Chapter 538
Zero looked carefully at everything around him.

It stands to reason that with a dedicated protected area, the food supply should be backed up.

When Luo Yue and Luo Xin appeared in the vision of the alliance area, the people in uniform waved at them.

"Come into the area! Hurry!"

"Yeah, there are still survivors!"

Luo Yue and Luo Xin ran over with smiles on their faces, and No. [-] was behind them, walking forward.

"Hee hee, it's finally safe." Luo Yue finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Luo Xin looked at the people around and felt that something was wrong, but she didn't speak.

At this time, a middle-aged man with a strong body came frowning: "Why are there three more, it's really troublesome."

A man next to him said: "Captain, the duty of the alliance is to give everyone a safe habitat. At least until the mother body is found, we are all together."

"It's really nice to say, they give orders, why should we have to implement them. Besides, there is a shortage of food here."

"Some supplies can't be delivered. We have to move to the next location."

The captain glanced at the machine that was running: "Besides, there is something wrong with that machine. If this continues, we will all die under the alien species."

"Newcomers, we don't distribute food. We will only distribute it in a day. There is a shortage of food, for the time being," the captain said.

Luo Yue glanced at No. [-], and said, "Well. Actually, there is a supermarket on the East Street. We just came from there. There are a lot of food there."

The captain's eyes lit up: "How far is it from here?"

"I didn't pay attention to the time just now, it should be between half an hour and two hours." Luo Yue is not sensitive to time.

The captain frowned and looked at many people with yellow and thin faces around him: "The journey of more than half an hour is too far. Let's do it this way. I'll arrange for people to go there."

"Aaron, Ah Fei! The two of you are going to find food together. They will lead the way," said the captain.

Luo Yue and Luo Xin's expressions froze.

"Why do you want us to go? We just got here with great difficulty. If we go now, we will die if we encounter a foreign species!" Luo Yue resolutely refused to go.

The captain said: "You can save time and avoid taking the wrong path by going. If two people are not willing, then go alone!"

"Otherwise there are so many people here, sooner or later they will starve to death!"

The captain called several people's names in a row, and they shook their heads firmly: "Captain, you have to go by yourself. Anyway, I'm not going out to take risks."

"That's right, we go every time. Captain, why are you here!"

"Do you think you are still the former captain? Not a captain, if you want everyone to die, you will die."

The captain frowned: "What? You want to disobey the order? I'm in charge of the overall situation, and you guys carry it out. What's the problem?"

"Who do you think you are!" said one uniformed member.

The captain became furious and took out a pistol: "Come on, come on, come on, let me tell you, who am I?"

The man was still not afraid: "Come on, someone will kill me! You will die if you go out, and you will die here too! Come on!"

Hearing this, the captain was silent for a while, took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth: "Forget it, I owe you all. I will go myself!"

"Remember not to disconnect the machine. The solar panel on it is broken, and now it can only be maintained by powering on and changing batteries."

The captain felt a little helpless, this machine was already relatively perfect.Solar energy is utilized, and solar aging prevention is also installed.

Power-on reaction and battery reaction.

The third ring, at least because one ring is broken, will not paralyze the entire machine.

It can effectively prevent the alien species from perceiving this area.

Human nature, at the moment when the alien species appeared, many people began to reveal.

What was once, no longer exists.

For everyone, the most important thing is to live until the day when the mother body is solved!
"Captain, I'll accompany you!" said a thinner member.

The captain smiled wryly: "In the end, you are the only one who is willing to listen to me. Let's go. Let's go together."

Luo Yue said to Luo Xin: "Why don't you stay here. It's relatively safer here than outside."

"Sister, I'm going too." Although Luo Xin didn't speak much, her tone was very sure.

The parents of the two had been taken away by the alien species in their own eyes during the time of this alien mutation.

In addition to eating on the spot, the heterogeneous species will also make some reserves.

As if possessing the lowest level of intelligence, no one knows what will happen to the xenomorphs in the future.

But for now, all the activities of the alien species seem to be based on instinct.If you are taken away, you will basically die.

So the two sisters also depended on each other for their lives, running for their lives everywhere.

Later, he hid in the supermarket and survived.

Supermarkets have the most basic necessities of life.water and food.

As for whether the food has expired or not, no one will care about it at this time.

When the stomach is hungry, even the roots of the trees on the side of the road become the last food for people.This is the case with famine in Africa.

"Okay." Luo Yue knew her sister's temperament very well. When she wanted to do it, no one could change it.

When the four of them were about to leave, Luo Yue glanced at Number Zero: "Will you go with us?"

She spoke in a pleading tone.

Just now, she saw the fighting ability of number zero.There is an instinctive sense of security.

Just like a baby elephant and a herd, they feel safe when they meet.Nature is a pure display of relationships.

From Luo Yue's point of view, most people are absolutely unwilling to be together, because going out is too dangerous.

However, for Zero, the xenomorphs seem unable to find themselves.

In other words, it cannot pose a threat to itself.

"Let's go." Zero said two words very coldly.

This kind of coldness is not just a cold tone, but a kind of coldness from the bottom of his heart.

"I need weapons," Zero said.

The captain hesitated for a moment, and took out a military dagger from his waist: "You can hold this dagger. Multiple weapons, multiple self-defense."

Zero took the dagger and glanced at the blade, it was indeed okay.

The dagger turned slightly at the fingertips and automatically slipped into the waist.

The whole action is very smooth.

It felt like I had done this action thousands of times before.

The captain shrank his pupils when he saw this detail, and took a deep look at number zero.

He once heard from the people above that there is a special team in this world.

Known as the "Ice Warmers of the World", they were sent to an isolated island from a very young age.After rigorous training, the best of the best is selected.

Those who survive in the end will have the opportunity to participate in the "Ice on Earth".

Excellent in combat, assassination, reactions, etc.They often carry out missions and launch attacks against the most wanted criminals who are difficult to solve internationally.

As long as they take action, almost no wanted criminal will survive!
Therefore, the iceware in the world is known by many people above, but no one knows the specific identities and information of the members.

The dagger is turning at the fingertips, this kind of courage and strength is enough to make people a little surprised.

And seeing his reaction is completely instinctive, very easy and simple.

The captain said, "Which way are you going in the direction of the supermarket?"

Luo Yue said: ".I am a road idiot."

Everyone: "."

Lu Chi, you just said that you would take everyone there alone!


(End of this chapter)

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