Chapter 675 Are you sure?
Brando realized how crazy Sika's idea was.

"Don't you want to kill the Dreadlord directly and end this war?" Brando looked at Sika in disbelief.

Sika nodded: "There's nothing wrong with it."

"No, no, this is absolutely impossible. You know, the Dread Lord has always been among the army. And there are many generals and great wizards around him."

"You can't get any closer."

"Also, even if you get close, you can't kill the Dreadlord. I have heard that six archmages besieged the Dreadlord but failed to kill him."

"An undead from hell, impossible."

Brando felt that Sika was too crazy, and he was doing things that some people thought were impossible.

No matter how strong Sika is, he can't directly take the head of the Dread Demon King from an army of tens of thousands.And this is when the Dreadlord does not fight back.

With the strength of the Dread Demon King, even if several great magicians approached, it would be impossible to kill him.

The Dreadlord has an evil aura, which is a kind of innate magic.Under his command, every time an army within a certain range attacks others, it will recover a certain amount of injuries.

Besides, there are death knights, crypt lords, wizard kings and other masters beside the fearful demon king.

Sika put down the wine: "I know what you said. You may think I'm crazy. But this is the best way to resolve the war."

"Do you want to watch large-scale wars, and the death is even more serious?" Sika asked.

Brando pondered: "Actually, what I want to say is that the conflict between the orc race and the human race is too great now, even if there is no Dread Demon King, there will still be wars."

"The Beast Emperor will not bring their people to a truce. They have long had enough of some of our human race."

Xika took a deep breath: "I want to try!"

Conquer the plains.

The Beast Emperor stood with his hands behind his back, and the wind was blowing his strong body.The shining royal armor added to his arrogance.

The Dread Demon King stood behind him: "As long as we continue, we will completely defeat these despicable human races in the Conquest Plain. At that time, we can create our own world."

"You remember what you said, we won't interfere with each other then." The beast emperor carried a huge silver mace ax on his back.

The Dread Lord smiled evilly: "You and I both have a common enemy. As long as the enemy is dead, we will have no enemies. When the time comes, we will do whatever we have to do."

The Beast Emperor's eyes were deep, staring into the distance: "Who killed the tauren Kaido, have you found it?"

"We've almost found it." The Dread Lord said perfunctorily in his heart, but what he said was very natural.

The Beast Emperor's eyes were full of anger.

The tauren Kaido is his sworn brother.He is also preparing to take over as the new chief of the tauren.What the Beast Emperor didn't expect was that Kaido was actually taken away by a group of humans.

When he heard the news, he only saw Kaido's body.

The Beast Emperor once suspected that it was the Human Race who learned the news of their sworn marriage and gave the Beast Race a warning.

The already suppressed race broke out suddenly, and many beast kings advocated the establishment of a new system.Completely drive humans away.

Why do they claim to be the top of the food chain and wise.

And the orcs are just a group of beasts who only know how to use brute force and don't know how to think!

With the help of the Dread Demon King, the Beast Emperor's Beast Alliance grew stronger and joined the night elves and goblins successively.Then came the half-orcs.

With the joining of these people, the Beast Emperor's Beast Alliance rapidly expanded its power.

However, the Beast Emperor did not believe what the Dread Demon King said, and personally sent personnel to investigate.

The content reported by these dispatched personnel after returning was indeed almost the same as what the Dread Demon King had said.

It was also because of this that the Beast Emperor had to believe that the Dread Demon King was the same as him.They all want to completely destroy the human race.

Inside a tent.

Xika sat there separately from the rest of the people.

These people are all familiar people.

They are Brando, Freya, Kim, and Ola.Including Xika herself, there were five people in the tent.

Two women and three men.

"What do you think of my plan?" Sika asked everyone.

He conducted an analysis from Brando's starting point at the beginning.

Freya said nothing.

Euler is now a true knight, though young compared to the old ones.But his talent is not weak.

She pondered: "I think, if you do this, if you miss, it is very likely that all five of us will be completely arrested."

"Are you sure you can fight against the Dreadlord?" Brando didn't agree with this idea at first.

Capture the thief first and capture the king. This starting point is based on two points.

First, you have to have access to the king.

Second, you have to be stronger than this king.

These two starting points are not easy.The strength of the Dread Demon King is terrifying.

Since Sandor and Hall let Sika join the Black Knight Legion to assist the Holy League and the Beast League, they knew that they could not guarantee that Sika alone could kill the opponent's king.

Therefore, they chose to let Sika gain a certain reputation in the legion, relying on his powerful strength to boost morale to fight against the Dread Demon King and the Beast Emperor.

I hope that Sika will become a strategist to take care of the overall situation.

However, after experiencing the haunted gold mine incident, Sika realized that if she didn't take a daring risk to turn it over.

It is likely that more humans and other races will die.

Xika never thought of himself as a hero, he just thought that he was a little stronger than others.

"If you think the risk is too great, I can do it alone. There was once a top assassin in the history of Cavendish. It was silent." Sika said.

Brando hesitated: "Cavendi is in the history textbook, and he himself is a professionally trained assassin. You are just a magician."

"Believe me, as long as you are good enough, you can completely solve the opponent."

The other four peeped at each other.

"Okay, I'm going to fight too!" Brando held out his hand.

Ola pursed her lips: "Count me in, even if I sacrifice, I am still a glorious knight. I am willing to protect my faith and justice."

Kim chuckled: "Crazy is crazy. Me and my crew back then."

"Stop blowing it." Brando joked.

Freya said nothing.

The hands of the five people are stacked one on top of the other, like a united force.

Elves, half-elves, dwarves.

The five people discussed some specific details in the tent, because the specific action proposed by Lian Xika had many problems.Therefore, everyone unanimously discussed.

But the five belong to different distributions.

Therefore, for the next two weeks, after they return from their missions, they will gather together to continue discussing this issue.

This plan has also been continuously improved by them.

Until No.17 days!

(End of this chapter)

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