Unlimited Supreme Live Streaming System

Chapter 552 Civilization, where is it

Chapter 552 Civilization, where is it
Dryad territory.

"How's it going?" The tree demon lord walked to a tree demon and asked in a unique way of communication.

Some treants came in a panic: "It's not good, our unmanned surveillance plane has detected their armored vehicles."

The Dryad Lord told everyone not to panic, it was just an ordinary armored vehicle.

It also invaded the zero country area before, and armored vehicles still have a way to fight it.

The tree demons thought about it too.

"Arrange the personnel and prepare for counterattack. Since they dare to come, let them ask for trouble!"

The tree demon is also arranging things here.

Hundreds of years ago, someone taught them civilization.

The technology that that person showed inadvertently made many tree demons fall in love.

Being able to master this kind of technology is really quite remarkable.

So they have been studying continuously for hundreds of years.

Coupled with their inherent advantages, they have risen rapidly in just a few hundred years.

Just like the Qin Dynasty in history, it rose rapidly in a short period of time.And unified the six countries.

On this day, the weather was a bit hot.

The air is hot and uneasy, and you can feel the billowing heat.

"Governor Ling, why do we come to this area?" Duanmu was puzzled.

Now the area where No. [-] is located is close to the water source. It stands to reason that the treant should be closer to the water.

"Listen to me, move the armored vehicle to another area to attract the attention of the tree people." Zero said.

Duanmu thought for a moment: "Are you knocking on the mountain to frighten the tiger, or attacking the cow across the mountain?"

Zero smiled slightly: "How do you know this common saying?"

"I saw it in the book." Duanmu said.

The fat man stood beside him and chuckled: "I didn't expect you could read. I thought a cold lady like you would be enough to read ice every day."

"." Duanmu rolled his eyes.

Several other people stood aside, laughing and saying nothing.

Zero said: "When I was in the tree people area before, I found that they rely on vibrations to speak."

The fat man scratched his head: "Relying on vibration? But, what does this mean?"

Zero smiled slightly: "The vibration I said means that the dryad communicates through language vibration. By shaking the branches, it launches sound waves of different frequencies."

"If the weight of their leaves changes and presses the leaves, do you think they can still communicate? At least for a short period of time, we will have the advantage."

Hearing this, everyone suddenly understood!

Depend on!
There is still this trick!

For example, the original sound wave control communicates at 20HZ.

When the load increases to a certain extent, it may not be 20HZ, because the vibration amplitude will be greatly reduced.

A banknote has a different sound than a stack of banknotes.

"Are you planning to use the water?" the fat man said.

Zero nodded.

But the fat man didn't understand that he could just use water to attract the tree demon here.

Immediately glanced at the sky, instantly understood.After all, I have participated in many wars, and many things are still reacting quickly.

He already knew that No. [-] wanted to use the time.

In hot and high temperature weather, when the dryad galloped to a place, they started a small-scale war.

Before introducing them into water areas, evacuate.

Of course, there are actually many risks in this, such as how the tree people react.

For another example, after adding the changing frequency, tree people can also communicate.

Then the problem becomes quite tricky.

Therefore, in order to prevent change, Zero has prepared more than 100 armored vehicles that have been modified by itself.

The battlefield is changing rapidly, and we must remain unchanged to respond to all changes.

"Is the snow condenser ready?" Zero asked.

A staff member nodded: "It's ready. No problem."

"Well, good. Check one more time. We don't allow mistakes. One mistake is a terrible price."

Zero has learned a lot after hundreds of years.

Sometimes, a little mistake can have a huge impact.

The snow condensing machine is a new machine modified from Zero, which can quickly condense water into snow blocks.

It is these snow blocks that No. [-] wants to use.

When a large number of tree people came out ahead of schedule and headed towards their destination.

"What a pity. What a wonderful area. It would be great if it belonged to us." The tree man lord took a fancy to the environment of Zero Country.

The last time I almost won the zero country.

If it weren't for those damn monkeys.

Already got it.

This time Zero Country is actually so courageous.

Dare to fight back without the help of the monkey.

What a guts.

As a lord, you need constant resources.

The zero country is rich in resources.

Obviously a very nice place.

In addition, the territory of Zero Country is very large.

Treants came out one after another, and due to their large size, they moved faster than other races.

It was like a group of giants moving towards the valley.

"The armored vehicle is over there!" said a tree demon.

The lord looked forward and indeed saw many armored vehicles parked there.

Seems to be resting.

And the moment the armored vehicle saw the tree man, it blew its siren!

The crowd got into the car one after another and locked the doors of the armored car.

Some armored vehicles attacked the tree demon!

"The dryad is here!" In the eyes of people, it doesn't matter whether the tree is human or the dryad.

If you can't live in peace, you can only destroy!
Some armored vehicles retreated, and another group of armored vehicles took charge of the attack.

The cars that retreated were almost the 100 or so modified ones.

They are deliberately seducing according to Zero's plan.

The Treant Lord said loudly: "We can't let them escape! Our weapons, prepare!"

In an instant!
There are some strange weapons in the hands of many treants, which look a bit like heat guns.

Shooting at the armored vehicle.

The armored car is just a moment, and even the surrounding metal is directly dissolved.

The car door opened and many people fled.

It's just that they didn't panic when they ran away.

The tree man leader was a little puzzled, feeling that something was wrong.

In fact, this was an oversight on the part of Zero. He should not have let other soldiers know about the temptation.

But without saying anything, the soldiers didn't understand why they ran in that direction.

After weighing the pros and cons, Number Zero chose to tell them.

So the fighter knows the purpose.

In this way, the other party may be suspicious.

The more the tree leader chased, the feeling of victory at the beginning gradually gave rise to a complicated feeling.

"Stop, stop chasing! It's dangerous!" The tree man leader made a quick decision!
All the tree people were puzzled, but they still did it.

Zero saw the treant with a telescope and stopped moving: "The distance is a bit far, and this distance should only be the rescue part."

"Follow me out!"

Zero immediately changed his plan, and the snow-making machine used an extended tube to follow Zero all the way.

When number zero presses the hand lightly, pulleys and momentum appear on the soles of the feet!
Accelerate instantly!
The tree man took a look!
A large number of snowflakes fell directly, and at the same time a man appeared!
The Dryad Lord recognized this man!
It was the same person from the beginning!

Evacuate immediately!

"Want to leave? You're too late!" No. [-] had a smile on his lips.

Zero did not intend to destroy civilization.

Instead, like Lilliput meeting a giant, everyone sprayed snowflakes on the trees.

While disrupting the rhythm, launch an attack.

This battle lasted for several days.

The tree man resisted desperately, and Zero continued to fight back!
Over 100 modified cars spray out webs of stickers!

"take away!"

Zero Country wins a great victory!

Everyone cheered.

It's just that the two sides of the zero number are behind them, looking up at the sky: "Where is civilization."

(This content is over. I write here mainly because I don’t think it is exciting. There are not enough contradictions, and many cool points are gone. So I plan to quickly end this content. I may not be like others, constantly watering. I just hope to improve, and write a wonderful book.)
(End of this chapter)

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