Chapter 677

Battle of the Plains, North District

Due to the defeat of the human race in the battle of the North District, more undead races here are having fun here.

No one noticed that there were five more skeletons inadvertently.

These five skeletons are all Sika and others who used camouflage magic.

"A lot of undead people." Brando was a little surprised, surrounded by undead people.

Kim murmured, "You're wrong. The orcs really occupy the largest number. When the sword master of the orcs was around, they were very prosperous."

"If it weren't for the camouflage magic, the five of us would definitely not be able to enter this northern area." Kim knew very well that they could get here so smoothly.

Thanks to this camouflage magic.

"Look, there are many pits." Ola pointed to the ground.

Freya glanced at it: "There is frost around there, combined with the news received before, it should be a deep pit caused by the battle between the frost dragon and the human race."

"Let's go quickly." Freya said.

Xika nodded and walked all the way towards the destination.

Walk all the way, and write down the number of undead people around you.

Finally, before arriving at a huge wooden house, a two-meter-high fence was built around the house.

And there are many orc warriors patrolling around.

In addition to this, some archers were placed on the surrounding bushes.

Dozens of undead mages stood at the gate.

Then some shield guards stood there, motionless.

The overall defense is very serious, and Xika can also find sentry towers.

"What a tight defense." The five stood in the distance. Although they all looked like skeletons, it was definitely not possible to approach them directly.

Freya said: "I can release frost magic arrows to freeze opponents in a large area. But the time is not long. And I can't guarantee how many people can be frozen."

Kim said: "The battle in the North District has been won. When we came here just now, we saw the undead and orcs were jubilant. I think I have a way to let them indulge in my sailing adventure story."

"Well, I don't seem to have any specialties. But I can use attacks to attract their attention. With my skeleton shape, it should be fine to pretend to look for people who use attacks together." Brando thought for a while, and he really did Nothing special.

Euler said: "I have a lot of gold coins. But I heard that the undead are not interested in gold coins. They seem to be interested in antiques. I have some supplies in the space items. It should be able to attract some people."

"Okay, then you should be more careful. I'll take the opportunity to enter it." Xika said.

After the arrangements were made, the five of them split up and acted separately.

Kim plays a drunk skeleton man, and then brags about his life of adventure with them, mixing in some dirty jokes from time to time.Make these orcs laugh.

Euler took out an antique and said she wanted to exchange it for something. She didn't know who had something she wanted.I want to change it.

Another group of people were attracted.

Brando and Freya relied on some of the characteristics of the elves, and quickly opened the distance after attacking.

After everyone successfully acted, Sika quietly entered the house.

"Be careful." Sika didn't look back and went straight to Kaido's position.

When Shika saw Kaido, he was a little shocked.

Kaido is tied to a stake with his eyes closed.His body was full of scars.In front of Kaido, is a dark magic crystal.

A stream of black aura is continuously eroding Kaido's body and mind.

It seems to want to completely demonize.

Hall and Sika have confessed that this magic uses multiple magics and mixes them together in a complicated way.Therefore, one after another magic is needed to unravel.

It's like having dozens of shrinks, locking a box at the same time.

They must be opened one by one.

Time passed by, every time Sika unlocked one magic, he immediately unlocked another one.

So outside, the four of them are still buying time for themselves.

at last.

Completely unlocked!
Sika couldn't help feeling a little excited.

A black aura emanated from Kaido's whole body, and it disappeared immediately.

He threw himself through the window to observe the surroundings, and after reconfirming that there was no problem, he left.

When he left, Kaido was unconscious, but his breathing was rough and his voice was very low.It can be seen that it has been abused to a certain extent.

Sika has just left.

The voice of the guard came from inside the house.

"No! He's gone!"

The surrounding tense instantly.

Kim realized that Sika might succeed, so he found a reason and chose to evacuate.

Four people withdrew one after another.

But some quick-response people think this skeleton man is very strange.

"Go and catch those skeleton men, they took that man away!" The undead didn't dare to say Kaido's name directly.

The reason is that there are orcs nearby, and it is known that the person imprisoned there is Kaido.

Well, the Dreadlord will surely blame them.

The undead have always been in charge, while the orcs are protecting the periphery.This will not make the orcs suspicious.

After all, there is only one place, and only undead are needed, but no orcs.

Then the orcs are likely to suspect that there are some secrets in this place. For this reason, the orcs are on the periphery.

But now that Kaido is taken away, they can't say anything.

The undead directly led people to chase it, and asked the orcs to guard it strictly.

The orc wasn't suspicious either.

Xika and others carried Kaido on their backs and ran wildly all the way, as long as they reached the destination, there would be someone to meet them.Even if the task is completed.

"They're coming." Brando was a little anxious.

I have been procrastinating before and have used up my second and third rings.

Except for Kim, the others also consumed a lot of themselves.

"We'll be caught up soon." Kim looked a little uneasy.

Sika pondered: "You take Kaido and leave here, and leave it to me."

"Can you?" Freya said.

Xika took a deep breath: "It's the only way now, isn't it?"

"No, your speed must be faster. You use your form to take Kaido away. It will definitely succeed. Let's delay." Brando has always been selfish, but he still knows what is more important in the righteousness.

Hearing this, Xika was stunned: "If your strength is delayed here, you may never come back. I'll come!"

"Sika! If you still think that I'm your companion, you should go!" Brando's eyes were a little rosy, "Sometimes a wanderer like me. Occasionally, it's good to be famous."

Kim took pleasure in his misery: "Hey, you know I am the great Captain Kim. In the future, more people will know me. Just get out of here."

