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Chapter 435 Drifting Motorcycle

Chapter 435 Drifting Motorcycle

The sudden appearance attracted Xu Ruofei's attention!

The couple's baby was placed next to them, when a motorcycle arrived.There were two people on the motorcycle.Wearing a motorcycle helmet and all black clothes.

The man sitting behind the motorcycle stretched out his hands and tried to steal the child away.

The two couples were busy and didn't notice.

And the diners were also eating with their heads down, and not many people noticed.

Many people think that if their things are close to them, thieves and robbers will not patronize them.Not so brave either.But sometimes, many people just take advantage of this mentality of relaxing their vigilance and use some routines to complete the entire process.

From the earliest wallet-dropping traps, a series of routines are familiar to everyone.

Then when the motorcycle sells an iPhone, it looks good when you look at it, but when you don’t notice it, it’s replaced by a molded phone.The motorcycle went away and realized that he had been fooled.

The routines are still changing.

Then began to evolve into a variety of new routines.

When eating, put your bag on your chair and lean on your body.At this time, there are two people, one of whom walks in front of you, attracting attention.Another person picked up the bag from behind and left.

Then develop some advanced routines.

The mother took the newborn in a stroller and went out to breathe fresh air. Suddenly, various things happened to a person in front of him and he needed help.The mother looked forward, but someone took the baby away while she was not paying attention.

Now this rice roll seller is busy due to the large number of customers.Because the price is low, what you earn is conscience money.In fact, it is to earn money to raise children.If one person is asked to help, the couple will have little money left and it will be difficult to raise a child.So the two worked hard together, with the child next to them.

"Someone is stealing a child!" The moment an old woman with white temples raised her head, she discovered it at the same time as Xu Ruofei.

The old man was old and wanted to run over, but it was too late.Instead, he staggered and fell to the ground.

When the couple heard the sound and saw that the child was taken away by people on the motorcycle, their expressions changed.

Xu Ruofei took a deep breath, put his two fingers under the table, and pointed them in the direction of the motorcycle.

A blue light that only Xu Ruofei could see went straight to the motorcycle man.

"Wanderer sucks blue!" Xu Ruofei narrowed his eyes slightly.

The light seemed to bounce off after hitting the man on the motorcycle.The ejection hit the motorcyclist in front.The two of them went limp, and the motorcycle instantly lost control.

Seeing that the baby was about to fall to the ground, Xu Ruofei took a deep breath, the wanderer's big move!
A blue shock wave rushed towards the two of them.

The position of the two of them just became the baby's meat pad, and they were not hurt.

Xu Ruofei breathed a sigh of relief.

Everyone looked at this scene in astonishment.

What the hell is going on here?
In the eyes of everyone, it seemed that the motorcycle suddenly lost control. When the two fell to the ground, they suddenly seemed to be pushed by something, and they drifted for a certain distance before falling.

Nobody knows exactly what's going on here, it's just very weird and magical.

With the help of other people, the old man stood up, but his skin was scratched a little, nothing happened.I was impatient just now, so I fell down.The two hugged the baby, but the tears couldn't stop flowing down.

Tears dripped from the tip of the nose to the lips, a little bitter.

The two called the police.

I just don't know why the two people who stole the child feel weak and weak.

What's happening here?
Is there really a god in this world who helped him?

The couple was puzzled.

Xu Ruofei paid the bill and left.

Go back to your home.

Today is the day when "Tomb Raiders Notes" is finished.Because Xu Ruofei often updates readers, the update is very fast.The pacing of the book also ends early.It’s just that there are a lot of holes left unfilled in Tomb Raider Notes.There are many unanswered questions.

However, as the original author wrote it this way, it is naturally impossible for Xu Ruofei to make it up randomly.

Open the book review area, many readers have left their own footprints.

Book friend 21546465: What a great book, it ends like this.What is the subject of the next book?Is it still this type?
Kesi Wang: The author's level is not bad.The next one is definitely better.This rookie is so strong for the first time.It will definitely improve in the future.Looking forward to the next book.

Chen Beixuan: Generally speaking, the level of authors will improve.One book is better than the other.But this one is already excellent.I suspect that the author is likely to be such a pinnacle work.The rest is left to the fans before.Probably not very exciting.The routine remains unchanged.Getting dumped by his girlfriend at the beginning, of course supernatural is returning from learning.Or more realistic.

Student Big Boss: Fast Food Culture for Recreation, What Good Books Can You Expect?

Fuxian Unicorn: Not necessarily.Sometimes, the author is careful.Everyone can feel it.If you like it, subscribe, if you don't like it, don't subscribe.

Xu Ruofei thought for a while and put something he wrote on the top of the book review area: A new book will be published tomorrow.Let me give you a warning, this time it’s not supernatural.

As soon as the book review comes out.

The whole reply exploded!
"Supernatural boss, he quit!"

"A supernatural one just came out, and actually announced to write another type of book?"

"It's all a website, so there's no reason to change jobs. However, writing a book in another category is a challenge for previous readers. If the type of writing you write is not the type they like, they may not continue to follow your book."

"That's not true. Maybe the author has written it, and it will be equally popular no matter what category it is."

"Do you know Tang San? Tang San actually tried to write books in other categories before, such as cities and the like. The results were not as good as fantasy themes. So find out your own position and write the themes you are good at. Only then can more people Many readers like themselves. Of course there is a premise, that is persistence and hard work. Tang San has been updating for eight years. Something must happen in these eight years. People will not get sick? People will not be tired? And even if they are married It will continue after the update is completed that day."

"So a hard-working author is far better than a lazy author who doesn't know how popular he is."

"I once heard the editor Zui Qingfeng say that if an author fails to produce results after one book, it means that his talent is very weak. He is not suitable for writing books. Don't waste time."

"Your point of view is purely incorrect. Do you know the author Tomato? Tomato belongs to the kind of accumulated experience. He once did one thing, that is, scanned all the books on the ranking list. I have a thick notebook. I have reached my current height through accumulated experience.”

"Although online literature is fast food culture, in fact, fast food culture also needs to improve. Follow the times. Some old routines have no market. Writing books that are more interesting and make everyone happy is the mainstream."

Xu Ruofei watched netizens have different opinions, but in fact, there is no shortage of geniuses in writing.What is lacking is the genius who has grown up, and the genius who has been renewed a lot.

Some people become famous, and they update every day, and only publish a chapter occasionally.

No one said this was bad, because the book was good, and people still read it, but the readers felt uncomfortable.After waiting for a month, you just updated me with a chapter?
The author is big, hurry up and type!
Xu Ruofei shook his head, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and decided to send another message in the book review area.

This time it’s an urban book!
The topic is.
(End of this chapter)

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