really too capricious!Although judging from her expression, she was really thinking about her grandma, but her behavior was clearly more like a girl trusting the person she likes without any bottom line!
Even I have doubts like this, other people, the people who saw her speak for Ye Rong just now, everyone must have such thoughts in their hearts!


Unexpectedly, after saying these words, Lin Baobao's face became more determined.Her cute little face showed a rare determination, "I didn't think so much, but it's because she is my grandmother that I trust Ye Rong even more!"

Seeing her determined expression, Jin Wu didn't know what to say.Shaking his head, he is just an outsider after all.

"Young man, everything must be done according to one's ability." Finally turning around, Jin Wu reminded Ye Rong.

"Thank you Mr. Jin for your concern." Ye Rong nodded, but walked straight up.

It's the same as Lin Baobao who believed in him more because he was her grandmother.Ye Rong, it was precisely because she was Lin Baobao's grandmother that he decided to take action!

Among relatives, my favorite is grandma!

He clearly remembered the look on Lin Baobao's face when he said this!
It was a kind of heartfelt love, with a sincere expectation, the hope that my grandma could stay with me for a long time!
Ye Rong has no relatives, but he wants to help Lin Baobao realize this wish!

After becoming Lin Baobao's bodyguard again, he seemed to have opened up a lot of things.There are many things I want to do, and I no longer have as many worries as before.

He squatted down and felt the flow of blood in Grandma Yun's body with his powerful spirit.

"Grandma, have you ever had such symptoms?"

"No. However, grandma used to have symptoms of heartache. I saw a doctor. The doctor said that grandma's heart is a little fragile, but it is usually fine."

"That is to say, this is the first time the disease has occurred. Apart from fragility, is there anything else?"

Baby Lin thought for a while and finally shook his head, "Probably not. Grandma has always been in good health. I have never heard of any health problems with grandma."

"In a situation where first aid is obviously needed, you actually ask all kinds of things, this kid, you just want to delay!" Someone showed an impatient look.

"I think so too. How can the history department also take care of medicine? He should just drag the medical soldiers to the medical soldiers for the sake of the young lady of the Paolin family, and then change hands. After all, how can the girlfriend and grandma not be responsible?"

"However, I have to let my son learn a little bit, this is also a kind of skill!"

Jin Wuze frowned deeply, he hoped that this kid was really like what they said, he was just putting on a show, so as not to cause a big disaster.In his eyes, this kid has some potential, at least in terms of antiques, and he was the one who invited him here.If he fails, the pressure he faces will be unimaginable!

Ye Rong nodded. He asked these questions just to confirm the success rate.Now, the confirmation is out, the success rate is [-]%!

However, in the face of such a thing, the 9% success rate is still not high for him!

One of them out of ten will be horribly heavy on anyone it touches!
"If it's the first time she gets sick, there will be no scars before. These auras should be able to bring her back to normal!" Ye Rong narrowed his eyes.

What Lin Baobao said is correct, the key location of Grandma Yun's illness is in the heart!In the heart, an infarction occurred!
This kind of disease sounds serious, but in Ye Rong's eyes, it is much easier to treat than Lin Baobao's acute appendicitis.Reiki is mainly for recovery, and there is no need to fight infection and inflammation. The effect of Reiki is obvious.It's just that because it occurs in the heart, the onset is urgent, and it needs to be treated quickly.

"I hope the concentrated pills I brought are enough." Ye Rong took out a few slightly brighter pills from his pocket.

Evolved alien fire refining!

Put one in the palm of your hand.

The other one was put into Grandma Yun's mouth!

(End of this chapter)

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