Freya nodded: "As long as you take Kaido away, there will be cracks in the alliance between the orcs and the undead. This concerns the interests of all races."

Ola smiled: "Life and death are fate, wealth and honor are in the sky."

"You wait for me. I'll be back after I send him to the designated place!" Xika took a deep breath, and his whole body turned into the form of Lucifer's fallen angel.

A pair of black and white wings grew from behind, and the hair was also black and white, and the wings flapped violently.Take the unconscious Kaido to the destination.

"You must wait for me!" Xika was very swift in the air like a shooting star.

He clung to Kaido tightly, trying to be as fast as possible.

The undead army has approached Freya and the others, and Kim took out a set of camouflage clothes from the space ring.

and a formerly swindling puppet masquerading as a person.The four pretended to be guarding the man.

When the undead army has arrived.

The four of them took up the weapons in their hands and attacked.

Kim turned into a giant golden body, took out an ax from the space ring, and suddenly attacked the black army of undead.

The entire northern area is an area dominated by the undead and beasts, with a huge number of troops.

Freya stood tall, opened her bow and arrows, and shot out bows and arrows with ice magic.Nothing fancy, one after another.

Brando used dark magic to restrain the footsteps of the undead army in large numbers.But the number of opponents is too large, and only a small part is bound.

Ola picked up his knight sword and kept attacking the undead who approached him.

"Stop delaying, if you delay a little longer, we will all win. If you earn blood, you will not lose money!" Kim shouted loudly, picked up the ax and directly chopped off several undead.

The strength of the four is too small in the undead army, so even a third-tier peak magician can't fight against the army.

Gradually, Kim began to feel a little unbearable.The huge army stabbed at Kim fiercely with long spears.

Kim held six long spears, but one went straight through Kim's calf, causing blood to flow horizontally.

The opponent's archer also started to shoot arrows, so Freya could only defend back and use the ice shield to defend.

After persisting for a while, the four were captured one after another.

"Where's Kaido?" The undead found out that the person they were protecting turned out to be a dummy.

That means Kaido was taken away.

The undead were furious, with killing intent in their eyes: "Kill!"

at this time!

A powerful momentum rushed directly in the air!
The leader was Sika. The black and white wings behind him kept beating, and they flew towards him like a meteorite.Behind Xika, there are Hall, his Sandor, and nine archmages.

After successfully receiving Kaido, he quickly moved Kaido.And Hall had already been prepared to rescue them with the great magician.

Originally, it was not possible to enter directly because the Great Magician appeared in the North District, and the Dread Demon King could sense it.Enter now because Kaido has been rescued.

So the great magician is no longer worried about the discovery of fear magic now, because it is already too late.

The great magicians used terrifying magic one after another, and the dazzling and powerful magic swept in like a storm.

Freya clearly felt the terror of the great magician.

A gigantic magic turned a whole large area of ​​undead into ashes.

Sika stretched out her hands: "Hold on to me! We are leaving! The Dreadlord should feel the presence of the Great Mage."

The crowd nodded.

Freya grabbed Sika tightly, and Sika took her to fly directly in the air, gathering towards the southern area.

The rest of the people were also driven by the magic of other great magicians and left together.

The great magician is an epic figure in magic, and enjoys a certain honorable status in the entire human race.

When they retreated, they could already imagine the anger of the Dread Lord.

Beast Emperor Calendar, 4788.

Beast King received the good news that Kaido was alive, and announced the dissolution of the alliance with the undead.

And withdrew from the Beast League with the goblins.

The beast alliance fell apart.

The remaining undead and night elves are fighting in the corner, and the fearful demon king is unwilling to resign and kills all directions.Mobilize the Golem and Frost Dragon again to attack the human territory.

As well as the human race that was attacked by the frost dragon, they have a certain degree of vigilance.

Evacuate early.

And carry out an anti-encirclement and suppression strategy against the undead on the periphery.

After the Beast League left, the undead army was no longer as large as before, but it was still an army not to be underestimated.However, for the human race, they ushered in hope.

Because a month after the incident, Sika persuaded Kaido to help the human race fight against the undead.

For him, Sika was his savior.Combined with everything the Dreadlord had done before, the Beastmaster eventually agreed to an alliance.

Fight against the undead with the Terran.

The strength of the Dread Demon King is very terrifying. It took two full years of hard work under the alliance between the beast race and the human race before the Dread Demon King was captured.

And in front of the world, a public trial was held against the Dreadlord.

He was executed the next day to the cheers of everyone!

Two years later.

Dranson Castle in Waterdeep.

"Earl Brando, the Duke of Sika is here." Butler Hui reported.

Brando was overjoyed: "Please invite him in quickly."

In the aristocratic system, dukes are the first rank of nobility.Followed by Marquis, Earl, Viscount, Baron.

Due to the great contribution to the establishment of Sika, it was deeply loved by the human race, and was nominated as a Duke with an exception.The other four were honored to become members of the nobility.

But they don’t have much airs.

Xika walked into the castle, the door was opened, and walked into Brando's room along the red carpet.

"Where's Kim?" Xika sat down naturally, after all, everyone gets along more happily.

Brando smiled: "Don't mention it, this guy went to the tavern again to boast that he fought against the Dreadlord back then, and fought against the Dreadlord alone."

"This guy is still as thick-skinned as before." Xika joked.

Brando took out two gifts: "Flya took the students out and couldn't come back. Euler also led the knights out and won't be back until tomorrow."

"It's okay, let's go for a walk."

Brando nodded, today is Sika's birthday.

The two walked out of the castle together, and the gentle light reflected their shadows.
(The end of the book, thank you for your support and company all the way.)
(End of this chapter)

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