Chapter 599 Hospital
Seeing that Zhang Ye didn't speak, Wang Shishi hesitated, "Then I'll come today."

Zhang Ye glanced at her, she was so proactive.

I thought this kind of daughter had been spoiled and spoiled all the time.

"Go. I'll take a shower. There should be clothes in this room." Zhang Ye didn't look at the wardrobe.

Wang Shishi turned and left: "Yes. The original owner of this house should be at least a family of three."

"I saw men's and women's clothes and children's."

She went to the kitchen.

There is one in the kitchen on the first floor and one on the second floor.I don't know what the original intention of this design was.

Could it be that different layers are given to different children?
Zhang Ye went to take a shower.

The sticky body was finally released.

After washing, put on new clothes.

"It's still a brand name." Zhang Ye changed into his clothes.

Both clothes and trousers are painted with a three-stroke trademark symbol.

After changing his clothes, Zhang Ye lay here.

Many people are gone.

Zhang Ye was really not used to it all at once.

But now the days are a little more refreshing.

After about an hour or so, the meal was ready.

Wang Shishi set the table and brought the food.

Tomato scrambled eggs, the eggs are a bit dark.

Fried potatoes, potatoes stuck in a pile.

I also made a few poached eggs. Two of the poached eggs were burnt, but the remaining ones were okay.

"The dishes are ready." Wang Shishi served the rice to Zhang Ye's place.

Zhang Ye was flattered: "Why are you so polite?"

Wang Shishi didn't say what was in her heart, she was really afraid of angering him and abandoning herself.

"Eat it. I made these. Maybe the first time it was a bit poor. It will be fine later." Wang Shishi smiled.

Zhang Ye noticed a little blood on her hand: "Your hand"

"It's okay, I accidentally got it while cutting vegetables. I'm not very good at cutting. I've seen it before. I haven't tried it yet." Wang Shishi started to pick up the vegetables naturally.

I also picked some for Zhang Ye.

Zhang Ye thought she wouldn't do it, but he didn't expect that sometimes his impression of others was wrong.

At least Qianjin is not as bad as she thinks, nor is she necessarily unruly and domineering.

It's just that sometimes a lot of character is hidden.

Zhang Ye smiled: "Eat it. I'll make it tomorrow. I'll see where I can order fresh meat. When I go to the market, I can't even eat meat."

"Well, in this weather, meat is easy to spoil. Eat it." Wang Shishi said.

The two eat together.

The two stayed in the house for half a month.

For half a month, the two took turns cooking.

Zhang Ye persisted in exercising every day.


push ups.

There have been some small gains in the past half month. The muscles haven't been developed immediately, but there are some signs.

Zhang Ye thinks health is also very important.

This day, Wang Shishi's face was pale and she felt a little uncomfortable.

"What's wrong with you?" Zhang Ye asked.

Wang Shishi shook her head: "It's okay. Maybe I have a cold."

"Take some cold medicine and sleep well."

Zhang Ye touched it and found that it was indeed a little hot: "I brought some medicine last time. Have you taken it?"

"Well, I ate. I want to lie down." Wang Shishi said.

Zhang Ye felt that the most feared thing in the apocalypse was illness.I don't know if I can catch a doctor when I go to the hospital.

The term "catch" is not very accurate, it should be "brought".

However, the doomsday zombies have been around for a while, and it is not easy to survive in the hospital.

The denser the crowd, the more dangerous it is.

This is why when an epidemic virus appears, it is recommended that everyone avoid going to places with many crowds.

The same is true for zombies, the more crowds, the more zombies.

One infects two, gradually spreading.

Fortunately, he is invisible and the zombies cannot feel his presence.

It's also good to go to the hospital.

Zhang Ye fed her some water and told her to have a good rest.

He left the house and locked the outside door.

Keep out zombies and other dangerous things.

This dangerous thing refers to people who have gone completely crazy in the apocalypse.

In order to survive, they may do whatever it takes!
Zhang Ye felt that the battery of an electric car would not last.

Before going to the hospital, look for a motorcycle.

Motorcycles have a lot of fuel.

It can also take longer and be faster.

Riding an electric bike, looking around, there was a car at the door.This is the hut when I came to this house.

The key is upstairs.

Zhang Ye didn't go to get it.

I used to need a small car because I didn't have passive stealth.Only active stealth.

Now there is passive stealth, and motorcycles are also very convenient.

Zhang Ye rode his electric scooter to look for a motorcycle, and saw a jeep on the way.

There is also a protective ring on the left and right sides of the jeep, separated by iron sheets.

In this way, the zombies on both sides can be blocked, but the perspective of the car will definitely be affected.

In the end, it doesn't matter.

There are not many cars that can run on the road.Things like traffic lights are basically ignored by Doomsday.

No one cares whether the light is red or green.

What is important is survival.

There was a hospital nearby, so Zhang Ye parked the car directly.The car was parked not far away.

In the hospital, Zhang Ye walked around.

The hospital is very large and divided into several areas. There is a dedicated building for pediatrics and a dedicated building for ENT.The rest are inpatient and VIP.

I looked at the sign.Three-level hospital.

"Is anyone there?" Because of Zhang Ye's passivity, his own voice could be hidden from the zombie's hearing.

In other words, the zombies couldn't find Zhang Ye's existence at all.

Even if Zhang Ye did whatever he wanted, even doing some outrageous things in front of zombies, he didn't worry about it.

This was Zhang Ye's greatest confidence in being invisible after the upgrade.

Called for a long time with no response.

Zhang Ye sighed: "I guess they will survive, they will probably die."

If you see a zombie on the road and kill one, it is somewhat of an experience.

There may be benefits to upgrading to LV3.

However, the benefits now are also very good.

At least you don't have to worry about zombies attacking you at all.

Fight zombies all the way.

It wasn't until a gust of cold air came that Zhang Ye raised his head slightly: "The morgue?"

After thinking about it, this place seems to be the morgue of the hospital, so I don't really want to go in.

Just go straight away.

As a result, movement was heard.

"Forget it, anyway, the zombies dare not touch me."

The door was found locked.

"? It's actually locked, and there's still movement? Is anyone there?" Zhang Ye patted the door.

I found that besides shooting by myself, there is also a voice.

Zhang Ye was also very courageous, so if it were someone else, he would run away in fright.

Just hit the door with an iron rod!
The doors of the hospital are basically wooden doors.

After beating hard, the door was finally opened.

I saw a girl in a nurse's uniform lying on the ground with purple lips.

"It's so cold." Zhang Ye patted the nurse's head.

He looked around and immediately picked it up: "Can you still hold on?"

The nurse was speechless and weak.

As if frozen.

Zhang Ye had to see if he could be saved. If he couldn't be saved, there was nothing he could do.

The two of them carried their backs and had very close skin-to-skin contact, but Zhang Ye is not the time to enjoy this.

"Drink some water." Zhang Ye poured water for her directly.

She seemed to be suffering from severe collapse and could not drink water.

Zhang Ye poured it in directly and drank a little.

She looks good in a nurse uniform.

"Take it home and we'll talk about it." Zhang Ye originally wanted to bring a doctor, but only found a nurse.

Well, it's better than returning empty-handed.

As a result, I just went downstairs and found that the modified jeep parked here before was gone.

(End of this chapter)

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