Chapter 86
"I just saw that you turned a stick into a gun out of thin air. You took out these sofas and food. Are you a fruit capable person?" Major General Drake looked at Cheng Tiantian suspiciously.

Cheng Tiantian said with a serious face: "I am a person with fruit abilities. I didn't expect you to discover this. You have a pretty good IQ."

Major General Drake did not take Cheng Tiantian's words to heart: "In that case, then compare with me!"

Cheng Tiantian was stunned.

what stick?
Obviously it's a staff, okay?


This strategy is wrong!

Nima, this plot develops too fast!
Are you going to fight just after pointing the boat?
"Aren't I busy instructing them on shipbuilding?" Cheng Tiantian said after taking a sip of Assam milk tea.

Major General Drake said, "Don't worry, I won't waste much of your time."

"." Cheng Tiantian looked at the guy who would not let it go, thinking about the solution.This guy is a dinosaur fruit capable user with infinite power.

Major General Drake continued: "I see that your stick has turned into a gun just now. I will compete with you on marksmanship."

Cheng Tiantian was happy, he had mastered the basic skills of Desert Eagle.There really aren't many people who can match his own when it comes to guns.

"Sure. How do you want to compare?" Cheng Tiantian raised the corner of his mouth.

The eyes of the people around couldn't help but brighten up: "Unexpectedly, Master Lu Ban is capable of both literary and martial arts."

The corner of Cheng Tiantian's mouth twitched: "I, Wen Neng, control loli with a pen, and there are seven people on Wu Neng's boat. What is seven people? Don't ask me, an old driver."

Netizens are boiling in the live broadcast room:

"Anchor, is it really okay for you to be so domineering?"

"Person seven, person seven, I'm wrong."

"Upstairs are a group of old dirty turtles!"

"Forgive me for being unruly and low-spirited in my life. Hahaha."

"I took a look at the popularity of the anchor's live broadcast at more than 50. It will soon be at the top of the third-tier anchors. It's amazing."

"Yes. The popularity of the anchor room seems to be growing very fast."

Cheng Tiantian glanced at the popularity displayed by the number of people online in the live broadcast room, and it was indeed more than 50. Between 50 and 60 is the division of third-tier anchors.And 60 is the leader among the third-tier anchors.

As for Cheng Tiantian's goal, that is to become the world's top anchor!
Supreme anchor!

But Cheng Tiantian also knew that he couldn't eat a big lobster in one bite, so he had to peel it off bit by bit and eat it.

Can't eat a big fat man in one bite.

This kind of live broadcast brings me a very refreshing feeling.

At this time, Major General Drake also took out a black pistol from his hand, which looked like a Glock 17.

"We use this gun to shoot the bottle on the top of the opposite fortress. You can hit it within three shots." Rear Admiral Drake told a navy next to him to put a bottle there.

Cheng Tiantian glanced at the gun and asked netizens: Does anyone know this gun?


"Is the upstairs asking about Du Niang?"

"You have to recognize this gun before you can ask Du Niang. Haha."

"And the firearm in the hands of Major General Drake looks like the 33 rounds."

Just as Cheng Tiantian was interacting with netizens, a navy called with a snail phone, saying that everything had been arranged properly.And there is a huge banner on the opposite side.Constantly wave the flag to tell everyone where they are.

But Cheng Tiantian was stunned when he saw the distance.

"...Did you get the distance wrong? Where can a pistol shoot at such a long distance?"

Cheng Tiantian looked at it. I'm afraid this distance can only be aimed by a sniper rifle?

Can the pistol shoot?

Major General Drake shook his head: "That's right. The distance is almost the same."

"And this is the only way to see the shooting skills."

Cheng Tiantian was a little puzzled.

Just when he was confused, Major General Drake took out a black metal pipe from his pocket: "This is the latest research of the Navy Headquarters. Put this thing on the gun, and the range can be greatly increased."

Major General Drake handed one to Cheng Tiantian and holstered his own gun.

Cheng Tiantian put this black metal tube on the front of the Desert Eagle's gunpoint: "The range is enough. But I can't see your bottle." Cheng Tiantian found that at most, he could see the flag, a thing as small as a bottle, it is impossible to see it at all. can not see.

The corner of Major General Drake's mouth curled up: "This is a comparison of technology. What can be compared if you can see it directly."

Cheng Tiantian was stunned and said to himself: Damn it, this guy must have seen that I have a gun.Show off on purpose?

Nima, dare to step on my head to show off?

If I don't hang on to you, my surname is not Wang.

Uh, it seems that my surname is not Wang.


Cheng Tiantian asked: "Are you using foreign objects to assist?"

"Then I can also get other support?"

"This." Major General Drake hesitated.

Cheng Tiantian continued: "Your black pipe is considered a foreign object, but other foreign objects are not enough?"

Major General Drake felt that there was nothing wrong with what Cheng Tiantian said: "That's fine. There are no restrictions on foreign objects."

Cheng Tianyi Le: Xiao Dian, fight with me?You are still young.

They exchanged for a chair, and Cheng Tiantian sat on it.Start browsing the directory.Because the chair is in front of the pages of the system exchange interface, it is easy to exchange for it first.And other items are on the following pages, so you need to turn the page.

"Why are you sitting there?" Major General Drake watched Cheng Tiantian create a chair out of thin air and sit on it.

Cheng Tiantian laughed: "My marksmanship is too good. You shoot first. If I don't let you, I feel sorry for myself."

Major General Drake's face changed, and there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "I have been practicing marksmanship hard recently. You are better than me? How is it possible? At most you have status in the shipbuilding industry."

The corner of Cheng Tiantian's mouth raised: "Don't you know that I am omnipotent? I am world-renowned in the world of shipbuilding, man-making, and marksmanship. I can blow up the sky, okay?"

Major General Drake no longer flirts with Cheng Tiantian.

Major General Drake: "Then let you see my strength after hard training. There are three bottles in total, and you also have three shots."

He stood below in a half-squatting posture, picked up the gun, and began to aim at the target.Because the target is too far and too small, it is extremely difficult for the human eye to see the target.It's like calling a bus. You don't know how many buses it is until you get close, but you can't see it clearly if you are too far away.

After all, someone has a visual range.

At this time, Cheng Tiantian took out a telescope from the system.

Major General Drake frowned: "Ordinary telescopes can't see targets with such complex terrain."

Cheng Tiantian raised the corner of his mouth: "Everything from my Perak Gate is of high quality. You know your stuff!"

(End of this chapter)

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