Urban practice

Chapter 108 Martial Cultivator!

Chapter 108 Martial Cultivator!
"This! This is already my biggest concession!"

Looking at Ye Rong's resolute face, Ji Junlin had no doubt that if he refused him again, he would go to Song Xuemei's place to see the child even if he died.Although Ji Junlin had already made up his mind to want him to die, this kid might not be able to live until then!

However, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case!

If you don't kill him, you really let him make trouble.

The entire circle will no longer have a place for itself!
Just imagine, the young concubine was cuckolded, and she still wants to be a father. Not to mention other people's problems, she can't even get through the problems in her own heart!

After weighing the gains and losses, in the end, Ji Junlin said angrily, "Song Xuemei! I will not marry you! But I will truthfully tell you the Song family about these things about you! At that time, your position in this department will only be more embarrassing! This, you can’t blame me!”

He strode quickly and turned around to leave.

With a wave of my sleeves, all the green clouds were taken away.

"Hey! Hey! Master! The boat is about to sail! Why are you leaving at this time?" The staff at the door wanted to stop him, but he walked like the wind and couldn't stop him at all. When the ship started, he took a big step , which is a distance of 3 meters, landed steadily on the shore and disappeared into the night.

After confirming that Ji Junlin had really left, Ye Rong resumed his normal mode, found a seat next to him and sat down, "Gloriously completed the task! Hey, what a beautiful table and chair, he just broke it. Hey? Is this right?" Waiter! Have a cup of coffee!"

"The boats are all booked, and there are not many waiters left. Even if there are, they must be scared away by your conversation." Song Xuemei sat in front of Ye Rong, blinked her bright eyes, and looked at Ye Rong.

"I suddenly like you a little bit."

Ye Rong waved his hands quickly, "No, no, I don't want to listen to the wind chimes at night with you, I'm a coward!"

It's just that he is afraid of ghosts, in Ye Rong's eyes, Song Xuemei who is by his side at night is more terrifying than ghosts!
Song Xuemei laughed, her big eyes bent like crescent moons, she stood up and made a cup of coffee for Ye Rong herself.

Ye Rong looked at the coffee in front of him with glowing eyes. After such a big show, he really wanted to drink something.The coffee on such a big cruise ship must be worth a lot of money, you have to taste what it tastes like!

"It's so sweet!" Ye Rong took a sip and his eyes lit up. It was sweet and fragrant. It must have added cream. It had a much better flavor than the last time he drank it in the library!

Song Xuemei looked at him with her small face, "Is it sweeter than me?"

Ye Rong almost spit out the coffee he just drank in his mouth!Are you as sweet as you?I've never tasted you, how could I know how sweet you are?
This goblin started to harm me again as soon as Mr. Ji left!

"I kind of want to agree to your 6 yuan spicy hotpot." Song Xuemei's eyes turned into crescents.

"6 yuan Malatang? Haven't you already eaten it?" Ye Rong looked at her strangely, she had already mentioned the [-] yuan Malatang several times!You must look it up when you go back, what exactly does this mean.

"Pfft." Song Xuemei smiled, "You are such a little fool."

"Although I can't understand your words, how can you scold people?" Ye Rong said dissatisfiedly, which fool can fumble in the cultivation world for so many years?
Song Xuemei laughed again, for some reason, following this guy, she always wanted to laugh.

"You shouldn't have said the latter thing just now. At first, although he might teach you a lesson, he wouldn't really hit you hard. But now, you really offended him. "

Tilting her head and looking at Ye Rong, Song Xuemei blinked her eyes, always feeling that after a certain blink, he would disappear.

"You have no idea who he is."

"Ji Junlin, I heard what you said just now. Besides, this is required by the mission, there is no way. I have to fulfill your request!" Ye Rong drank the coffee, squinted his eyes, face intoxicated.So delicious!
The cruise ship started sailing on the Pearl River, the waterscape is beautiful, and the scenery is flowing outside the window, which is too beautiful to behold.

"Now that I have completed your task, you should also tell me about that weasel, or... your business." Judging from the white light on Mr. Ji's body just now, understanding one is equivalent to understanding everything.And he was indeed more curious about Mr. Ji than the weasel.

"It was Gao Wanteng's flying car team that besieged you that day. As for that weasel puchi." Song Xuemei wanted to laugh when she mentioned this. A man of heaven and man."

"Speaking of which, you have to be careful of him. After he went back, he has been asking everywhere about what level the golden light belongs to! You are really amazing. You don't even know where you got the golden light, and you really bluffed him. Already!"

"Level? What's that?" Ye Rong asked sharply.

Song Xuemei was taken aback, "You don't know?"

Ye Rong shook his head, I asked you because I didn’t know!

"I always thought that you knew it, so you deliberately made a golden light to scare him. So you didn't know?"

Song Xuemei frowned, "If you don't know, you have to know. You have to be sure. In this world, there is a kind of person called a martial artist. Or in other words, a martial artist."

"Martial arts cultivators have specialized martial cultivator families and sects. They are passed down from generation to generation."

"You may find it funny to say it, but martial arts practitioners believe that human potential is huge, and there is a truly powerful martial arts. Just like in TV dramas, you can fly into the sky, and even swing your palm, you can Knock down a tree!"

"It sounds very mysterious. Actually, I also think it is very mysterious. Small trees are fine, but they are talking about the kind of thick, century-old trees! Isn't it incredible?"

"." Is it so incredible that after you have achieved success in cultivation, a tree doesn't just fall down casually?Knowing someone like Ji Junlin who has already begun to practice, even knocking down a tree feels mysterious.Ye Rong had a vague feeling that he understood why this girl was called the abandoned son of the Song family.

"Our Song family is a family of martial arts, and we also have a unique cultivation mentality belonging to the Song family. After cultivating external force and internal force, we can only cultivate internal force after the external force reaches a strength that can hit 500 catties in one attack. Internal force is indeed very powerful. .But, I've never seen them that could knock down a tree with one punch."

No one from a martial arts family can knock down a tree?

Ye Rong was speechless. It seemed that the level of cultivation in this world was indeed very bad!

"But recently, it's different." Song Xuemei's words changed.


"Yes, in our Song family's mental method, it is clearly said that if you practice according to the above method, the internal force can leave the body. Only when the internal force leaves the body can the true power be exerted. But in the record, it is not There are only a few ancestors of the Song family who have been able to leave the body with their inner strength. Moreover, they have only just left the body a little bit."

"It's not just our Song family. In fact, other martial arts families or sects are also like this. For hundreds of years, even many aristocratic families and sects don't even believe in themselves. The authenticity of the internal force coming out of the body. Many of them have started to change careers, opened martial arts gyms, restaurants, theater halls, and mahjong halls. Bad luck, some time ago during the crackdown on pornography, his foot-washing city was seized, and now he doesn’t know where he went.”


"Well, there is another one who directly abandoned martial arts and went to write novels. He seems to be quite famous. He is called Stealing Flowers. I heard that he is a cute girl. He likes cute girls the most. He has a large number of schoolgirl fans!"


"For such a long time, in fact, even the existing cultivating families and sects have seemed to exist in name only. However, just recently, suddenly, scores of cultivators have made a breakthrough in one fell swoop! They have reached the state of leaving the body with their internal energy. ! It’s like mushrooms springing up after a rain! The martial arts cultivators suddenly became active!"

"As for the weasel that besieged you, he is a martial artist who has left the body with internal force. He is the first level of the inner force. The light coming out of the body is white. When he punches out, the internal force plus the external force of the body can easily... It can exert a force of thousands of kilograms!"

(End of this chapter)

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