Chapter 589 Fishing
Lu Feng came down from the deck, holding his own dagger, and did not act immediately.

Lone travelers are Lv Feng's favorite, but this is not the time to travel alone.At least the strength is not there.

To walk alone is to die.

Although the housekeeper said, there is no danger under normal circumstances.What if something goes wrong?

"Does anyone want to join my team?" A man with a stronger build.

"Dude, count me in."

"Count me in too."

With a strong body, under the same circumstances, everyone seems to subconsciously feel that they are more reliable.

However, Lu Feng fixed Mu Ding on the girl in black.

It's not the kind of stare between a man and a woman, but because the other person is very strong.

Judging from the information I heard before, it is definitely very strong.

However, ask her to be in a group with myself.Thinking with your ass, you know it's impossible.

Others are not familiar with themselves, and they don't have their own meaning at all.Secondly, this girl is slightly aloof.

There are two kinds of high-cold people, one is slow to heat up, and the other is really cold.

As for what she is, anyway, Lu Feng can't feel it now, who will know in the future.

Lu Feng thought for a while, if he followed this woman, it seemed to be called tailgating, right?

It feels a little weird, maybe even embarrassing.

But forming a team with others, I always feel that she is not as reliable as her.

This can be difficult.

After thinking about it, forget it, follow up and follow up.And it's not called tailgating.

Just me hanging around.

The girl walked some distance, and Lu Feng followed some distance.

The girl walked away some more, and Lu Feng followed some more.

Back and forth, several times.

The girl couldn't help it anymore: "We need to form a team and don't follow me all the time. I can't help but want to take action."

Lu Feng walked out awkwardly: "I'm sorry. I don't mean anything malicious, so I think you are more reliable."

It must be inappropriate to blow water now, Lu Feng has something to say directly.

"Come here, Young Master Lu." The girl said angrily.

Lu Feng is in his 20s.

Conservatively estimate that this girl is more than six years old?

German orthopedics is definitely not what it is now.

"How do you know me?" Lu Feng was a little surprised.

Could it be that card?

The girl didn't look back: "I told you on the 11th. You are a descendant of the Lu family. Unexpectedly, the Lu family finally broke through."

Lu Feng was a little embarrassed, there really wasn't much of a problem with him.

It may be the sequelae of crossing.

And it seems that it is not time travel, but the world has changed to satisfy my dream.

What is your dream?

There seem to be many, but I just can't remember what it is.

But, it feels like the world is still quite interesting.

Interstellar travel + game creation.


"Want to go fishing?" the girl suddenly asked.

Lu Feng was stunned for a second: "Didn't we come to find something that appeared in the space-time hole?"

The girl chuckled: "Do you really believe it?"

Seeing Lu Feng's serious face, the girl changed her words: "Well, there are indeed. But it doesn't have to be on land."

"Then is it in the sky?" Lu Feng's mind was full of fantasy, tearing the void, and with a bang, a strange thing appeared.

The girl shook her head: "Not necessarily. There are many material reactions in the theory of relativity. You can understand that this is a cosmic string."

"The moment the string vibrates, something will definitely jump out of the string. It can be called a space-time void."

"If you still don't understand, try to think of a guitar. Put a piece of paper between you."

"When you flick it lightly, the paper may float to another position due to the vibration."

She was explaining to Lu Feng.

Lu Feng nodded, he didn't understand very well, pretending to understand.

The two walked to the lake.

She didn't seem to be wary of Lu Feng. To be precise, she might be because she was too strong.So don't worry so much.

Or maybe she has something to protect.

"Do you want me to make a fishing rod for you?" The girl looked at Lu Feng angrily.

Lu Feng looked confused, really fishing.

No way.

"Is it really fishing?" Lu Feng asked.

The girl shook her head helplessly: "You don't know anything about hunters, so you came here."

"." Most of what Lu Feng knew was what the butler said, plus some things introduced by No. 11.

"Where's your number plate?" Lu Feng didn't seem to see it.

The girl said: "I am number 0. You don't need to know too much."

Lu Feng felt that she was not particularly easy to get along with.

But also, you can get along well with each other the first time you meet.

This is what makes people strange.

In addition to self-cooked.

It is estimated that if she did not know that she was once a member of the Lu Group, she might not necessarily have said these words.

She walked to a nearby tree and swiped lightly with her dagger.

The branch fell down.

This made Lu Feng feel that what we were holding was not a dagger.

In other words, what we chop is not the number, but the tofu.

She quickly cut around and took out the fishing line prepared in advance to fix it.

Also tried the toughness of the branches.

Obviously the twigs are not suitable.

Yet no better.

So she has changed some methods.Make the entire wooden frame into a triangle and use homemade wooden clip springs.stuck.

It looks like a long log is supported on a triangle.

The fishing line was at the end of the log.

This action is very fast and very skillful.

Lu Feng was dumbfounded, we are definitely not from the same world.

With this technology, Lu Ban may be laid off.

".What are you doing?" Lu Feng really didn't understand.

The girl said: "This wood is not good, do you understand the stability of the triangle? Do you understand the structure of the ZES mech? I made it out of things mixed in."

"." Lu Feng was speechless.

It feels like a different door is opening towards me.

Can such a good thing be made into a very interesting game?
When he was idle, Lu Feng's mind was full of things created by the game.

"Fishing can catch things in time and space? Don't bully me, I don't read much." Lu Feng joked.

The girl rolled her eyes at Lu Feng: "This is Interstellar, don't use common sense. Breakthrough thinking, understand?"

Lu Feng swore that this was the first time he felt contempt from a girl.

"I really don't understand hunters, maybe I'm Xiaobai." Lu Feng said.

The girl pondered for a moment: "I'm sorry, maybe I've talked too much. Actually, you should study the theory well. That's fine."

"The fish caught here are not ordinary fish. It is a kind of interstellar fish. It can be used as interstellar fuel."

"Forget it, you don't understand. Why don't I give you a fish later. You pass the junior hunter test. You can have your own mecha," the girl said.

Lu Feng was a little surprised, but he still accepted it: "Thank you. I still don't understand the role of the hunter."

"It's okay, you will understand later. Sit down. You won't be able to catch it so soon." The girl sat there, quietly looking at the water.

Bend your knees, rest your head on your knees, quietly watching the lake, in a daze.

A very quiet girl.

Lu Feng also looked at the lake quietly.

This wait.

That's two hours.

"It's moving!" Lu Feng saw the thread move!

(End of this chapter)

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