Chapter 531
The teacher tried to let him in, but he didn't want to.

In fact, he knew very well at that time that even if he entered the school, he would be told to leave within a few days.

It's not that everyone has a bad heart, but that some things are indeed like this.

In this way, he listened outside for six years.Rain or shine.

The thin body is standing outside the window to listen to the class.It's raining, take an umbrella.His face was already tanned and red.

He didn't have any classes to attend until he graduated from the sixth grade of elementary school.The things learned are not as formal as those in the classroom.

After all, there are no books.Just barely guarantee that I am not illiterate.Just write some words and things.

And the junior high school in the village has to go to the county.

The county is still far away.

Once again, it is not realistic.During the day he helps with farm work.I want to learn more tonight.

It is said that the children of the poor are headed home early, and this thing is forced out.

Until the age of 16, he went out to work.At that time, unlike today, it was only in the [-]th or [-]th century that people worked part-time.

Many people even borrow other people's ID cards to work.

He is also one of them.

Work in the factory, one do it for one year.At that time, something happened at home.need money.

Therefore, most of the money earned from working in the factory is remitted to my hometown.

Suddenly one night, the eyes were very uncomfortable.

The next day, I originally wanted to go to the hospital, but people in the factory said that hospitals are places that cannibalize people, and the money was flowing out.

He listened, and it was true.

At this time, the people in the factory said that when they were young, their eyes were uncomfortable, so they put plasters on them.

ok fast.

He wasn't sure if the factory was telling the truth.

The factory friends swore that they used to come here like this.

He ran to the pharmacy to buy plaster, and told the pharmacy owner that his eyes were uncomfortable.

Is there any ointment that can be put on the eye area?

The boss thought about it, and it seemed that some plasters had no side effects.Posting is not posting.

Just handed him a bag.

Money was given, ointment was taken away.

I posted it when I was sleeping at night.When I first posted it, it really worked.It's a bit comfortable on the eyes.

He thought it was the effect of medicine.

Gradually, he found that his eyes began to change from being comfortable.

A little dry.

Later, that eye seemed to be sensitive to light.

In less than three days, he was completely blind in that eye.

He regretted endlessly in his heart, why did he listen to the workers.Everyone has no culture. If this kind of local prescription does not rule people, it will actually harm people.

On this day, he deeply understood how much change culture has brought about.

But at the same time, his eyes were also blind.If it were someone else, it would be time to blame the workers.

This is human nature.But his father also knew the condition of his coworkers and it was impossible to lose money.

In addition, there are people from the village here, once he asks for money for a statement, the village will know that he is blind in one eye.

At that time, everyone will no longer call him by his name, but Tang Xiazi.

After thinking about it, I decided to hide it.This is the limitation of the times, not just the fault of simple workers.

It is also because culture and ideas have limited everyone.

With good intentions, but prompted by uneducated reasons, something like this happened.

Two eyes, one eye cannot see.The impact is not particularly large.It's just that the visual range is a bit small.

Try to close one eye and feel it with only one eye to experience this kind of vision.

He goes on like this.

A few years later, returned to the village and got married.

In order to keep this secret, he has not said it.Even his wife didn't say anything.

He worried that if he said it, his wife would dislike him.

As the day got better, he told his wife he wanted to see his eyes.not feeling well.

In fact, I want to see if it can be treated, maybe there is still a glimmer of hope.

The wife said, everything is fine, nothing to do to go to the hospital to do.That's not a good place.

This matter was therefore delayed.If it wasn't for an accident when Tang Ming grew up, he accidentally hit the face.

When the results of the hospital examination come out, the whole family may never know about it for the rest of their lives.

Tang Ming looked at his father sitting in the wheelchair and hated himself for his incompetence.

If we had the ability to detect it earlier, we might be able to treat it earlier.

And it was not easy for his father to take care of them growing up with one eye.Because of one eye, too much focus on one eye to see things.

So the vision of the only eye that can see has actually plummeted.

After this incident, although Tang Ming's father was discharged from the hospital.No need for a wheelchair either.

But the responsibility of being a father was deeply imprinted in Tang Ming's mind.

Tang Ming asked why his father didn't tell him, so that everyone could handle the matter together.

My father said that talking about this thing will not change any facts.Might as well keep it a secret.

Mother said, in fact, the first time we met, I guessed it.

Marry a chicken as a chicken, marry a dog as a dog, no matter what you do, you will never dislike it.

That was Tang Ming, the first time he saw his father cry.

A man doesn't flick his tears lightly, but he doesn't reach the sad point.In recent years, the wind has passed and the rain has come.It's been a bumpy road.

Finally, it was the day when Tang Ming became famous.

Tang Ming told Liu San everything about his father, including some details he knew.

"That's why I invited them here. What you couldn't do before, you can do now." Liu San said.

"In San Francisco, they specialize in treating that. They enjoy an international reputation."

Liu San confessed some content to the beautiful blonde triplets.

Tang Ming was grateful to Liu San and almost knelt down, but Liu San blocked him.

"It doesn't have to be like this. Sometimes, life is just a chess game. Even if there is a past, it cannot determine the future."

"Your knees are not for kneeling on me, your knees are for yourself."

Tang Ming was very pleasantly surprised, he didn't expect Liu San to be so careful.It turned out that the big gift Liu San gave himself was to repay his family affection and give his father a chance.

"In the future, I will definitely live up to Mr. Liu's respect!" Tang Ming said excitedly.

Liu San smiled slightly.

Then Tang Ming told his father about the top doctor Liu San invited to San Francisco.

Dad couldn't believe it.

But when he really saw those three people, he was stunned.

"I seem to have seen the three of them in a magazine last time!" His father was a little surprised.

The blonde beauty can also speak some simple Chinese.

Walking around the room with her buttocks up.

As an old man, his face couldn't help but turn a little red.

But more is a kind of gratitude.

His father excitedly said to Tang Ming: "From now on, follow Mr. Liu well. He is very good."

Tang Ming nodded heavily: "I will."

The blond beauty is doing some treatment for him and needs to be moved.

The helicopter picked up his father.

The wedding is almost here.

The rest is honeymoon.

Tang Ming walked to Liu San and hesitated: "Actually, there is something I have always wanted to tell you. Although you are not short of money, it is better for me to tell you."

Liu San looked at Tang Ming: "What's the matter?"

"A few days ago we acquired a car company, but yesterday I found out that the company's financial accounts have serious problems. Although you are not short of money."

"But as a manager, I think you should know about it."

"I was busy getting married yesterday, so I forgot to tell you. I'm sorry." Tang Ming said sincerely.

Liu San said: "It's okay. It's just a trivial matter. Although I have a lot of money, it doesn't mean that my money can be given to some shameless people to take advantage of loopholes."

"You can spend your honeymoon at ease. Let me handle this matter."

"Thank you Mr. Liu."

PS: This is an adaptation of a real example. Many of the details are real and not exaggerated.Shenhao's coolness is more difficult to play without restrictions.So I try to write in a different way to make it more enjoyable, hoping to bring you wonderful things.

(End of this chapter)

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