Chapter 665

Xika didn't intend to do anything, but just smiled deeply.

What Sandor said is right, the members of the Knights yearn for justice and fairness.Therefore they hate evil and hate injustice.

For this reason, Sandor did not promote Sika directly.Let Sika gradually show herself and gain recognition.

"Hurry up. We black knights don't need lazy rookies." Slane was flabbergasted, but he didn't show mercy.

Xika quickly folded the quilt and stepped out of the military tent.

The two came to the gathering place of black knight magicians, each of them was very tall and straight, standing solemnly.

All in mage robes, with a serious face.

This is the barracks!

His eyes fell on Sika

"Welcome newcomers." The officer said naturally.

Slane consciously returned to the team.

The officer approached Sika: "You are very welcome to join. Please introduce yourself."

Sika stood up straight: "Hello, my name is Sika. I'm a half-elf from Solhane, and I've lived in Waterdeep City for 18 years."

"Your magic certification level?" The officer found out that Sika gave a brief explanation, but did not introduce the personal certification level.

Xika was silent for a while, then said: "Sacred Academy of Deep Water City, second-level magician elite level."

As soon as the voice fell, the audience was full of discussions.

"Oh my god, what's going on, a second-level magician can join our black knight magic group?"

"It's actually an elite level? Then you should be able to rise to the third level, right? Why didn't you reach the third level?"

"Could it be that he was fired and couldn't be certified?"

"Our minimum is a third-tier mage. Could it be that this guy came in through connections? We don't need people who violate the principles of the black knight magic group."

Seeing the magicians chattering, the officer's eyes turned cold: "Quiet!"

The audience was silent and silent.

"As magicians of the knight order, you are not allowed to point fingers at your companions. You just need to prove yourself!"

The officer not only said this to other people, but also to Sika.

Regarding Sika's information, in fact, Chief Bader has received Sandor's information in advance.Let him treat everyone equally.

Otherwise, Sika might not be able to survive in these fair-minded knights.Since you pursue fairness, don't trample on it.

However, Sika's power is too huge, and Sandel wants Sika to have a better chance to perform.

Therefore, Sandor also fell into contradictions, and finally let Sika become an ordinary black knight magician, allowing him to use his strength to gain recognition.

stand out!

"Go to the back of the line, don't fall behind. I won't take sides." The officer is also expressing his position.

Appease everyone.

"We will go to the plains soon, you should exercise well before then."

"The physique of a magician has always been inferior to that of a warrior. If you lose your shelter, your combat ability will be greatly reduced."

"So today, you have to do a thousand push-ups in the morning before you can eat!"


As soon as the voice fell, there were many complaints, but we still did it immediately.

"Push-ups again. My hands and feet were sore for a long time last time. Come again."

"I really doubt that the commander is from the Knights, using the knight training to train our magic group."

"Shh, keep your voice down. It's bad to be heard."

The officer came over and said, "You are very strong. You still have time to discuss me. 1100, don't get up until you finish."

The two wanted to cry without tears.

1100, terrible!

The officer noticed that Sika was doing it very seriously, and every movement was very standard.

He muttered: "I don't know how long I can hold on."

Then walk away and go see other people.

As time drifted, the morning light turned into a violent and fiery high temperature, and even the ground could look directly at the steaming heat.

Each magician was sweating profusely, and their movements were much slower. Gradually some people couldn't hold on.


A magician lay on the ground, his face came into close contact with the earth, and he almost kissed the earth.


Another fell.

Da da da.

One after another, people kept falling.Only those who are strong, grit their teeth and persist.

"Your slack now is irresponsible for your lives! On the battlefield, you are only one point stronger than your opponent."

"That's the difference between life and death!" The officer encouraged every magician.

War is cruel, and so is the battlefield.If you want to survive, you have to defeat one enemy after another.

You can only win, not lose, because losing... means death.

Many people gritted their teeth and persisted.

The officer was surprised to find that Sika was still doing push-ups with standard movements, and the rhythm and breathing were very smooth every time.

"What a strong physique." The officer couldn't help but be speechless.

Xika's clothes were already soaked through. After several years of training with Dragon Blood and Hall, her physical strength and all aspects have undergone a qualitative leap!
"Tired?" The officer knelt down and looked at Sika.

Sika shook her head lightly, but said nothing.Sweat trickled from his forehead to the bridge of his nose and fell to the ground.

"Your limit is not here, put on this vest and continue." The officer took out a silver vest made by a dwarf.

Xika stood up and put on the vest, only to feel her body sinking, and she almost lost control of her balance.

Previously, I mainly practiced to control the form of Lucifer, and I have never tried this kind of exercise.But, soon get used to it.

The movement here instantly attracted the attention of others.

"Wearing silver armor? What a pervert!"

"That thing. I remember it weighed fifty kilograms?"

"It's like doing push-ups with a person on your back. This is not a magician, it's like a warrior!"

"I estimate that the silver armor weighs more than fifty kilograms..."

"Crazy, crazy, really crazy."

"How can a new recruit do this? I don't accept it, but I can do it!"

"Me too!"

For a moment, everyone's eyes were hot.Passion erupts.

Momentum was instantly inspired.

As soon as the officer gave Sika Shining Armor, he noticed the people around him who couldn't hold on anymore, so he gritted his teeth again.

It's an atmosphere, a passionate atmosphere.Everyone is doing their best to do it.

In the end, when it was approaching lunch time, people started to complete it one after another.

Sika has also been finished, and everyone's mage robes can almost wring out water, which is sweat.

After eating, Sika received afternoon training again.

The rest of the people also looked at Sika.

Moyo has been training for a week, and finally has an opportunity!

"You have no chance to continue training, the higher up has issued a mission." The officer looked at Sika.

"Go to the plains today!"

"Leave immediately in one hour! Go and pack what you want to bring, try not to bring extra bulky items!"


As soon as he finished speaking, everyone went back to pack their bags.

Sika's unit is Team 677 of the Black Knight Magic Group, with a total of 35 people.

It is composed of third-tier magicians to fourth-tier magicians.Sika's magician ability can only be certified to the second-level elite.

But he probably has more than this strength.

"Fight on the plain!" Xika's eyes were firm and full of fire.

(End of this chapter)

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