Chapter 568

Jiang Yu was sure that something special had indeed come by just now, and it wasn't dazzled.

It's just that the other party is not malicious.

Just to rest our feet.

Half a month passed in the blink of an eye, and Jiang Yu gave Liu Yan a raise in salary.

It’s not easy for a little girl to go out alone.

One day, a strange guest came to the shop.

Ordered a cup of coffee.

He didn't do anything, didn't drink, he just drank his coffee in a daze.

It took a long time to drink that little bit.

A look of preoccupation.

Jiang Yu glanced at the man's luck, and there was nothing wrong with it.

"Boss, he won't run into ghosts, right?" Liu Yan has been in contact with Jiang Yu for a long time, so she often forgets to guess this aspect.

Jiang Yu said: "How can there be so many ghosts? He has psychological and external causes."

The man holding the coffee looked at Jiang Yu and was taken aback: "Do you know how to read?"

Jiang Yu said: "Looking is born from the heart, so I know a little bit. It's not proficient."

It is still very modest to speak.

Liu Yan interjected: "There are 1000 poor people, and 100 million rich people."

Without further ado, the man took out 1000 yuan from his purse.

"This is 1000 yuan. Untie my knot. This is yours." The man said.

Like a little money fan, Liu Yan put away the money: "Hee hee, boss, I'll take it."

The man looked at Jiang Yu.

Jiang Yu glanced at Liu Yan speechlessly, and then sat opposite the man: "Tell me about your affairs first, and then I'll help you untangle your knot."

The man nodded.

"This matter has troubled me for a long time. I have graduated from college for three years. I got off work that day and received a call."

"It was an old classmate who asked me to go to the party. He said that we haven't seen each other for so long, so we will meet."

"In the beginning, I proposed to go to the hotel, but I was afraid that there would be some estrangement in the relationship between everyone, so I chose the food stall. At least there is not much pressure."

"That day, many old classmates came. There used to be some classmates who didn't have a good relationship, but they haven't seen each other for so long. But there is a feeling of familiarity."

"Maybe it's that sentence, there is always a feast in the world, and the familiarity brought by graduation and going their separate ways."

"Drinking is inevitable at parties. I'm not very good at drinking. I don't drink much. I couldn't help but drink some."

"Old Zhao persuaded me to drink one cup at a time, and said that if I don't drink, I won't give face to my old classmates."

"Although I made it difficult for you, I still chose to bite the bullet and drink it."

"Old Zhao put his arms around my shoulders and said, why am I the same as when I was in school, and I don't smoke or drink."

"Then he handed me a cigarette and asked me to smoke. I said, I can't smoke. He told me, how can I not smoke when I come out to hang out."

"I barely put the cigarette in my mouth, and Lao Zhao personally helped me light the cigarette, which choked me a few times. Smoking is tasteless to me."

"I felt a little dizzy afterwards."

"It feels like one person has become two people, and there is a feeling of overlapping shadows. I think I may be getting drunk. If I drink any more, I can't do it."

"So I didn't continue to drink."

"After the party, Lao Zhao and other classmates asked me if they wanted to send me back."

"I said, it's all right. I can walk by myself. It's not far, go through a few alleys, and I'll be there soon."

"Then I left. I feel that the taste of this class reunion is not as good as before. It may be that there is more social atmosphere."

"I didn't go far, and I felt overwhelmed and nauseated."

"Sure enough, drinking is not something that suits me. After throwing up, I feel much more comfortable. I will continue walking towards home."

"By the end of the day, it was late. The box was dark."

"From time to time you can still feel a cold breeze blowing from the box."

"Gradually I saw a group of people in front of my eyes, with their hands raised high, jumping and jumping. Excited."

"I wonder who's dancing here at night. So excited. And there's no music. It's dark. Weird."

"Then I looked up and it wasn't dancing. It was money falling from the sky. They were robbing the money that fell from the sky."

"Those are brand new hundred-dollar bills."

"I'm excited to be part of the crowd who are picking up money in the air."

"I caught several hundred-dollar bills. This kind of good thing is really cool. I looked at it several times and I saw it right."

"It's just a windfall. I saw that there were quite a few on the ground, and I squatted down to pick them up."

"At this time, I saw a man looking at me with a hideous face. His eyes were white."

"It's completely white, a little scary. He was staring at me fiercely. I was so scared that I sat down on the ground immediately."

"Immediately afterwards, I found that there were a few more of the same people approaching me. Their eyes were all white, very ferocious."

"They kept coming towards me, and I got up off the ground and kept backing away. They kept coming."

"I ran out desperately. After running for a long time, I looked behind and no one was chasing me. I was relieved."

"I didn't dare to stay, so I changed my way home."

"Back home, I was afraid of what would happen if that group of people were in my house. I listened carefully inside the house."

"I found that there was no strange movement, and I frightened myself."

"I lay on the bed and fell asleep quickly because of the wine and the fright."

"When I woke up the next day, I had a terrible headache. It must be the aftereffect of drinking. I got up from the bed, not sure if I was dreaming yesterday."

"I remember putting the money I picked up into my pocket."

"I took it out and looked at it, and I was shocked."

"It's not a hundred-dollar bill."



"I went back to the alley with doubts, because it was daytime. Be more courageous."

"I saw a lot of money papers, many of which have been burnt. The remaining ones are about the same as my money. It's money for the dead."

"So who was I fighting for money in the sky with last night? Or was it because I was drinking?"

"But that sense of reality makes my scalp tingle when I think about it now."

When the man said this, he told all his experiences.

Liu Yan had heard Jiang Yu say that there was nothing wrong with it before, so she said, "You must be drunk. You have messed up your vision."

"I've been drinking for many years. I haven't seen any hallucinations." Jiang Yu said.

Liu Yan paused for a moment: "Huh? Boss, didn't you just say it's not a ghost? It's neither drunk nor a ghost. Then tell me what it is."

Jiang Yu said: "If I'm not mistaken, the problem probably lies in the wine."

Both the man and Liu Yan were confused: "What do you mean? There are two thoughts? And how did you see it?"

"It doesn't matter how I figured it out. The important thing is that I know there's something wrong with your drink," Jiang Yu said.

The man looked at Jiang Yu: "Even if there is a problem with the wine, it has been some time now. It is the wine drunk at the food stall. I can't find it."

"It's impossible to say that the entire food stall is like this."

Jiang Yu picked up the tea and took a sip: "What others can't do doesn't mean I can't do it."

 This kind of No.1 story is indeed a bit difficult to write.I will pay attention later to avoid using a lot of quotation marks to describe the content.

(End of this chapter)

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