Chapter 48

"Black draw?" Cheng Tiantian rubbed his hands together: "I don't know what to draw this time."

Use 24K pure gold raffle rolls.

Start the draw.

The pointer rotated rapidly, and finally stopped slowly.

Obtain [Fruit of Sight]

Description: Vision +2
Remarks: It can change four eyes into two eyes and increase the viewing distance.

"Vision?" Cheng Tiantian immediately ate it.When swallowing, it seems that the pupils of the eyes have changed slightly.But there is no particularly obvious feeling.

It's safe to go through the process every day, it seems very interesting to watch yourself transform little by little.

Calculated, now the voice charm is +24, the personal charm is +2, and the eyesight is +2.I don't know how many attributes there are, but if one day all of them reach the full state, will I be overwhelmed?

Thinking about it, I feel a little excited.

Vision, due to many habits and physical reasons, will gradually decline.But with this fruit, there is no need to worry.

Just when Cheng Tiantian was about to hang out in the neighborhood to flirt with girls, a phone call came.

The general content of the call was to ask Cheng Tiantian to go to the music academy in this city, and someone asked him to give a lesson to the students.This conservatory is a branch campus.Although it is a branch school, it is still very popular.

Shanghai Conservatory of Music Beijing Normal Branch!

After the video of Cheng Tiantian's last singing was circulated, many people listened to those songs over and over again.The reason why classics are called classics is because you can listen to them over and over again, even after many years, you will still feel very good after hearing them.

Moreover, many professional singers were also shocked after hearing Cheng Tiantian's song.There are even many people in the industry who believe that this video has been processed and faked.Some effect processing was added in the later stage to achieve such a perfect level.

If this is the real song, then Cheng Tiantian is very scary.Fortunately, he didn't mix in the song industry, otherwise he might be a godlike competitor.The competition in each line is very fierce, even in singing.

For laymen to watch the excitement, just listen to it.Experts look at the doorway and are very professional.

So many companies even called the marketing department directly, and if Cheng Tiantian really sang, they were willing to pay a lot of money to buy it out.Of course, it also depends on Cheng Tiantian's wishes.

"Go to college to pretend to be a force? Ah, bah, it's a lecture." Cheng Tiantian's first reaction was like this.

Cheng Tiantian calculated: "The duration of the sound ray experience card is 48 hours, and it should be one day now, that is, there is still one day of experience time."

He was thinking, if one day his voice line is filled up bit by bit by black pumping, then he will have something to play in the song industry.

Of course, it's just an experience card now, so Cheng Tiantian doesn't think that he can look down on singers.After all, we all grow up.The only difference is that others practiced it, while Cheng Tiantian got it from black smoking.

Cheng Tiantian knew that going to the conservatory this time would definitely disrupt the live broadcast.After all, I usually have to rest during the day.Unless there is the light of technology.It's just that this thing can't be exchanged yet, it can only be drawn by lottery.

So he asked the system whether his live broadcast would be transmitted if he used someone else's mobile phone.It would be embarrassing if it would.In front of everyone, he disappeared out of thin air.I'm afraid that all the secrets will be exposed.

The system's answer reassured him.Only when the host uses the specified computer will the transmission be performed.So Cheng Tiantian sent a message saying that he would go back to the Conservatory of Music for a live broadcast today.

If you want to watch, you can click to play.

Because after the S-level contract, there will be an added feature of automatically recording programs, although it is not as refreshing as the live broadcast.But still won't miss the wonderful place.

If it is an ordinary-level anchor who signs a contract, he will not enjoy this treatment.

"You can get in the car." A special delivery car drove over.The car wasn't particularly expensive, it was a Volkswagen.But the license plate at the back is very hanging.


Cheng Tiantian sat in the car and micro-Mimi for a while, after all, he did a live broadcast at night, so he should take a proper rest.

The car gradually accelerated along the road in the city center, and Cheng Tiantian fell asleep peacefully.Lying in the car to rest, waiting for the car to drive to the North Normal Branch of Shanghai Conservatory of Music.

The driver glanced at Cheng Tiantian through the rearview mirror, and shook his head: "Being an anchor is not easy."

In fact, anchors are roughly divided into two types.One is the anchor who will broadcast live every day, and the other is the anchor who will broadcast live at a specified time.

The former may be a little more tiring, but most people come here like this.Because when there is no popularity, the daily live broadcast can gather more popularity.

The latter is more like hunger marketing, which is much more comfortable.But this is usually only those anchors who are extremely popular and whose fans are willing to wait.

Of course, this is a general classification, and there are also things outside this classification.
"Here we are." The driver gently woke up Cheng Tiantian.

Cheng Tiantian rubbed his eyes and stretched his waist: "Your driving skills are quite good. Old driver, you are really stable."

The driver smiled knowingly.He brought Cheng Tiantian into the principal's office.

The principal is a woman who is said to have come to be gilded.It may be transferred away within a year.Still, she shines.She has a mature classical beauty about her.Her hair spiraled upwards, and she was wearing a red cheongsam, revealing her long legs loomingly.

"Hi, first time meeting. I'm Song Jiangyi, the principal of this school." She said slightly, "Students at the school suggested to me that you should come and teach us a class. I was curious at the time, but after watching them After the video you gave me, I think you are indeed very good."

Cheng Tiantian raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Where, where. I'm just slapping everything I don't agree with."


The principal said: "What did you say?"

"Um, I mean my level still needs to be improved." Cheng Tiantian realized that he had just said it.

The principal smiled slightly: "You are joking, your level is already quite high. From my professional point of view, you can already reach the top of the world class."

She explained the general situation to Cheng Tiantian, and then led Cheng Tiantian to the auditorium.

Usually schools will have a town hall. Although the names are different, their functions are similar.All students will gather there every year for parties or festivals.

"The students have been waiting for you for a long time." The principal said to Cheng Tiantian with a smile.

Cheng Tiantian looked around and never thought that one day he would come to this kind of music academy to pretend to be a force, which seemed quite interesting.There are so many people, please listen to the old driver's lecture later.

But the students in the audience look at the past, and there is almost no end in sight.Even the students who had skipped class, when they heard that Cheng Tiantian was here, they got off the plane from the Internet cafe and rushed here.

In addition to paying attention to Cheng Tiantian's songs, they also watched a lot of live broadcasts.

I go!

One Piece!

On the contrary, the teacher who taught the history class almost vomited blood with anger.

A group of people who usually don't see anywhere, unexpectedly appeared!
(End of this chapter)

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