Chapter 478 Black Wind
The night is beautiful, under the bright lights.

Everyone on a city street corner is busy with their lives.

Xu Ruofei and others are warming up for the competition, and so are the rest of the staff.Even those who did not participate in the competition chose different ways to express their love for the competition.And support for Xu Ruofei.

Just like that sentence: I am not on the court, but I can cheer for you off the court.As long as you don't dislike it, I am willing to cheer for you all the time.

The touch may be just a moment.

It was late at night, and Xu Ruofei took a sip with a cup of coffee in his hand.

"Empty?" Only then did I realize that the coffee had been finished.

I looked at the time and saw that it was already very late.I have to keep my spirits up tomorrow.

Because it is a world-class competition, everyone can only enter it after passing the audition.But there are still many teams.Xu Ruofei's second match will be at least three days later.

Three days passed in a flash.

Xu Ruofei and others were all watching the game attentively.

The repetition of these three days seems a bit boring, but at the same time there are some interesting things.

In the past three days, some teams have begun to show their strengths, such as the Tyrannosaurus rex of the Magnesium team, the crocodile of the Korean team, the commando team of "Eros", etc., all of which were very dazzling in the first battle.

"The next two teams are invited to play. Giants VS Dynasty!" Glass announced with a microphone.

Qiqi cooperated and said: "After the two teams shake hands, after the referee announces the start of preparation, twist the holographic ring. Enter the battle. Today's battle will determine the top 100 teams. Come on everyone!"

Xu Ruofei walked up with the team members and shook hands politely.

"It's so tall." Ye Yongbuyan was stunned for a moment, he couldn't even reach the other person's shoulders.This height is at least two meters.

Ye Yongyan murmured in a low voice: No, maybe he changed his career to the NBA or took hormones.

Qi Sara pushed the glasses, looking at the physical characteristics of each person.

All tall.

Standing aside, I feel like a bodyguard.After all, it is a holographic game, and the real height will also affect the game modeling.Therefore, a giant entering the game world is still a giant.

Fortunately, strength depends on attributes, otherwise, if the judo master enters the game, the scene will be wonderful.

In minutes, it was an over-the-shoulder fall, a big windmill.

However, no one will deny that tall people will bring a sense of oppression to those around them.There is a feeling that I am a child and the other party is an adult.This is a common manifestation of psychology.


Both sides hold hands.

It's still polite.

The captain wears a black face mask to maintain a sense of mystery.Judging by the exposed face, he must be quite young.The captain's name is Hei Feng, who used to be a popular champion player in the DOT game, and later transferred to other clubs.After the holographic game became popular, the club began to hide.Just wait for this day.With such a popular game, there is no reason not to engage in e-sports.

As long as the game becomes popular to a certain extent, e-sports will appear, pushing this popularity to a higher peak.

This is a business path, and it is also more competitive for players.

Heifeng looked at Xu Ruofei, but did not let go, and said in Korean: "@#¥#."

"." Xu Ruofei couldn't understand.

The host translated: "You mean it."

Xu Ruofei said a word, and then said: "I speak Korean, so I know Oppa and the like. Please tell him, I will definitely win this game."

The referee looked at Heifeng and said, "@#¥#."

At this moment, Hei Feng looked at Xu Ruofei with a hint of provocation.Language communication is not good, so I made a hip-hop standard move.That is to turn the thumb 180° to face down, and then point to the other party.He opened his palm on his neck, as if he had been slashed by a knife.

There was a smile on the corner of Xu Ruofei's mouth, and his eyes were really hot.

The smell of gunpowder on both sides is very strong!

There is a fierce rivalry in the eyes alone.They don't just fight on their own behalf, but for the glory of our country!

"Please take your positions, enter the competition area, and twist the ring! This is the first team battle! The second is the individual battle!"

The referee begins to announce!




The world was spinning and the surroundings were pitch black.

Gradually there is light.

"It's snow!" the audience said.

"Dynasty, come on!"

As soon as the shout comes out!The red banner was pulled straight away, especially prominent in the auditorium!They shouted at the top of their voices Come on!

Many light sticks are waved directly!

Xu Ruofei and the others had already decided on a hero, they were slightly surprised when the snow appeared, and then quickly recovered.The vast expanse of whiteness is boundless, and the sky is still fluttering with light snow.

In the boundless heavy snow, I saw two wooden houses, and the roofs had been covered with a layer of white snow.

"It's okay this time! At least four of us are together!" Ye Yongbuyen found that the four of them were in the same place after this start.

Under normal circumstances, the map is random, and the contestants are also randomly teleported within the map.If you're lucky, just a few of them will be together at the same time.

"Seventh Sister is not with us this time, so we can't put her in danger. So we must find her as soon as possible!" Qi Sara frowned.

Xu Ruofei said: "This time it's snow, at least you don't have to worry about assassins. Let's go together, don't get separated!"

Walking towards the direction of the house, I heard the sound of fighting.


Several members of the Korean team are besieging Seventh Sister.

Seventh Sister's blood volume has decreased a lot.

"You are very strong, but it's a pity you met me." Hei Feng sneered.

"Wrong. I should be the one who said this to you." Seventh Sister didn't flinch at all.

Heifeng smiled contemptuously: "Perhaps only your captain is my worthy opponent. I have already seen your captain's strength on the playing field."

Seventh Sister smiled softly: "You don't know there is an idiom in China called, leave room. Do you think what you see is our full strength?"

"What do you mean?" Hei Feng had a bad feeling.

next moment.

I saw Seventh Sister's whole body suddenly flashed, and a blue light was emitted from her hand: "Suck blue!"

Heifeng quickly moved out of the way, his tall figure showing unexpected speed!

Although Hei Feng dodged away, the rest of the team reacted a bit slower!
It was all affected by Seventh Sister's wanderer with a skill of absorbing mana. The MP value drops sharply.

"Damn woman!" The other four people flashed a trace of anger when Lan was absorbed, and they didn't dodge their own positions.

The four rushed towards Seventh Sister fiercely!

"Back!" Heifeng yelled, telling his team members to back off!

One player looked at the captain and shouted, "Trust us! Offense is the best defense!"

Heifeng scolded angrily: "Idiot! I'm the captain!"

Several members flashed a hint of displeasure: "Don't treat us with your arrogant attitude! Trust us! We are right!"

next moment!
Heifeng was surrounded by Xu Ruofei and others at this second!
Everyone held their breath, and the picture seemed to freeze at this moment!
(End of this chapter)

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