Unlimited Supreme Live Streaming System

Chapter 35 Waiting for Fermentation

Chapter 35 Waiting for Fermentation
When Cheng Tiantian's field of vision entered the Quantum Ant, he saw a separate office.An exquisite mahogany desk is placed at the front of this office.A notebook and some documents are placed on the desktop.Behind the table is a European-style leather chair.

"MMP, why are they all useless things?" Cheng Tiantian looked around through the vision opened by the quantum ants.

Cheng Tiantian stared at those documents and thought for a while, maybe there is a breakthrough here.Apart from the contract, the documents on the desktop are almost planning plans.It doesn't seem to work.

Below the tabletops were some cabinets, locked with locks, obviously containing important items.Ants are very small in size.Climbed in.

The pitch-black environment did not affect the field of vision at all, and it could still be seen.

At this moment, all these things were photographed by the camera enjoying the free shipping service, and several other drawers were also photographed.

After doing all this, Cheng Tiantian closed the vision of Quantum Ant.

With this thing, spies and everything else are child's play.

"It's done! All that's left is to see if there's anything in these files that can help me."

The system can wash out the content shot by a SLR camera. Of course, the price is very cheap, which is the price of an egg.

Cheng Tiantian stared at these photos carefully and kept thinking.

"Damn it, it really is the Liability Live Streaming Platform that is planning all of this behind the scenes. This damn thing hit the street." Among these documents are official seals, and there are official seal-specific serial numbers on them.

"It's a pity that there are no doom dice. Otherwise, if you use it directly on this company, I don't know what interesting things will happen." Cheng Tiantian suddenly felt that the system's doom dice seemed to be very powerful.Of course, I don't know if it can only be used by individuals.

"Tax evasion. This thing is enough for their company to eat a pot. But it's not a fatal thing."

Although Cheng Tiantian is an anchor, he knows a lot, most of which are obtained through reading.At this time, it has been fully proved that reading more books is still beneficial, at least to be able to do more professional and compelling things.

Cheng Tiantian also saw something about the latest news.One of them made Cheng Tiantian laugh.

The above content is a long-term sponsorship contract, but the other party hopes that he can reply before noon today.And the reply signed on this contract is OK, which means agreeing.

Cheng Tiantian simply asked Quantum Ant to get rid of the OK word directly through some means.

That is to say, if there is no clear answer, the person in charge of the ability live broadcast may explode himself.
Just when Cheng Tiantian started to fight back, he was suddenly taken aback.

"Almost forgot, there is also the matter of IP." Sending out these contents is tantamount to directly exposing his whereabouts. You can find yourself directly by IP address.When the time comes to ask where these things come from, I am afraid it will be difficult for everyone to tell.

"System? Is there a solution."

The host can use [Eliminator]!
"It seems that there is such a thing."

So Cheng Tiantian made all the preparations and posted directly.Posted all the files, not just in one post, but in multiple places and forums.After using the Eliminator, I found that all the things I sent, including the IP, disappeared completely.

"Absolutely!" Cheng Tiantian realized the power of the system for the first time.

Even if my previous self had redeemed some gift packages, I didn't have such a strong feeling.

This is simply a collection of black technology!
And now I seem to feel like a hacker.

I go!

Instantly feel taller!
And in the next second, Cheng Tiantian suddenly discovered that there was a report and a photo in the printed thing.This report was issued by the hospital. In fact, there is no disease in the body. Please consult psychologically.

"Damn it! You're in your 30s and still wet the bed! This thing is crazy!"

This test is why he still has the habit of wetting the bed in his 30s.At first, I suspected it was a physical problem, but after checking, there was nothing wrong with it.old iron.

So Cheng Tiantian changed the title to "Click to open, there are surprises, and the ability to broadcast interesting stories on the platform!"

The beginning of the text is not a direct texture, but a paragraph of content:
"Why did the [-]-year-old lady die tragically on the street, why did hundreds of donkeys scream in the middle of the night, why the girls' dormitories were frequently stolen, who was responsible for the serial sow case, and whether the old nun's door was knocked every night, whether it was a human or a ghost."

"What is hidden behind the accidental death of hundreds of bitches. Is it the distortion of human nature or the loss of morality behind all this? For details, please see the enlarged picture below."

Then comes the actual texture.

As for the arrangement to do so, it is naturally because in this era, postings are usually easily replaced by new postings.Unless there is a water army in operation, as long as it is not the top content, the popularity will hardly last for a long time.

At this time, Cheng Tiantian was at the forefront of many post bars, and there must be a navy staring at him. Once he posted a post in the name of clarification, it would definitely backfire.

Instead of this, it is better to use some other methods to quickly gain traffic for this post, and it will be too late by the time the navy reacts.And this time will also expose the connection between the navy and the post of the Meteorological Bureau.When the time comes, everything will fall into place.

The last picture is a picture of bedwetting. If he finds out about it, he might be playing with it.

After doing all this, Cheng Tiantian silently closed everything.Because before the shutdown, he started to see the exponential increase in the number of posts.

Just wait for things to ferment.

"Haha. Sure enough, the colorful flags are fluttering outside, and the red flags at home are not falling down. Just wait for it to ferment." Cheng Tiantian finished all this, made a cup of instant noodles, and fell asleep after eating.

He didn't know how much impact this post had on the ability live broadcast.

"Hey, there is a surprise after I clicked on this post? Could it be a welfare map?"

Many netizens clicked on this post out of curiosity.When they saw the eighty-year-old lady, their curiosity was further expanded.

Tieba in this era are all small pictures, especially on mobile phones, and even more so. They are not very clear. You can only see what the picture is by clicking to enlarge it.

So many people clicked to open it, and the more they looked, the more surprised they became.It's pretty much all corporate documents, and it's clearly a hidden backroom ledger.Even those who have graduated from primary school can see that this is a fraudulent account.

Because this mental retardation wrote on the title, fake accounts.

Of course, it is very likely that it has been a long time, and it is easy to be confused with other content, or it may be convenient to distinguish.But that's someone else's business.

Anyway, in Cheng Tiantian's view, doing so can only mean that the other party either has poor memory or is mentally retarded.

So this post gradually became popular in various post bars.And because the navy has its own mission, as long as the post is guaranteed to be topped on the top page within a certain number of days, it has no time to take care of other things.

As the post gets more and more attention, this post is also known by more people.

(End of this chapter)

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