Unlimited Supreme Live Streaming System

Chapter 422 Belonging to the Team

Chapter 422 Belonging to the Team
With this scream, everyone seemed to see a huge black shadow in the hazy fog.

"what is that!?"

"Fuck! What a big one!"

"Damn! It's BOSS!!"

Due to the large number of players, it is already in a state of crushing the butterfly.A butterfly will be chased and killed by dozens of players, and some unlucky butterflies will even be intercepted and killed by thirty or forty players.

In this state, the fog thickens very quickly.

In about half an hour, this huge black shadow had already appeared.

For some reason, everyone only saw a huge black shadow, but they couldn't see the surrounding players.In addition to being able to hear the player's voice.This made everyone's hearts tense.

Feeling a chill down the back.

In the mist, a pair of blood-red eyes appeared, staring at the player ferociously.

With the clarity of the black shadow, everyone finally saw it clearly!

This is a boss!




All players gasped!
at the same time.

Inside the Super God Heroes Island company.

"Director, someone has triggered the boss of the frenzy." A designer was holding a notebook, and there was a customer service next to him.

The supervisor was still smoking, and he was choked when he saw this: "Ahem. Didn't the players discover the frenzy boss setting all the time? I thought no one would know about this setting."

The designer frowned: "Well, that's true. But we didn't announce the frenzy information to the players. It's the best experience to leave some unknown things for the players. Only this time."

"No one has ever triggered the frenzy. Every time there is a frenzy, the incorporeal body of the boss will be condensed. The incorporeal bodies that appeared before are probably all superimposed on this boss. It should be difficult to kill." The supervisor took a puff of cigarette, and then put the cigarette end Put it out in a cigarette holder and throw it away.

The customer service stood aside: "Is there anything we need to do?"

"Aren't you going to update the water demon hero and puppet master tomorrow? Put this information into the program in advance. It is an early update. If they can win, there is a chance to explode these things. Go and arrange it. Then ask the assistant to go to the official website Update the content. It is said that the update is ahead of time. It is a compensation for the players."

"It's just that I didn't expect that someone would discover the Fog Frenzy. Originally, I thought that no one would be able to discover it unless the designer who designed this game told me. I didn't expect that someone would discover it by accident this time. But I I’m very curious, who discovered this setting?”

The customer service hesitated and said, "It's a seraph."

Misty deep forest.

Centipede appears!
At this moment, the senior players who occasionally pass by around cannot enter the range of this map.

All are stuck here.

Many players around are talking about it.

"What's going on with this map? Why can't I enter this area? Is it a bug?"

"No. Look, there seems to be fog there! And it seems that you can see a giant centipede!"

"It's impossible. I've been playing Super Hero Island for so long, and I've never seen this BOSS before!"

Players have different opinions.

Could it be that Seraphim is someone from inside the game company?
I go! !
The players talked a lot.

But here, too, a tense battle has begun.

"Knights follow!"

"Mage! All big moves!"

"Quickly open the knight! Don't open under heavy pressure, this boss is immune to these buffs!"

Many mercenary captains and cadres commanded their teams to fight.Almost all attacks fell on this boss.

Although this boss has a lot of blood, there are also many players.Thousands of people attack a huge boss at the same time!The scale is very large and very passionate.

And there are many creatures summoned by the player around.The poisonous snake totem and plague totem summoned by the mage continue to attack the boss.Gunpowder uses wolf heroines to summon wolf pups to attack, and some richer players use twin heroes to summon mirror images.

The mirror image has a certain survival time and looks the same as the player.It is difficult to separate the main body, the only difference is that the attack power of the mirror image is only a certain percentage of the attack power of the main body.Has no defensive properties.

It is most suitable for assisting attacks and bewitching sight.Gemini's ultimate move is one of the few and can only be used against local players.Can suck other people's blood in an instant.One inhalation can restore thousands of blood.However, it can only be used on players and cannot be activated on any wild monsters.

at this time.Members of the rising dynasty also came to this place one after another to join the fierce battle.

The dazzling skills are like fireworks all over the sky, colorful!
"Kill this centipede!!"

Everyone is constantly grinding the blood of this BOSS. If you kill it, something good will definitely come out! !
The centipede let out a roar, swung its huge tail suddenly, and sent several players flying.

"No, this boss has a knock-up effect!"

someone shouted.

next moment!
Another bunch of players were kicked away!

This time, the player finally experienced what it was like to fly, but... it was flying.

That expression was like a roller coaster out of control, with a look of bewilderment and panic.

"Which team does it belong to?" Sa frowned.

"Captain, it seems that he belongs to the Lost Mercenary Group now. It's their leader Xiaohe!"

The voice fell.

There was only one person in Xiaohe's team, because the knights added blood and couldn't keep up.died.


Centipede blood volume increased by 20.00%!

Although not like the legendary boss Redis.Full blood at one time, and the upper limit of blood has increased by more than 100 million.

But now if one person belonging to the team dies, 20.00% health will be restored.Very difficult.

"No, Xiaohe's team has been attacked!"

Everyone was surprised to find that a mercenary group had come, and it was also from the Federation camp.Actually directly open the forced pk.

Xiaohe's team was fighting against the boss with difficulty, but they were suddenly attacked and couldn't take care of it at all.

In an instant, the entire team was wiped out!

The boss is instantly full of blood!

The surrounding players were silent, looking angrily at this sneak attack team.

"Zifeng, are you sick?"

"Can't you see that if one of the bosses in your team dies, will part of the blood be restored?"

"Fuck, I didn't call your Yuedu mercenary group to come here at all. You come here to be a fart!!"

Zhuifeng put his hands in his pockets and sneered: "If you didn't shout, couldn't I come? It's ridiculous, does this map belong to your family? Don't forget, this is the scope of Nasha Wetland."

Xu Ruofei narrowed his eyes and said coldly, "What do you mean!"

"What do I mean, you still don't know? Look around. Hahahaha." Zhuifeng laughed loudly.

"Seraphim, we meet again." Tiramisu led the imperial mercenary group to surround the players in the federal camp.

Form a situation of outflanking and ambush on all sides.

Xu Ruofei was stunned.


This is Nasha Wetland.

From this map, Federation players and Empire players officially started a struggle.

(End of this chapter)

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