Unlimited Supreme Live Streaming System

Chapter 563 Morbid Psychology

Chapter 563 Morbid Psychology
Before, I heard from Da Liang's colleagues that Da Liang didn't have a girlfriend.With his habits and appearance, he is definitely single based on his strength.

want to get married,

this difficulty,
Not the usual big.

It's ridiculously big.

Now I heard the voices of a man and a woman, and one of the men's voices was loud again.

It is easy to think of this private meeting.

Could something indescribable be happening.

Jiang Yu shook his head, maybe he was thinking too much.

The woman's voice felt really sharp and strange.

Listen carefully.

It seems that Da Liang is having a conversation.

"Okay! Don't worry. I will come here to accompany you every day from now on."

"That's good."

Jiang Yu heard something very strange, this is a burrow, are you here to accompany him every day?

Brows furrowed.

quietly walked over.

Seeing a coffin, the coffin seems to have some years.There are many scratches on it.

That voice came out of the coffin.

quietly walked over.

Jiang Yu was shocked.

I saw the corpse of a person and a woman lying in the coffin.

A skeleton in a red suit.

Da Liang put his arms around the skeleton, facing the female skeleton, and lay down together in the coffin.

"Don't worry, I will always be with you. You will not be alone." Da Liang put his arms around the skeleton and said strange words.

He didn't realize that Jiang Yu was behind him.

He looked at the female skeleton with all his attention.

When Jiang Yu saw this scene, the thoughts in his mind were very clear.Quietly left here.

After returning to the dormitory area, Jiang Yu sent a text message to Xisuit: It is time to call the police.There is something wrong with Da Liang.

The next day, a group of policemen came here.

The man in the suit had some conversations with the police.

The police came towards Jiang Yu and asked for some details.

Da Liang was captured by the police, and everyone opened his dormitory room.After several searches, a grid was found under the floor.

Put some fur masks, exactly what the man in the suit described.

The police intervened in the ensuing days.

It was finally determined that Da Liang was guilty of stealing cultural relics.It was an ancient tomb cave that he accidentally discovered, although he picked up some worthless things.

But this is also the crime of theft of cultural relics.

According to the law at the time, this had violated the law.

Later, when Jiang Yu went to the prison to watch, he heard him grabbing the prison and shouting hard.

"What are you doing with me! Let me out! I want to be reunited with my wife!"

"She'll be in a hurry!"

The worker looked at him and couldn't help shaking his head: "Crazy."

The man in the suit looked at him, speechless.

It turned out that a long time ago, in order to cover up the fact that he went out, he began to deliberately fabricate such lies.

Don't open your eyes at night.

Although his behavior is weird, his behavior is actually psychologically understandable.

This weird behavior is caused by poverty and loneliness coupled with his own personality flaws.

Psychologically, this is a kind of morbid psychology.

Later, this matter was featured on CTV's legal program, but Jiang Yu was not included in it."Ferry" can still be found today.

After Jiang Yu returned to Tongcheng.

Business is OK.

From time to time, students come over.Drinking and drinking tea, the student union is still relatively few willing to do so.It's only when you're out partying.

"Boss, what happened last time? Is there really a ghost?" Liu Yan asked cautiously.

Jiang Yu glanced at her: "No."

"Then, boss, your 100 million is very profitable." Liu Yan arranged the wine bottles on the wine rack.

"You can try it too," Jiang Yu said.

Liu Yan shook her head quickly: "No, it's better not to try."

"Aren't you an atheist?" Jiang Yu laughed.

Liu Yan glared at Jiang Yu: "Boss, it's not your fault. Anyway, I still don't believe it now, but don't scare me."

At this time, a man in a security uniform walked in.

"Hi, welcome." Liu Yan warmly entertained the guests.

The security guard was a bit honest, he swept his head and smiled and said, "Well, I heard that there is a Qinxin Garden nearby. You can read books. I came here."

"Oh. Please take a look." Liu Yan said.

If it weren't for the fact that Jiang Yu's shop didn't have manga in the books, I'm afraid they would have read the books for free, which would have attracted some people.

Books can be read here or taken away.Can be bought or borrowed.

If it is damaged, just pay according to the price.Also and regular.

The security guard reads very attentively and makes comments from time to time.

Jiang Yu also sat in a chair and read a book.And what he took were several physical books of online novels.

"Well, this plot is good. But the story is not powerful enough." The security guard said to himself.

Jiang Yu was very interested in his words: "It seems that you have studied novels quite well."

"It's not about research, it's just a superficial understanding." The security guard said.

Jiang Yu said: "What you read is all online literature, which is still different from traditional literature."

The security guard nodded: "Well, because I write books part-time, so read more about this to increase my personal strength. Well, give me a cup of green tea."

"The cheap kind." The security guard said naturally.

Liu Yan brought over a cup of green tea: "Alipay and WeChat are both acceptable."

After the security guard finished sweeping, he continued to read.

Liu Yan looked at the security guard: "Do you make money writing books?"

The security guard smiled bitterly: "I haven't made much money so far. Because the writing is not popular, and there is no manuscript fee. Sometimes the beginning of the article is a bit interesting, but after a long time, it is easy to mess up."

"I have to conceive various plots every day, think about it, and deny it. Some plots are too old-fashioned and bloody, and some don't conform to the platform rules. I can't write it."

"When I was writing, sometimes I was very troubled. Fortunately, the job of security can give me more time to think about these things."

Liu Yan said: "Aren't you afraid of being scolded by the boss?"

The security guard said with a smile: "I work in two shifts, so I just came here during the daytime today. Twelve hours is a long time."

"However, there is indeed a lot of free time. Most of the time is to register the vehicles going in and out, and open the door."

Liu Yan nodded: "Oh."

She looked at Jiang Yu and wondered if she could use her boss as material and write about it.

Jiang Yu was like an old man, lying on a chair and reading a book.

And that chair is still a Taishi rocking chair.

Full old-fashioned taste.

The boss's face is less than thirty, and he is very attractive, but he always gives people a sense of vicissitudes.I really don't know what happened to him.

It was almost noon before the man left.

In the next half a month, the security guard often came here to read books.

Also became a regular customer here.It is said that his name is Zhou Changxing and he is from Huaihua.

On this day, the security guard came here to read books as usual.It's just that the brows are tightly frowned, and there seems to be some anxiety and nervousness.

Try to condition yourself by reading a book.

It's just that in this state, I can't read the book at all, and it is difficult to form a sense of picture.

"What's the matter? You seem to be preoccupied." Liu Yan asked carelessly.

(End of this chapter)

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