Urban practice

Chapter 195 The same is the end of the world!

Chapter 195 The same is the end of the world!
"Baby Lin? What happened to her?" Ye Rong was taken aback.

Mentioning Baby Lin was like opening a drawer in his heart.The things in this drawer are a bit heavy, as if opening another life.

Ye Rong didn't know what was going on.Never felt like this before.

"Why don't you go and see her? We are all friends, and there is no deep hatred between you." Lan Qi said angrily, paused, as if she felt that she had said something too much, and her tone softened slightly, "Baby Recently, because of your incident, I blame myself. I feel that I did not give you medicine and prevented you from taking revenge. I am very sorry for your friend. I feel very sad. I have been bored at home for several days. "

"I know it's normal for you to be angry when you have a baby. She didn't lend a helping hand when something like that happened, and she didn't lend a helping hand. But anyway, you used to be friends. Tomorrow is the baby's grandma's birthday. She can't cry Go, you have to help her."

Ye Rong hesitated a little and nodded.

"Good comrade, keep your word!" Lan Qi flicked her hair and walked away gracefully.

Ye Rong was silent for a moment, then he jumped up to the three-meter-high wall and climbed out.

To be honest, he is not angry with Lin Baobao.

Seeking medicine was originally a choice made for insurance under such circumstances.Having been in the cultivation world for a long time, I have long been accustomed to this kind of thing.Giving it to you is a matter of affection, but not giving it to you is a duty.

Afterwards, Lin Baobao stopped himself from killing people. Although he was agitated for a while, Ye Rong was not the kind of person who didn't know good or bad.He also knew that Lin Baobao was doing it for his own good.

He didn't talk to Baby Lin, but he wasn't used to taking the initiative to get closer to girls. The habit of deliberately avoiding contact with female cultivators for decades couldn't be changed in a short while.What's more, before this, the relationship between the two was a little rigid.

But, unexpectedly, Baobao Lin would be depressed at home alone every day because of such things, and secretly cry at home!
In the world of cultivation, Ye Rongke has never encountered such a thing.

"It's really annoying." Ye Rong touched his head.

A familiar figure suddenly flashed across his eyes, and Ye Rong subconsciously raised his eyes, "Wait a minute."

The figure in front stopped and looked at Ye Rong with some doubts.

In addition to doubts, there was also a touch of worry on his face. It was probably this kind of worry that made Ye Rong couldn't help but call him out.

The same is the end of the world!

"Where are you going?" Ye Rong asked, he knew that it was enough to get rid of his anger and depression and go to sleep, but now that he had just absorbed a wave of vitality, he really couldn't sleep.

"Walk around casually, what's the matter, is there something wrong?" Zhao Qi was a little puzzled, the two of them had very little contact recently, and he had been his subordinate for a month, why would he suddenly want to call himself?

"It's okay, let's go together, I just want to walk casually too." Ye Rong patted him on the shoulder. People in this world have a lower sense of crisis and have more time to think about life. There should be a way to eliminate worries, just follow Learn a lesson.

Zhao Qi didn't know what was going on in his mind, but he didn't care. There were more worrying things in his mind.

So, the two men just walked for several streets, both with an expression of thinking about things, with an 80% return rate!

A father took his son out of the Golden Arch Gate. His face was originally smiling and beaming, but when he saw this scene, he suddenly stopped.

The smile gradually disappeared.

His son has just entered the third year of high school and will be admitted to university next year.At such a juncture, in order to prevent students from falling in love early, the school separated men and women into monk classes and nun classes.

Hearing the news, he was also full of joy, because he was so happy, he even took his son to eat a meal at the Golden Arch!

Now it seems that this situation does not seem right!

In today's society, men and women are also very dangerous!

The man frowned, thought deeply about the different consequences, lit a cigarette, and patted his son on the shoulder for a long time.

"Son, if you are tired from studying in the class, you can also go to the girls' class to get acquainted."

"When you really can't study, it's not bad to have a beautiful girlfriend!" After thinking for a long time, the man still feels that his son's sexual orientation is more important than going to school!
And think about it from another angle, now that the class is divided into classes and there are no competitors, it's a good time to meet a beautiful girl!The college entrance examination is the last competition where you don't look at your face. In the future, if you want to be good-looking, it's not just as simple as being admitted to a university.You win for a while, but after I win!Thinking of this, the man's smile gradually emerged again, and he smiled happily again!

Not to mention how father and son are able to interpret the truth of looking at problems from another angle.Zhao Qi, who is relatively shameless, can no longer bear the thought of others treating him as a negative example.

He stopped and glanced at Ye Rong beside him, but the other party still didn't have such awareness, and seemed to pay no attention to other people's opinions.

However, Zhao Qi couldn't beat this guy, he couldn't beat him, he couldn't be crazy, so he could only look around helplessly, and finally walked in one direction.

At least it was dark there, even if he followed, it wouldn't attract the stares of countless people like now.

"Hey? This guy has finally acted?" Ye Rong's eyes lit up, he thought this guy would keep walking from day to night like this!

However, even if Zhao Qi walked from day to night, Ye Rong didn't feel anything strange. This guy has a sullen personality, and he looks cold every day. If he is not aroused, the sullenness in his heart will not come out.

The two entered the movie theater together and paid for the movie tickets. It was the first time for Ye Rong to enter the movie theater, and he was very curious about everything, looking around.In the end, I found out that this is an enlarged version of the TV, the one that magnifies both the sound effect and the vision.

However, it does have a different atmosphere from watching TV at home.

The screen lights up, and the movie that is currently playing in the cinema is called Predecessor 3.

What does ex mean?Ye Rong expressed his incomprehension to this new word.However, he also watched it all the way.

I was confused after reading it.

He said that he can't appreciate certain movies in this world.

Is the contact between people so complicated?
Is it so scary to fall in love between a man and a woman?

Looking at the other people in the theater who seemed to be quite immersed in the movie and crying, Ye Rong secretly rejoiced that he didn't have an ex.

However, the strange thing is that without an ex, I feel a bit heavy in my heart.Moreover, in my mind, I always think of Lin Baobao.

From meeting and saving people at the beginning, to cheering for myself in the duel with Zhao Qi, and then forcing myself to be her bodyguard, Jiulong Mountain, Xingxiu City... Scenes and scenes emerged before my eyes.

"Hey, it's all the fault of the movie. I have never been in a relationship before, but it can make me feel like an ex!" Ye Rong shook his head, threw these things out of his mind, and wanted to get up and leave.

Zhao Qi had already stood up first, "Let's go."

"Yeah." Ye Rong nodded, looked up, but was stunned!

Fuck!This, this is Zhao Qi?
I only paid attention to the front just now, but I didn't realize that Zhao Qi beside him was crying so much silently!

Zhao Qi, who had always been known as a tough guy, now had his whole face stained and his eyes were still sparkling.

After hesitating for a while, Ye Rong stood up and walked with him.

Together, the return rate is even higher, reaching 95%!However, this time it was Ye Rong who felt uncomfortable.Zhao Qi only focused on crying and didn't care about other people's eyes at all.

Lifting a rock and shooting yourself in the foot!If it weren't for the fact that you used to be my subordinate, I wouldn't accompany you on this journey!
Ye Rong gave Zhao Qi a disdainful look.

Crying like this while watching a movie!Why are you pretending to be cold!Get out of the group!Gao Leng looks down on you!
(End of this chapter)

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